villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

He will manage to destroy any trust on a libertarian counter attack against globalism. He will fail and be abandoned by his supporters, people will loose all hope and spiral into chaos. The next couple of weeks will bring the pain to Argentina in ways never seen before, after that who knows! I don’t see many friends coming to help them. He just donated two helicopters to Zelensky (fellow actor and Soros puppet). He was built to become a failure, that’s the Corporación America plan. Corporación America is the company that built him, controls him and that holds the extortion package against him. You can translate the YouTube videos and hear Nicolas explain it very thoroughly.

villageidiot22 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well, when Soros finds a formula he uses it again and again. I’m not saying he is copying the military approach with a TV personality, I’m saying him and the deep state knows people are retarded and will follow the stars. Milei is a hack, a spectacle, a transitional character and he will destroy Argentina and cause all around chaos. Let me know when you can have a conversation without calling it “dooming”. Is a formula and it will continue to be used (Dwayne The Rock Johnson is in talks with the Pentagon to replace Biden as a Democrat front runner). Go cry to your basement anon.

villageidiot22 0 points ago +2 / -2

Good video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McuvYSJj_Qc&t=923s

Key insights

🔥 Nicolás Moras criticizes the strategy of mass diffusion of liberal ideas, calling it a "populist shock" and questioning why so many liberals in Argentina criticized Javier Milei. 🔥 Nicolás Morás criticizes the portrayal of a businessman as a hero of the Free Market when in reality he is despised by libertarians. 🔥 Milei's past connections to a military dictator responsible for personal murders raise serious concerns about his political background and values. 🔥 Nicolás Morás criticizes Miley's shift from liberalism to a debatable argument about drug legalization based on the existence of a welfare state. 🔥 The Chilean pension system is a poverty retirement system where people compulsively contribute to corporations friendly to the government, leading to ruin and imprisonment if they try to use their savings. 💭 "Let's rescue the catallaxia that seems unobjectionable to me and its economic contributions are brilliant but Hayek." 🔑 The working peoples who freed themselves from the yoke of the priestly theocracies are the ones who have directed intelligence against credulity. 💻 The potential reengineering of the internet and the increasing access to our data and privacy by giant technological platforms presents a supremely dystopian panorama.

🔍 Miley's environment is a thousand times worse than him and it never had anything to do with liberalism. 🕵️‍♂️ Private intelligence operation collected sensitive information about Argentine politicians to extort them into making decisions against their will or even force them to resign. 🗳️ Milei's contradictory statements and behavior, such as initially criticizing dollarization and then supporting it, have led to doubts about his consistency and reliability as a political candidate. 🎭 Milei's ambiguous relationships with political figures like Mauricio Macri and Pope Francis reveal the complexities of his alliances and betrayals. 🔍 Matcur's potential role as head of the Central Bank and the introduction of digital currencies could lead to a loss of financial privacy and increased state control over spending.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +3 / -2

Key insights

🤔 "A politician is a kind of sociopath like a psychopath but sometimes great step. Sociopath does want to make people believe that they are all useless, invalids in all aspects of their lives and that if it is not for him you cannot live and it is actually the reverse because you are the one who produces it is the parasite that is." 🗣️ Milei criticizes Macri's alignment with the socialist and popular international, accusing him of trying to steal the flags of Liberty and becoming liberal only because the people want to be liberated. 💰 José Luis Manzano, a former corrupt minister, is accused of being involved in shady dealings and living a luxurious life in the United States while hiding from the media and avoiding making any statements. 💡 "Show them that those irresponsible people who stop the rest or put themselves at risk will fall with full force." - Javier Milei suggests that the government should take strong action against those who disregard safety measures during the pandemic. 💰 "He defends monopolies as if there were monopolies that arise from the market when all monopolies arise by force from the state." 💰 Javier Milei criticizes Javier Milei for his role as the economy minister, stating that he led the biggest tax increase in history, created new taxes, and increased the weight of the state, ultimately leading to the theft of people's savings. 🔄 The accumulation of anti-liberal contradictions in the political landscape of Argentina ultimately ends up favoring Kirchnerism and undermining the true principles of liberal philosophy. 🗣️ "What liberalism really is, which in my modest way of seeing has been the most liberating movement in the history of humanity, the most subversive, and that is why they deactivated and neutralized it with functional puppet agents of their enemies as experts."

Key insights

🤯 The revelation of a complex operation involving bribery simulations, false business proposals, and video recordings of private meetings with presidential candidates raises questions about corruption within Argentine political campaigns. 🕵️‍♂️ The involvement of journalists and ongoing investigations suggest a possible pattern of deception and questionable actions surrounding Javier Milei's campaign. 💰 The uncomfortable truth of political power is that candidates finance each other's campaigns to take votes from their main rivals, creating a complex web of financial support. 📰 The upcoming release of controversial video clips involving politicians in Argentina is expected to cause a political earthquake. 💼 "Javier has previously sold his support to provincial candidates. He was selling positions in the list and then emulate my law if you want to compete in the game within my list with my symbol blah blah blah blah you have to pay me between 50 and 70,000 Americans." 🌎 "His father has multiple companies in the United States, tax havens, and offshore accounts." 🤔 "Will traditional politicians put dirty money on their table and then accuse Javier and make him disappear from the political scene?" 🤡 "The expert campaigned against drug trafficking, but the drug trafficker financed the prohibitionist candidate, exposing the hypocrisy and corruption."

