user2827 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've seen arguments pro and con, but I do tend to believe that the vaxx is consistent with the mark. As in, you were restricted in ability to buy and sell without it, etc.

It represents an extra layer of speculation, but I suspect they witnessed something demonic coming for them.

(semi related, about 10-15 years ago I had a medical incident that put me in a coma for several days. I had an NDE, even though I did not "die" by any definition, where I had an interaction with what I could only describe as a "guardian angel" that I first thought was a nurse that was looking over me when I was partially conscious.... the thing is that in the week of recovery time after waking up, I asked to thank the nurse and gave the description, rolled through the hospital in the search and there was nobody even close to the being I saw. I don't remember most of the interaction, except the part that stuck with me and has shown true multiple times over the years and that was the message left of "Don't worry, everything always works out exactly the way it is supposed to.")

user2827 2 points ago +2 / -0

They already have been doing that, even when the FDA has confirmed results.

Sell cherries, no problem. Put "heart healthy" cherries (FDA confirmed studies) and the cherries are a drug.

Also worth noting that GRAS is anything that was thought of as "safe" while doctors were prescribing cigarettes for sore throat is SAFE until proven otherwise.

user2827 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would agree with you here, except for how many of them have people falling into traffic or on train tracks where, even if they weren't dying, would likely be deadly.

user2827 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've had seizures, never had more of a hallucination than the aura of warning. Usually has just been doing x and then 15 min to several hours later waking up and having someone tell me to relax because I just had a seizure.

user2827 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agreed, I suspect it is similar as with engineers. After 911, while I was still in construction, all the different trades I would talk to would explain from their profession, just why the towers could not have collapsed as they did.

So, one day the engineers are doing a walk through of the site I was on, so, I ask the guy some questions without mention to 911, and the guy confirms point by point by point, then I tie it all to NIST findings and he tells me that he would take whatever NIST found as correct.

user2827 14 points ago +14 / -0

Only speculation, but most of those looks like whatever they are seeing scares the shit out of them before they drop.

user2827 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is how people catch onto media gas lighting using gas stoves... seems a little on the nose, but whatever works.

user2827 2 points ago +2 / -0

You also have to factor in that "common sense" is something of a relative term. The common sense in an area that is much more hostile generally is going to be different from the common sense of looking both ways before crossing the street.

user2827 4 points ago +4 / -0

Side issue; I worked with a guy from there for a time, and he explained to me how it was in that area of the world. He told me that the big problem is that there are factions whose only interest is in killing people of opposing factions, and so they need iron fisted dictators to keep those groups from killing each other.

So, it's not that he was a "good guy" but was legitimately interested in creating the best circumstances for the largest portion possible.

(The guy described them all as animals, and mentioned a story of someone he knew that went to Saudi Arabia and stole something and got his hand cut off... the guy complained to that coworker how they cut off his hand and how his response was to the effect of "You know what they do if you get caught stealing, why would you even take that risk?")

user2827 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's easy to go too far too fast though, but I know it's happening because (anecdotally) my wife; when we met she was moderate left, as in she didn't want guns in the house, supported welfare, etc.

I started by bringing up Q proofs, which required a quick explanation and always caveated with "if this is true." Now, she's had such a strong turn around that she joined the conservative party (we're in canada), demanded that I get the PAL so we can get some guns (because the government promised more restrictions), and is now questioning if Trudeau and Biden are actually in real power over their countries.

The one part that gets me concern fagging is that, I've seen how far down some have to get before they hit rock bottom. Also, if biblical refers to revelation, shit will get far far worse before things get fixed.

user2827 2 points ago +2 / -0

True, but normies are starting to recognize that shits fucked up. People that are open, and if presented in the right way, can get people to acknowledge that there's something to Q.

user2827 1 point ago +1 / -0

Umm... you're actually the one that's taken on the positive claims where I've been making conditional claims (since I don't have a way to verify). Your claims rest on appeals to NASA's integrity (they spend 50 million per day and so have a motivation to justify that continued flow of cash, without getting into the various ways that they have been shown to have engaged in fakery), inferences (that, while logical, do have alternative explanations), and the rest was insults and using simplified equations that conveniently omitted the variables that I was mentioning.

Remember, NASA's claims are only observable in the context where they are not questioned. They are only repeatable with funding to the levels of a government organization like NASA, and when individuals have set out to validate in the best ways they were allowed, the outcomes were different from what NASA presented.

I'm also not questioning Newton, thermodynamics, or any scientific principle that I employ as an engineer. Remember that simplified equation you used as a bludgeon? That is only valid if Pe=Po, which is NOT the case for space travel (unless space has a greater density than the accepted 5 atoms per cm^3, and I mean by a significant amount), because that Po value becomes a far more complex equation in it's own right. Elsewhere in thread, I commented on the 2 potential outcomes, but the most likely is that as the back pressure dropping will require increased fuel expenditure to maintain thrust until it hits a limit. That's based on the equation that you thought I needed simplified.

