tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

My memories go back a LONG time on some of the stuff related to Obummer...

I distinctly remember a phone interview with a girl classmate of Obama's which wasn't very flattering. He smoked a lot of pot and wasn't a very good student. They were VERY surprised he could EVER become president. She also spoke about his affairs at the Trinity United Church of Christ under Pastor Jeremiah Wright not because she had knowledge of them but because they had already happened and because of the deaths involved at the church. It was a very good interview, but it was a long time ago and I have not been able to find it again.

There were also the nude photos of Stanley Ann Durham that I recently found under "explicit photos of Stanley Ann Dunham" that are still online...I won't give a link...they were actually posted on media.communities.win...you can find it on your own. These were supposedly taken by Frank Marshall Davis who she was involved with, and this is where there was speculation as to who his birth parents actually were. It is well known he was influenced by Marshall, and it wasn't just political...he wrote a book "Sex Rebel" under a pseudonym...here is an interesting link...


I believe he looks like the founder of the Indonesian Islamic cult known as Subud, "Bapak"...Ann Dunham was a member. This goes into the birth certificate controversy with Fuddy and the fake birth certificate and her subsequent "death". What exactly is Obama's lineage?



This is a link to the Dunham's and Obama's links to the CIA.


Anyway, it is so obvious there are MANY things wrong with Obummer from start to finish. I hope you find some interesting reading. Anyone that has been around since the 2008 election is probably aware of much of this. Perhaps some of it is not well-known. All this info is buried very deep in my brain files, and they are certainly a mess but believe me after the 2008 election I had a field day finding out about so much that was going on but it is all long ago and far away...

tweety51A 6 points ago +6 / -0

This saddens me greatly...she was a great anon and loved you so much...RIP lovely anon...😇...😢...I know you will miss her and I pray you two will be reunited for all of eternity...my sincere condolences.


Go Rest High On That Mountain...

Revelation 21:4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away.

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Pauling said arterial plaque was the result of the body trying to repair damage caused by a long-term vitamin C deficiency. He believed heart disease was a form of low-level scurvy (yes, the disease that used to strike sailors of old on long ocean voyages) and that the plaque was due to the body reinforcing and patching up weakened areas of the blood vessels that would otherwise rupture.

Pauling also showed that heart disease could be prevented or treated by taking vitamin C and other supplements. Just as carrying limes and other citrus fruits on ships became the norm when we found out it stopped the dreaded scurvy.

Pauling’s Revolutionary Theory Was Developed On Several Important Scientific Findings: FIRSTLY: Plaque deposits found in human aortas are made from a special form of cholesterol called Lipoprotein a or Lp(a), not from ordinary LDL cholesterol. Lp(a) is a special form of cholesterol that forms the thick sheets of plaque that obstruct arteries.

SECONDLY: Plaque deposits are not deposited uniformly around the circulatory system, instead, they only occur at sites near the heart, on bends, and where mechanical pressure is great. These are points where the artery gets stretched and bent with every heartbeat.

AND LASTLY: That plaque only forms in parts of the artery that are damaged from this constant bending and stretching. As tiny cracks appear in the artery wall, Lysine a component of collagen is slowly released. This lysine attracts Lp(a) to the site of the crack and as time progresses the sheets of Lp(a) deposit on top of each other and start to develop into a dangerous blockage.

As Pauling observed the process of plaque formation, which was similar to that of scurvy, he also noticed other clues that support his theory.



PLEASE STOP RIGHT NOW TO CONSIDER THOSE TWO POINTS! They show the direct link between Vitamin C deficiency and Heart Disease! There have also been animal studies that have been found to support his theory. Studies on animals such as guinea pigs which cannot produce their own Vitamin C show that when dietary vitamin C levels are restricted, collagen production drops, and the blood vessels become weaker and thinner. At the same time, the animal begins to increase the blood levels of Lp(a) and plaque is seen to form at points of potential rupture and damage."

Copied from: https://t.co/7K5w1otPa3

Disclaimer: I am also a researcher, not a doctor, so we have something in common.

BTW my husband and I both take 10,000 IU's of Vitamin D daily with a Super K from Life Extension. We recently had heart scans and his calcium score was very high. Mine was higher than it should be. We maintain about 65 ng/mL of D so I was surprised that we would have this problem. Because of the info above, our arteries are constantly patching up the lesions so that the K is not able to keep up at those sites. You need to heal the underlying sub-clinical scurvy. The other post is a gold mine of info about all this and it would be worth looking at.

Would love your feedback on all the Vitamin info links...

tweety51A 3 points ago +3 / -0

I truly have not come across anything yet that would indicate this is the same condition we are talking about.

Myocarditis is inflammation and damage of the heart muscle known as myocardium. Most commonly caused by a viral infection, but can also be an infection of bacteria, fungi, parasite or a reaction to a drug.

