Halfway down the page...a corgi book 0552 15262 5. Corgi edition 1989 victor gollanz published 1988
It's a black front cover
This is why all of Archaixs chronology etc photos comes from old books old bibles...
Guess who owns all the publisher's
I buy secondhand books.
Sourcery page 179. ..he looked like someone who had just eaten a handful of pineal glands and washed them down with a pint of adrenachrome...
1988 publisher
Pratchett was so well read...he wrote a serious book I pick up and try to read now and again.
My favourite is thief of time..I love the auditors ...spirits who have been for millions of years and decide a circumstance required some of them acquiring human bodies with the five senses they know nothing about apart from intellectually.
It's hilarious..and makes you sympathise with humans having to deal with a whole gamut of emotions which they have not learnt how to control. Gave me a whole new perspective...auditor's reaction to chocolate! Hilarious!!
some people think they are for children!!
You cannot buy cotton underwear without elastic and lace ..and it's a very thin cotton. Why aren't they using hemp? Now bloodline du pont lost control and hemp is back in why aren't we seeing clothes made of hemp..it's wonderful stuff. Not only can you eat it it improves the soil and I watched videos hemp being used to make natural breathing houses.....do you know what it does to your resonance field in glass and chrome buildings? Think concrete ok as is natural earth product.
Why can't you buy the duplicator things? Make my own gun? and tools etc
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6uh3hf Robert sepeher vid.on the hidden hand of Rothschild
https://youtu.be/SBDS2w3Mmc4. Archaix chat on our immortality.
https://youtu.be/cKx7QyajnNg Robert sepeher anthropologist talks about meaning of eye of Horus
Alex talks about with delingpole on why cabal want us to stop smoking...and uncovers the way Russia ruined the plot to enslave us all through medical passports by bringing out their own vaccines and offering other countries free licensing .. God bless Russia..once again saving our bacon.
Reading Terry Pratchett's book last night he wrote in 1988 about someone eating a bag of pineal glands and drinking adrenachrome!!
Your pineal gland is your third eye..your link to the divine ..gospel of Thomas..if thine i be single thy body shall be full of light...Indians wear a Red dot to show where it is ..further back of course the Vatican show them everywhere..on the popes staff. Fluoride coats the gland.
Another reality going on in front of our noses back then!!
An anon pointed this out on motherboard and Its in my copy too.
Terry slipped so much knowledge into his fantasy books..he used to write for in house magazine nuclear industry and said he would write a book about it if anyone would believe it!!!
I was only quoting others as I am not qualified to say. However If we all remember when we drop the body all the things that seemed vital to us drops with the body.
Archaix remarks if we could see ourselves as we really are we are.... a blob for head and tendrils around what looks like a snake. This is what attaches us to the body and we give it a name...one of many names our avatars will be given
. Keeping this in mind every day means you never get that caught up in worldly things and desires. No one who does this will give in to passion to possess someone or something enough to kill for!.
So many sage's say remember who you are where you came from etc.
That's kind of you but I am not being deceived.
I understand that man has at times reverted back to an animal like existence ...but that does not mean the creator of all worlds..world without end does. That creator is outside time
I see what you are saying but it is not good to identify with the supposed god of the old testament. A jealous god demanding worship and killing all who refused to obey his commands to kill his enemies.
There is a lot that is coming out about the old testament and yahweh.
A god of love gives us something to aspire to.
You can't aspire to a god that encourages killing jealousy blackmail humiliating and having slaves etc. Nor is it good to pray to such an entity and resonate on that frequency.
Yes I have seen them...also what looks like a submarine...when you look at the story of Jonah being sent to nineva by submarine he fled in fear but was found and forced to go on it. His description shows you it's a submarine...
.thing is you are told these things as a child and they become part of your belief system but when you become a man you have to put away childish things...
What I love about Archaix is he has all the dates etc. He is a chronologist. I get exhausted listening to him I ..wish he would stop the coffee and slow down
We are sparks of the divine..we have the ability to love.
..when we get a human body we get glands...glands produce emotions...when we leave the body the glands are left behind.
...we get the ability here to a wide range of emotions...we must learn to control our emotions...they are like wild elephants and need to be controlled by intellect. No easy task...we must learn to remove the barriers that stop us loving others....
In the Bible and many other books are the templates to perfect love...the qualities true love has..patience kindness compassion honesty empathy etc and to remove the negative qualities of hate anger impatience laziness dishonesty cruelty judging etc
We are here to grow in love and understanding....how can anyone believe the creator of all would say those words.
People project their own minds on to the Creator of All...they judge..they condemn...they are cruel unloving etc.
By their fruits you will know them.
Starts page...
tunnel, making little shocked noises and completely ignoring the stones that were missing him by inches and in some cases hitting him by kilograms.
Further down page
Rincewind looked terrible. Creosote would have probably noted his flashing eyes and floating hair.
He looke like someone.......
Paragraph after.
Every single hair stood out from his head giving off little sparks.
Hope that's enough for you
They know that every reprint of the bible etc more and more is changed or deleted . Get a kolbrin bible with the book of jasher in it..Ethiopian bible has the book of Enoch in ..don't know about jasher.