Trust me, there was a LONG time where I had the same condescension, the same insults, the same "you don't understand science" points, accusing people of being shills or retards. All of it. Then I was confronted by evidence that challenged me to scrutinize the belief set and to be sure that I was vigilant in applying them rather than maintaining assumptions. Finally, as I've mentioned more than a few times, I'm not even claiming that humans haven't been to the moon or out in space, only that if it was actually accomplished that it was done using technologies or methods that are not what the public was presented, likely using a strategic manipulation of electromagnetism (the books treat magnetic attraction and repulsion as equal forces, but magnetic attraction is slightly stronger).

user2827 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember when I was coming at people with the same condescension as people who would not "tRuSt tHe sCiEnCe" from NASA, I even engaged in some of the misapplications of principles that I didn't quite understand that you're doing (hopefully unintentionally). What you're demonstrating is that you've been indoctrinated to believe these things and never scrutinized them, I went through the same. Seeing some vacuum chamber experiments were something of a mind fuck initially.

Did you use the simple formula because you wanted to tag the extra insult in there, or did you avoid the full formula because you know the implications?

BTW, it's not "denying space", I was explaining the issues that arise with the thermodynamic problems that arise with the relative pressure systems. Don't worry, NASA will come up with some pretty images to keep justifying the 50 million dollars per day that they need to maintain.

tRuSt tHe sCiEnCe

user2827 1 point ago +1 / -0

First, thanks, that gives a bit better understanding of what you meant by pushing against the exhaust; combustion is high pressure, the throat is a pressure drop, and the high velocity combustion pushes against the low velocity exhaust. Unfortunately, that only gets you half-way there without disproving my point as that system still requires the back pressure of an atmosphere, where dropping the exterior pressure to ~0 means that the low pressure after the neck is going to have a relative suction from the near vacuum.

That will produce one of two effects; a) the combustion process gets sucked through the neck which will need far more combustion to maintain the same thrust, or b) because the 1000-1200psi in the combustion chamber has ~0 pressure instead of atmosphere will gradually increase to ~14000-60000psi.

if a) the efficiency drops and far more fuel is required. if b) the whole system fails.

Ex of how pressure vessels are relative to the system they are in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSZMNu4PWf8 (2:28-2:33).

Which brings me back to the point, that if space travel is really going on, it's using some different methodology than what we are presented, OR, space is not the vacuum we are taught.

Counterpoint time, I have 2 main pieces of scientifically validated and peer-reviewed pieces of evidence that the earth is a contained system, that Christians might call the "firmament".

The first, I've mentioned, and the most common counter is "gravity" (although gravity is the weakest force that does not exist at the quantum level). You cannot have 2 differential pressure systems without a barrier between them, and just like in a propane tank, the top of the tank will have a lower pressure than the bottom, but if you open it up it will, and relatively quickly, balance with the atmospheric pressure (just don't light a match if you plan to test that out).

The second, and stronger argument, is that there exists an electrostatic gradient on the planet that has been measured at ~100V/meter up to 80km (where the ionosphere begins), that's 80kV relative to earth ground. Electrostatic gradients exist within capacitance, capacitance can only exist between two materials with a gap between them, the most commonly known is that the air/water friction can increase the electrostatic voltage through friction until there is the breakdown of the medium and the effect we call lightning (even though we don't see lightning from 80km).

user2827 0 points ago +1 / -1

Except the exhaust is just expanding away, there's nothing substantial enough for the thrust to be maintained.

user2827 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not disputing Newton as much as saying you're misapplying it.

For every action is an equal and opposite reaction, if it's down to a few atoms per cubic centimeter, there's not enough action to maintain the reaction (thrust).

user2827 0 points ago +1 / -1

What you're describing is axial pressure leading to tangential force, a concept that works great where there is atmospheric pressure to act against.

When there's no atmosphere, there's nothing to push against.

An equivalent would be like trying to run up stairs that are collapsing, there's not the back pressure and while you might push the stair downward, it's not going to lead to the same upward acceleration.

user2827 1 point ago +1 / -0

You dodged each question your way. You conflated me with another poster, kept saying it's all deep fake, when I only said that a rocket engine can't get thrust in a vacuum because there's not enough matter to push against to obtain the reaction of thrust.

Anyway, I'll answer another of your questions:

Space is inferred as near vacuum because atomspheric density declines with altitude.

user2827 1 point ago +1 / -0

STFU you didn't suggest anything... do you need me to list the inferences you've made so far?

Or better, can you answer the questions since you're now onto the insult phase?

You know you have a strong argument when your first resort was a fallacy and your second reaction was insults.

user2827 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jumps in straight with insults, clearly you're so smart that you missed the part where I said "a rounding error away from a true vacuum".

5 atoms per cm^3 appears to be roughly the consensus.

user2827 0 points ago +1 / -1

Exactly, the exhaust action pushes the air and the equal and opposite reaction is the thrust. When there's no air, there's nothing to maintain that thrust.

On a smaller scale, this can be demonstrated using ionic wind for thrust, if placed in a vacuum chamber, once the air levels drop so does the thrust because there's not enough material to push.

user2827 4 points ago +6 / -2

Yes, I'm also aware that the project was originally set to launch in 2018.

Remember, NASA gets 50 million per day, they need something to justify their continued existence.

user2827 1 point ago +2 / -1

You're using fallacious reasoning here. I never said it was deep fake, you have been trying to push that argument on me as though I was making that argument. This is reddit-tier thinking.

I notice you're also dodging the question.

Are you suggesting that space is anything other than a rounding error from a true vacuum, as stated in any scientific book on the subject?

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