The heart disease being addressed here is a narrowing of the blood vessels due to the body healing cholesterol on lesions caused by the sub-clinical scurvy condition. It involves multiple natural processes but can't completely heal until you correct the underlying Vitamin C deficiency. This is why heart drugs do not heal heart disease. This post has a ton of info on this naturally occurring process. I wondered the same thing, but I think we have to look at different protocols to treat the vaccine induced myocarditis...I do not think it would hurt, but I do not see it as an answer to myocarditis.

I would even like to see what effect high dose vitamin C would have on vaccine injured people...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lipoprotein (a), or Lp (a), is a protein that transports cholesterol in the blood. High levels of Lp (a) in the blood can increase the likelihood of plaques or blood clots forming in the arteries. As a result of this effect, Lp (a) can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The problem is the body is doing what is necessary to heal, but doctors treat this by giving statin drugs to lower cholesterol, when that is not the source of the problem...sub-clinical scurvy is...treatable with vitamin C...also there are hereditary conditions where you have high HDL levels and frankly doctors have made people think that cholesterol is the underlying problem and we all have high cholesterol that needs to be treated, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Clear as mud??? I hope the two articles I posted will prompt you to do more research so that you get off of statins or do not start them...based on what you find in the research...

tweety51A 4 points ago +4 / -0

Powdered Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is very available. I personally use Now's L-lysine. You know that is also the operative amino acid for shingles and all things herpes related. It also helps hair growth for those that have been affected with hair loss from covid. There is L-lysine available in bulk online but I have never used that. I did find this product that I think looks pretty good...


This is based on this testimony...


I have not read about Sarsaparilla...but I do like root beer...and you can make it at home...I glanced online and there appears to be some really great treatments utilizing it...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0


Enjoy this beautiful performance when you get a few minutes to relax this weekend...😊...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are blessed...pretty good gene pool...and VERY devoted family...💖...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

So I have heard...grandparents can be such an influence...for the good or the bad...you were lucky to know her...she was a wonder...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

How cute...and true...new one for me, of course...Grandma Dog was a saint, obviously...they made it work...

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well...my husband combined the Tippens protocol with the drugs that vastly reduce testosterone...after a year his numbers are great...cancer gone...he stopped the Tippens...but the urologist said he would have to take these drugs the rest of his life...I don't agree but I am sure he thinks that is why he is cured...

I would love for him to get on IVM or melatonin and let his testosterone get back to normal...the low testosterone creates a calcium imbalance so he had to get a calcium shot...he did the Tippens for me and the drugs for him...but I vote to ditch the drugs...but my vote doesn't count....he still works very hard but his energy is lower than normal...

at least he takes vitamins now and I have reversed his stage 3 kidney failure...his doctor loves me...I keep him on the straight and narrow when he listens to me...next is have him get off statins...

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought people would flock to hear this info...especially with all the turbo cancer but very little interest...on X it has gone crazy...reposted...one of my most shared posts.

I bought capsules from purebulk...but next time I order I will compare prices...whoever posted must have said that is where they got theirs...possibly because you can get it in bulk and fill it yourself...are you taking prophylactically or for cancer? How much do you take?

tweety51A 3 points ago +3 / -0


Smiling Shiba Inu at water fountain...cutest thing EVER...lucky owner!

tweety51A 11 points ago +11 / -0

"Grief is visceral, not reasonable: the howling at the center of grief is raw and real. It is love in its most wild form."...Megan Devine

Loss is hard but that is why God gives us memories...and a life well lived is always a joy...

At least your icon is immortal...

tweety51A 3 points ago +3 / -0

No at different times he shared what was in his library and /or what he was reading...and he was just a reader...very intelligent man...I have heard everything he ever said so it is all scattered among his talks and radio shows...it would have been nice to have a list...

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I took melatonin 10 mg. for years...I didn't have any trouble and I believe this is all the same...I was leary to take such a high dose and was glad there were no side effects...it would be interesting to know why some people are sensitive to it...others have said the same thing...would love an explanation...

tweety51A 3 points ago +3 / -0

When you get old you have to do something to stimulate the brain besides sudoku and word puzzles, etc...and there was no greater model than Bill Cooper...what an incredibly knowledgeable man...he was a do it yourself type of guy...I loved his reading library...could you imagine him on the loose today...

tweety51A 4 points ago +4 / -0

And you as well...I try to listen to at least one good video a day and I have included ALL of Bill Cooper's work...he was a wonder...

tweety51A 5 points ago +5 / -0

Great find Penisse...it is bad enough to be aware of all these medical patents...but I agree with the guy...I would like to know what the 6,000 hidden are all about...

tweety51A 4 points ago +4 / -0

I listened to it all...it is very good...I highly recommend...it breaks into smaller segments nicely...thanks for posting...he is an icon...

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