That the emergency room at the hospital is empty. Almost like last year when they said it was so bad!! And they are back to not allowing visitors in with the patient! When will this crap ever end?
I hate my state! We are governed by a bunch of lunatics!
I have a theory - besides the chip shortage - that new gas-powered cars aren't hitting the car lots because they want to get rid of gas powered cars and have us all go to electric! I think they are going to hold back as long as they can - then flood the market with electric cars and "force" people to buy them as that is all that is available! Have you noticed that almost all car commercials, heck, even TRUCK commercials, are for ELECTRIC powered vehicles? Thoughts??
Hello Frens! I just placed my MY PILLOW order this morning!! Can't wait to get my new sheets, set of towels, and My Slippers!!! God Bless Mike Lindell and God Bless all on this site!
Hello! Does anyone have the dates for his upcoming rallies?? I'm HOPING to see him when he comes to Iowa. God Bless America!!!
So, nothing about Maricopa County??? I don't even see anything on the news, etc....
My sister - who lives in Jacksonville, Florida - just texted me and said that her husband met with a neurosurgeon - he needs surgery, but he can't have it due to the "overwhelming" covid "inpatients". According to my sister, he will remain on crutches / wheelchair and in constant pain! These hospitals need to be held FINANCIALLY responsible for the pain and suffering they are causing regular patients due to their LIES!!
I'm looking for information or links to the jabs containing aborted fetal cells. I tried searching here and didn't find anything. Anything would be very helpful! Thanks!
I just made an appointment with my doctor to try and get a medical exemption. Will decide next steps after that. Please keep us unvaxxed employees in your prayers! We are going to need them! God Bless!
I want to show it to a friend. Thank you!
We just got this at work today - I work on a healthcare setting - NON-CLINICAL:
Good Afternoon –
As of today, below are the guidelines for wearing masks within OSF, specific to our setting or administrative location.
Please know that I am responsible for knowing whether you have receive the vaccination as outlined below per our Occupational Health Portal. If you have received the vaccine but NOT submitted your information, please do so, otherwise I will have to assume you have not receive your vaccination and if in the building need to continue to wear a mask.
Please reach out if you have any questions!
NON-PATIENT CARE SETTINGS Staff who work in or are visiting areas where there is no potential for direct interactions with patients (such as an administrative building) may discontinue masking if they meet the following vaccination status definitions: Vaccination status definition:
- You must have received the required covid-19 vaccine does by the manufacturer (received two doses of Pfizer or Moderna, and one dose for J & J).
- You must have waited 14 days after receiving your final vaccine dose based on guidelines.
So, they will know right away who has / has not gotten the jab! What a bunch of crap!
Is that flag picture on GA new - or have I been asleep?? It's a gorgeous pic - with the rainbow! God Bless!
I have noticed that I no longer see comments on sites like Townhall, Gateway Pundit, etc... I don't accept cookies for all sites - is that the reason I no longer see the comments? The ONLY site where I can view and post comments is this one - GAW!!
I don't have the option to make my background dark while in GAW - is anyone else having an issue?