Make sure you know the truth...
This video will show you exactly how receive eternal life. Watch it all...
Yes, that's correct.
You must recognize you are a sinner on your way to hell because of your sin, and trust Christ to save you.
A lot of people get confused and think they must save themselves by quitting their sin, or by trying their hardest to stop sinning.
That's not the good news.
The good news is Christ died for sinners and anyone who wants the free gift of eternal life can have it by trusting Christ to take them to heaven!
You don't even have to repent of your sinful nature. To repent of your sinful nature would mean to stop being sinful.
But the bible is clear, turning from your evil way is WORKS, and we are not saved by works!
"And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way" - Jonah 3:10 KJV
It's not a larp.
Just paste Lin's password into a SHA512 generator and it matches the hash that Isaac posted before his death.