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

🌟 Celebrating the Extraordinary Persistence of the Neurodiverse Community 🌟

In the spirit of Peter's Laws, we recognize the relentless drive and unique perspectives that neurodiverse (tards) minds bring to our world. Your ability to see beyond the conventional, to fix what others might accept as broken, and to persist against all odds is a testament to human creativity and resilience.

To those who take both choices when faced with one, who write their own stories, who challenge the norms, and turn 'impossible' into 'I'm possible' — we honor you.

Anons and tards: Your approach to life's challenges is a masterclass in determination.

Remember, perfection is not optional for the passionate and persistent mind, and each of you shines as a beacon of that perfection. You remind us that the best way to predict the future is to invent it, and that if you can’t change the rules, you rewrite them.

Here's to failing early, failing often, and always rising stronger. To measuring, improving, and proving that the most precious resource is a persistent and passionate human mind.

To all neurodiverse friends: Your journey inspires, your dedication motivates, and your persistence shapes a world that thrives on diversity. Let's keep building with persistence, confidence, and the strength of a bulldozer! 🚀

#Neurodiversity #Persistence #Innovation #PetersLaws #Inspirational

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for this anon. So many fellow truthers Can only get to the window 🪟 of truth and then, when told to come outside and realize their own divinity and the complex reality of reincarnation they get afraid and stay inside the jail built by the Levitas brothers and their descendants. Alchemy, yoga and self mastery seem to offend them. They can’t believe there were many “Christs” , they can’t believe in the cycle of death and rebirth, they don’t want to see the game God created to get lost in order to find them self again. Much appreciated link.

villageidiot22 6 points ago +7 / -1

All Abrahamanic religions are traps. Nevertheless western minds allow them to be trapped by them because a book that has been modified dozens of times sounds nice. So sad. So many anons trapped. They hide reincarnation as it will give you your true power back. Epic Fail

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Executive Order 13714: Strengthening the Senior Executive Service (SES) - A Synopsis

The Senior Executive Service (SES) was established in 1978 under President Jimmy Carter. The primary intent behind its formation was to attract skilled executive talent into the federal government, enhancing its efficiency and effective

The SES acts like a "shadow government." It is described as a group of bureaucrats deeply embedded within the senior leadership of all American executive agencies. They are believed to operate with a high degree of autonomy, often beyond the direct oversight of elected officials.

The SES members are often distinguished from other federal employees. They have separate pay scales, and their own unique flag, and administer their own incentives.

By the end of President Barack Obama's tenure, it's claimed that about 8,000 out of the 10,000 SES members were his appointees. This has led some to refer to them as the "Obama stay-behind army."

Executive Order 13714: This order, signed by President Barack Obama, aimed to strengthen the SES. However, its critics argue that its real purpose was to fortify the SES's claim of limited accountability, even to the President, who is technically the chief executive of the Executive Branch that they serve under. Official SES documents have even purportedly stated that the President doesn't have the authority to hire or fire them.

It's crucial to approach such claims with a balanced perspective, considering both the stated objectives of policies and the criticisms they attract.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't forget that the US and Israel did their dirty laundry to each other, when the US Congress couldn't approve of something the black hats used Israel to do it and vice versa. If the Bushes used Bibi Netanyahu to execute 9/11 you can be sure the US did dome horrific things as well for them. Apart from controlling many of the US Congress. The truth might be very close to "your best allies were your worst enemies" I hope the US departs from its relationship with the fake Rotchild Israel soon.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seriously can some anons send this upstream? Is not that easy to find this mapped out.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Number 45 reminds me of the boss a lot IMO

"True perfection seems imperfect, yet it is perfectly itself. True fullness seems empty, yet it is fully present.

True straightness seems crooked. True wisdom seems foolish. True art seems artless.

The Master allows things to happen. He shapes events as they come. He steps out of the way and lets the tao speak for itself"

and 44 of Anons

"Fame or integrity: which one is more important? Money of happiness: which is more valuable? Success or failure: which is more destructive?

If you look to others for fulfillment, you never truly be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself.

Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you."

