villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

The post says Monday October 30 2017

villageidiot22 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was one week old since I heard 2023 is the first year since Q started (2017) posting that October 30 is on a Monday. It is hopium but who knows!

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

We have nothing on the Judiciary Committee https://judiciary.house.gov/schedule I was thinking the explosives sat phones and the imminent false flag was coordinated to bury this hearing. Be safe

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

All of this crazy secret handshake club needs to be ousted. I guess this is that "lifting of the veils" or apocalypse. Happy to have the eyes to see it for what it is. Poor zombies. Their minds are going to blow up.

villageidiot22 9 points ago +9 / -0

In the future Trump could just start with "Yes I believe 2020 was stolen, yes I will free the people from Jan 6 that are wrongly imprisoned, yes the war in Ukraine can be ended in one day, and yes the court cases and southern border invasion are politically motivated...now let's talk about the future."

He has Great Plans for America like the truth and reconciliation commission and massive deportation programs.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice. Is a beautiful thought. Children of God going back to Him. I can't relate I'm not a follower of Christianity. I like Jesus and read the Bible but I do believe there are many masters like him not just one path. Thanks

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump said last week that he was implementing a truth and reconciliation commission to process the deep state crimes. I agree nobody wants civil war but never the less is very close to happen in France, Netherlands and this whole White Supremacy news cycle seems to be going in that direction.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm getting this a lot. I do feel this is a lifting of the veils (apocalypse) but I can't have an opinion on the second coming! Would kick ass for sure if there is a son of God coming to the rescue. Maybe reincarnation is real and He is already here?

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

A military tribunal with a truth and reconciliation commission maybe? Although I don't know who is going to stop the leftist weponized zombies without a micro civil war. Q said 6% where gone forever correct? That's more than 10 million zombies just in the US. Hope there is a surprise factor we can't envision that will help us all getting to the next stage without any more brothers wars.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Make Kennedy adhere to the idea for the commission and the MSM will burn itself defending from it. Let’s go. Mission: Kennedy adheres

villageidiot22 4 points ago +4 / -0

If Kennedy gets on board publicly and adhere to this deep state truth and reconciliation commission the MSM will go crazy, expose themselves and the Bidens even more. This is life changing. Those commissions are some times military tribunals and have court like powers. Let’s do this anons. Let’s make Kennedy adhere to this. Let’s blow this on their faces before the election.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes i used Chat GPT all the time fren

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then this came along https://www.aeinstein.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/FDTD.pdf The complete plan, and it was criticized by all of Biden and Bush's best friends: Venezuelan Chavez, Iran... Amazing how late in the game this is coming for me but it needed to be this way apparently.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

From Burma, word-of-mouth recommendations spread to Thailand and even Indonesia, where the book was used against the military dictatorship of that country.

His contribution to the overthrow of Milosevic in Serbia in 2000 catapulted him to all of Eastern Europe, South America, and the Middle East.

When the book reached Russia, intelligence services raided the printing house, and bookstores where it was being sold mysteriously caught fire.

The Iranians were so concerned that they broadcast a propaganda animated film on state television that showed Gene Sharp plotting to overthrow the government of Iran from the White House.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez used his weekly program to warn the country that Sharp was a threat to national security.


villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

We can create a better future by utilizing the tactics of nonviolent resistance outlined in Gene Sharp's '198 Methods of Nonviolent Action.' By adopting these methods and coming together in solidarity, we can create a groundswell of support for change and challenge those in power to be accountable.

We can use peaceful protests, boycotts, strikes, and other nonviolent methods to disrupt the status quo and demand change. By working together and standing up for what we believe in, we can create a more just and equitable world for all.

You can all start/continue with this 20 selected actions from Genes playbook:

1.Formal statements 2.Letters of opposition or support 3.Declarations by organizations and institutions 4.Signed public statements 5.Declarations of indictment and intention 6.Group or mass petitions 7.Slogans, caricatures, and symbols 8.Banners, posters, and displayed communications 9.Leaflets, pamphlets, and books 10.Newspapers and journals 11.Records, radio, and television 12.Skywriting and earthwriting 13.Public speeches 14.Street theater and other forms of public dramatization 15.Music and singing 16.Honoring the dead 17.Public assemblies 18.Withdrawal and renunciation of honors 19. Collective disassociation

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

And here are the 3 main responses to this rant on a normal social media platform: Sure, here are three potential reactions to your morning rant, along with possible responses:

Reaction: "You're just a conspiracy theorist. There's no evidence to support your claims." Response: "I understand that my perspective may seem unconventional to some, but it's important to consider alternative viewpoints and not just accept the official narrative at face value. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that those in power are not acting in our best interests, and it's up to us to hold them accountable."

Reaction: "What can we even do about it? The system is too powerful to fight against." Response: "It's true that the system can seem overwhelming, but we have the power to effect change through collective action. By coming together and demanding accountability from those in power, we can create a groundswell of support for a more just and equitable society. It may not be easy, but it's worth fighting for."

