Thank you. Another black hole, hard to tell. Guess we'll never know the full story. I mean, Mossad has a great reputation for black ops, but if the Saudis are better, then they have not shown any inkling of it ever. Have you heard of any Saudi black ops story, y'know?
Interesting. I think there are many factions, and we should not dismiss the industry of those who control Epstein etc. And those who offed JFK. I don't think he should pooh-pooh the non-China elites, haven't he heard of the shadowy banking hulk called BlackRock? I'd be very surprised if China is the main shadowy controller behind Davos etc.
Didn't understand what he meant by China's blackmail stuff being stolen. The people who run gnews said that they were deliberately leaked because it was a dog-eat-dog world at the top of CCP. The latter is more believable, because it must have been a huge secret ops involving lots of people. Some of them will fight back if they thought they were going to be rounded up and disappeared.
Anyway I don't understand what the poster meant in the post title. Huh?
Trump has to be looking like he's fighting clean until Nov 3 is done. If Biden-Harris go down in flames (more and more likely), Dems will try to push Nancy as a caretaker because they will say our side cheated. Alinsky tactics as usual.
So clean hands. Does anyone have any better tactical posture?
I guess some three-letter-agency wanted to test the documents (purportedly sent to Tucker's producers by someone, sounds like a whistleblower) for fingerprints and DNA.
It was so critical for them to attempt to find the originator of the documents that they took all the time they needed and didn't even get to fake a delayed delivery.
Plenty of shady going-ons there, too many to be mere coincidences. Also a nexus of bad Hollywood behavior, and no doubt politicians are also drawn there like flies. If anyone wants to research it, the uber celeb rumor site CDAN has lots of mentions of that place:
(CDAN's blog has issues on Palemoon, take note.)
To add to Plebbitimmigrant's reply, in past discussions elsewhere, DOE's Q clearance was brought up. Here is a useful page:
Wikipedia article doesn't say why they used the letter Q or when they started specifically using that designation.
Interestingly, Ian Fleming, who worked in British intel, wrote many James Bond stories in the 1950s and had Q as a character. So Q designating a form of Top Secret clearance may have emerged culturally among US and UK intel personnel during the WW2.
I agree that the origins of the virus is now murky. One of Dr Yan's papers covered how genetic databases could be manipulated to create a false data trail. So that's all up in the air now.
Not just Vit D. Modern agri bred crops for harvest size, there is too little done on boosting vitamin and mineral content. In modern civilization, foods don't have enough vits and minerals. But I think zinc is more important than any vitamin, read this:
Read et al _ The Role of Zinc in Antiviral Immunity
I don't think they are targeting blacks. Until recently, they were reliable Dem voters. What we do know is that the virus has SAR-like traits (whether natural or unnatural, probably unnatural) targeting the ACE2 receptor which is abundant in lungs. Especially lungs of Asians and smokers, I believe. Then again, the CCP won't mind killing their own in the name of consolidating power.
Perhaps it didn't have to be highly targeted, because globalists are waging war on all of us. One endgame is global economic reset, with them holding all the keys to wealth while all of us are forced to use digital cash (which is not real money, just a database entry, and doesn't threaten bankers while they control us.) So it didn't have to kill too many, only enough to bring about global economic control.
Journos friendly to Trump signalled that Durham will be after the elections. Personally, leaving Trump with "clean hands" is better. There is distancing, definitely, because Rudy and Bannon is handling nasty stuff. Q also said that things can change because of actions taken.
Right now Biden-Harris is crashing and burning, so the Dems will claim that Trump cheated, and try to bring Nancy into play. So it is much better for Trump to have clean hands.
We are all working with fragmentary bits of information, so we are just really throwing ideas about. Who knows the real truth? Remember the interviewer who didn't bat an eyelid when someone said No Name was put to death? No double take? So does any one of us regular folks really know the real truth? The whole story? Nope. Most stuff are still guesses, not factual.
Let's think of this as a discussion of information and ideas. Let us not apply a culture similar to gaming achievements. Perhaps I am simply an old skool fool, but I totally have no idea why some of you here are so focused on the "I'm right, you're wrong" business. It's like chest-beating.
We discuss and share information and ideas. Who was right about Rudy? Who was right about Bannon (leaving aside his grooming standards (perhaps it's PSTD from seeing too much shit))?
Never mind who was right or wrong! Just let us think and talk.
The bigger umbrella is Satanism. Pedophilia is one aspect.
RIP Stanley Kubrick.
Don't hold your breath, fellas.
There were a lot of issues with Biosphere 2. We haven't even mastered such enclosed habitats.
It will only happen with UFO tech, when transport between planets is easy. I will still agree that Elon will be the founder of Venusville on Mars.
Agree. But as we have seen, our side is fine with keeping Haspel around too. So they are chess pieces to be exploited. When buying time, our side has no problem keeping them around. Dunno if they are surveilled, but I'm inclined to think that at least some bad actors in FBI and CIA are monitored in order to catch them in the act.
Well, I assume the Q team isn't dumb, haha. And someone IS filing all those court stuff. So I don't get worked up over this, and there is really too little data to definitively crucify anyone of them so far. Did Rosenstein do things willingly? Before? Now? That deer-in-the-headlights look at one of the Mueller press conferences? I'm just throwing ideas around and shooting the breeze.
Thank you for the info.
Do note that the clip linked to by Q post 4903 ( ) is from a later scene in Crimson Tide, when the EAM message was received and in that later scene, it was not a drill. The WSRT line was in an earlier scene.
Just after the scene linked by the Q post, in the movie, Captain Ramsey (Hackman) ordered two sets of five missiles to be spinned up. 5:5?
Where did you read that Red October means radio silence? In the movie, the submarine has a so-called caterpillar drive, no propeller, so silent propulsion. In the movie's plot, the sub goes radio silent because Ramius and the officers were plotting to defect. I don't see a "radio silence" hint in those postings.
I think the propaganda war will be really big. So the fake news etc counterattack may be termed as days of darkness. I'm expecting Internet sabotage too.
Comments. I searched Q posts on, there is no match for 1SQ, so Q has not mentioned 1SQ directly except for the recent post 4903:
Also, 5:5 not explained by the posted page. But if you see the movie, or read the subtitles:
After 1SQ they spin up two sets of five missiles. Dialogue from SRT file:
00:45:54,502 --> 00:45:59,005 <i>Spin up missiles one through five</i> <i>and 20 through 24.</i>
I'm not sure how much can be usefully decoded, but I agree the general gist is this: BOOM.
Well, the idea is interesting, and it's the first time I've heard of this theory. I'll just try to keep an open mind here. It's interesting though, I've not read any news stories of China or CCP doing some kind of retaliation or applying public pressure against Israel or SA, for example, like the back-and-forth between the Trump admin and CCP or its surrogates. Nothing bubbling into the public sphere. Well, we'll see.