valentinesdaze 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's the hypocrisy that gets me. If I used any one of those words in post, I'd get banned for hate speach. But I'm with you that blanket statements and overgeneralizations concerning an entire group of people shouldn't be made. That goes both ways.

valentinesdaze 3 points ago +3 / -0

Damn you're good!! If you can read this pull me out of the swamp lol. Thank you kindly for your input. So much to research! I remember reading that Disney was doing scuba expeditions on Epstein island but we all know Disney is evil af so...

valentinesdaze 2 points ago +2 / -0

None others that I'm aware of that are EMC specifically but if it's real I'm sure they are out there. There is HAARP in Colorado Springs (weather control) China Lake CA comes up a lot. I find/found them on sites like these. I can post links if you wish. I happened upon them looking into Monarch mind control and the systematic abuse that is undertaken in order to split the personality and install typified personalities. I am relatively new to this. I've only been opening my eyes to most of this in the last 3 months. That being said, please don't put words in my mouth. I didn't imply anything of the sort. I am under the impression that they already do perform background checks in order to obtain a weapon legally. I would think if you had a specific mental illness or say, you had been hospitalized for mental illness that it would be harder to get a gun permit. I myself have been diagnosed with a couple and I do not have a gun permit so I'm not the best person to ask. Maybe another person with more knowledge could provide better info. I couldn't tell if you were being condescending but I would ask you to remember why we are here. To learn, and spread knowledge but most importantly, to be a part of a community in which we all feel strongly about being a part of. Best wishes friend =]

valentinesdaze 5 points ago +5 / -0

I second that. The fact that you're asking questions and doing your own research in the first place means a lot!

valentinesdaze 2 points ago +2 / -0

His brother said he was paranoid and that he always thought people were after him. He may have had a mental illness.

In my research I've seen that Boulder is listed as a EMC (electromagnetic control) center. Aka monarch programming. Allegedly. I thought that that was interesting but I wasn't there so no, I don't know for certain. Just an odd coincidence imo.

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