Reaction: "This is all just negativity. We should focus on positivity and good vibes instead of dwelling on the negative." Response: "I agree that it's important to cultivate a positive mindset, but we can't ignore the reality of the world around us. It's important to acknowledge the challenges we face and work to overcome them, rather than simply turning a blind eye. And by coming together and working towards a better future, we can create a more positive and hopeful world for all."

villageidiot22 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sure, here are three potential reactions to your morning rant, along with possible responses:

Reaction: "You're just a conspiracy theorist. There's no evidence to support your claims." Response: "I understand that my perspective may seem unconventional to some, but it's important to consider alternative viewpoints and not just accept the official narrative at face value. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that those in power are not acting in our best interests, and it's up to us to hold them accountable."

Reaction: "What can we even do about it? The system is too powerful to fight against." Response: "It's true that the system can seem overwhelming, but we have the power to effect change through collective action. By coming together and demanding accountability from those in power, we can create a groundswell of support for a more just and equitable society. It may not be easy, but it's worth fighting for."

Reaction: "This is all just negativity. We should focus on positivity and good vibes instead of dwelling on the negative." Response: "I agree that it's important to cultivate a positive mindset, but we can't ignore the reality of the world around us. It's important to acknowledge the challenges we face and work to overcome them, rather than simply turning a blind eye. And by coming together and working towards a better future, we can create a more positive and hopeful world for all."

villageidiot22 8 points ago +8 / -0

Morning Rant: "Good morning, my fellow warriors in the battle for truth and justice. As we rise to meet the challenges of a new day, we are confronted by the reality of a ruling class that seeks to maintain their grip on power through corruption and deceit.

But let us take inspiration from the wisdom of Sun Tzu and other great strategists throughout history. They teach us that victory is not won by brute force alone, but through careful planning, cunning, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

So let us sharpen our minds and hone our skills, as we prepare to engage in the struggle for a better world. Let us remain vigilant in the face of opposition, and steadfast in our commitment to the cause.

For as Sun Tzu wrote, 'The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.' Let us use our knowledge and our passion to win the hearts and minds of those who would stand in our way, and create a future that is worthy of our aspirations.

Together, we can and we will emerge victorious. Thank you."

villageidiot22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Former CIA clandestine operations Robert David Steele wrote his 5 volume book on the pedo empire that rules over us. This chapter addresses NXIVM and its ties to the Clintons, Rotchilds. https://pedoempire.org/pedophilia-empire-chapter-42-the-nxivm-scandal-the-sex-cult-megalomania-and-pedophilia-protected-by-the-pedo-cabal/#_edn13

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t know if you have come across a book called the great controversy where they explain how since Constantine they have completely changed the spirit, doctrine and key tenants that Jesus thought and converted that into “Christianity”. We do use the mantras as a way to invoke the correspondent archetypical energy, so it could be wise if use Saraswati, or courage when using Arjuna or Hanuman. Mantra as sacred sounds are mostly Meditative and a way to focus and is not like voodoo or santeria where they are honoring a demon to come and help them thanks to sacrifice. It is also very possible that the lost years of Jesus are a veil reference to his studies in India and Egypt. But yeah Christians are forbidden from recognizing another divine being like the dozens of ascended masters, reincarnation and many other topics. And that is by design something the Levitas brothers and the Romans decides for you. Hope you can decide if Reincarnation for instance was something theY took out of the teachings of Jesus or not. Thanks for a friendly dialogue.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +4 / -3

My dear friend, it is a tragedy that some individuals have chosen to distort and misinterpret the profound wisdom of Shiva and Yoga. These misguided souls have a history of inverting and perverting all that is whole and holy, from Jesus to Shiva, in order to serve their nefarious agenda.

However, do not be discouraged by their actions. Instead, recognize that their actions are a testament to the immense power and significance of the practices they seek to undermine. Indeed, you would be doing yourself a great disservice if you were to ignore the transformative potential of working with your breath, energy, prana, chi, or whichever term resonates with you.

As the great sage Osho once said, "Yoga is not a religion. It is a science, science of well-being, the science of youthfulness, the science of integrating body, mind, and soul." And one of the most effective and beautiful ways to engage with this science is through ancient tantric non-dualistic Yoga.

It is crucial to understand that Shiva is not just a mere figure, but an archetype that has been utilized by the Samkya system to help our psyche comprehend the vastness and multitude of layers and aspects of the Divine, and our role in it.

Therefore, let us not allow the misguided actions of others to dissuade us from exploring the transformative power of Yoga and the wisdom of Shiva. "Shiva is the ultimate reality, the pure consciousness that lies beyond all duality, beyond all form and manifestation. He is the embodiment of stillness, silence, and serenity, and is the highest ideal of the Samkhya tradition." - Swami Rama

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