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stephen Mitchel. Harper Perennial. Modern Classics. He has a wonderful style and allows himself to "actualize" perennial knowledge to get past the "thick American head" he is married to Byron Katie so you know, top-shelf stuff for the GAW fags.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lao Tze was a very wise man who never felt the need to write his perennial knowledge, he was stopped at the border on his way to the Himalayas where he was headed to die. The border guard told him he couldn't pass unless he wrote down his knowledge for generations that could not afford to be left out of this simple knowledge. He then wrote the tao te ching and continued his walk. This is a generous translation of this encrypted knowledge into "American" so that people like you can find inspiration in all perennial knowledge. This "tao" is very similar to the native American worldview. But it is way simpler. Stephen Mitchell also wrote the Gospel According to Jesu, he has been trying to pass the "American thick heads" with perennial knowledge from all "timelines" as we might know them better (my term). That "defense" idea is a lot like the martial arts master who won before fighting the battle as the "boss" says. A huge part of the Abrahamic traps behind its religious conquest is to erase perennial knowledge and true alchemical paths found in yoga, the 33 jacobs letter etc. I hope you can open up to this author and see past the self-limiting trap of Abrahamic doctrines.

villageidiot22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Q talks about the triangle with its 3 sides + ++ and +++, that triangle is also known as the eye of providence or "the feeder", the top triangle of the system that gets "fed" by all the lower levels. Some of the "feeders" are wars, debt, drugs, etc. That eye has many enforcers, it seems like they use both secret societies and intelligence agencies. I'm referring to the direct way in which the eye of providence controls the US Congress and that is directly through Israel. Even though they all serve a supranational interest the means to accomplish that are provided by America's "greatest ally" who is its mortal enemy, fake Israel. In terms of what can be processed by the normies, this might be a good "finishing" point.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s called the “constitutional sheriff” movement, and as it grows, it’s increasing the risk of conflict between local law enforcement and federal authorities.

Its animating idea is that a sheriff holds ultimate law-enforcement authority in his county—outranking even the federal government within its borders.

source: https://phibetaiota.net/2021/01/robert-steele-sheriffs-movement-goes-mainstream-causing-deep-state-to-shit-in-its-transvestite-panties/

villageidiot22 10 points ago +10 / -0

From what I'm seeing that very important reason is that Israel controls the US Congress through non-kosher means.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if one can show the world that their sinister plans against Palestine, America and the rest of the world are extracted directly from the horse’s mouth, i.e. in this case, from Bibi Netanyahu himself? Here’s the evidence that America, as it is today, is nothing more than a Sheeplehood of the State of Israel.

Source: https://geopolitics.co/2017/05/09/america-is-something-that-you-can-easily-maneuver-bibi-netanyahu/

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess he supervised Maxwell Epstein et al honey pot. I read the two articles and he does seem to be the reason to keep "Israel for last" There are so many "tides to heads of state". What if Bibi controls people like Trudeau and works in lockstep with Soros and the guys who put Barry in power? He talked with Killary for one hour and seemed very happy on September 25 2016 right before the election. According to my sources, Russia saved that election interference (in the articles it says it is always Russia the one that has stopped the Khazarian Mafia. So I guess it fits the narrative they are trying to create again. That's why is always the bad Russia. They always kick their asses! ... I thought the operational head was someone like Soros and his mobsters. But yeah Bibi it is! 9.11 and now this? After the vaccine genocide? He might have been bragging that hi does control the US congress by illegally speaking there. IMO

villageidiot22 5 points ago +6 / -1

Context: It has been exceedingly difficult to reconstruct this hidden secret history of the KM, so please excuse any minor inaccuracies or errors which are unintentional and are due to the difficulty in digging out the true history of Khazaria and its mafia. We have done the best we can to reconstruct it.

It was Mike Harris that connected the dots and made the actual discovery of the presence of the Khazarian Mafia’s secret history and blood oath to take revenge on Russia for helping Americans win the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, and their blood oath of revenge against America and Americans for winning these wars and sustaining the Union.

At the Syrian Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism December 1, 2014 — in his Keynote address, Veterans Today Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff disclosed publicly for the first time ever that World Terrorism is actually due to a large International Organized Crime Syndicate associated with Israel.

This disclosure sent shock-waves at the Conference and almost instantly around the world, as almost every world leader received reports of Gordon Duff’s historical disclosure that same day, some within minutes. And the shock-waves from his historic speech in Damascus continue to reverberate around the world even to this very day. And now Gordon Duff has asked President Putin to release Russian Intel which will expose about 300 traitors in Congress for their serious serial felonies and statutory espionage on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) against America and many Middle East nations.

We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-flag Gladio-style terrorism, and via the illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security and the TSA. We know for certain that the KM was responsible for deploying an inside-job, Gladio-style False-flag attack on America on 9-11-01, as well as the Murrah Building Bombing on April 19, 1995.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apparently Barry was Dick Cheney bitch so probably not Obama but the Bushes were the real downfall for America. Bush Sr might have been one of the Antichrist in this era. Obama was just a good student for them. IMO

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

Less than two weeks ago someone replied to a post saying that the truth about Israel would not see the light in our timelines. Thanks to the ones lifting the veils! And thanks to each anon for not looking past it like so many preferred to did.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Antony Blinken's father was one of George Soros best pals, especially regarding Ukraine.

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