wantingtounderstand 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, she's actually the one leaving the house and I'm stuck staying here until the lease is over for the next 6 months. At least that's what she said a few days ago. So I'm going to be here alone, without the kids. It's going to suck a major bag of ... yeah. Going to spend that time working on myself.

Talking about "memories", I'm actually curious what I should do with all of my phone pictures. What do people do with that when they go through divorce? Maybe I'll move them all to a drive to keep them off my phone (aside from the pics of the kids)

wantingtounderstand 5 points ago +5 / -0

so dang true. was just thinking to myself that I've been through this crap before on a smaller scale and I had no where to share it - no reason why I can't get through it again. God's like "dude, don't you remember everything I've gotten you through over the last few decades?"

wantingtounderstand 1 point ago +2 / -1

Gosh dude. This passage from the book is so real:

"She says, “You shouldn’t have been confrontational with Margaret. You know Russell doesn’t like that.” Well, mythought was, “I wasn’t confrontational with Margaret. She was with me.” That thought zipped through my head, but I had already programmed myself to always agree. So I said, “Honey, you’re right. I shouldn’t have been confrontational with Margaret. I should have learned my lesson three months ago when we visited, and Margaret and I got into a discussion and it didn’t work out well. I guess I’m just a slow learner, and I want to thank you for pointing it out to me that I could have handled it better.” Notice that I switched from the issue of whether I was confrontational or not, to that I could have handled it better, because it was even easier for me to agree with that. I could have handled it better by not even getting into a discussion with Margaret. Okay, what happened then, when I agreed with my wife’s criticism of me? I did not defend myself at all. I got on her side and jumped on me. Immediately she said, “But you were just trying to help.” And I said, “That’s true. But my method was wrong, because it wasn’t helping.” She said, “But I think Margaret has a very closed mind.” I said, “I do, too. But my method was wrong because it was not opening that closed mind. And I want to thank you for pointing it out to me that I could have handled it better.” She was very friendly and affectionate the rest of the evening. Always agree."

That is SUCH a good point. Stop defending your own self and instead just be in agreement. Going to try it.

wantingtounderstand 2 points ago +2 / -0

thanks for that link. I'm several pages in. It makes complete sense. just be happy and do what you want to do, don't give care or energy to it

wantingtounderstand 2 points ago +2 / -0

I literally gave it no attention. I put some earbuds in, listened to music, did some laundry, minded my business. Didn't even ask her what she was doing. Not going to show her that I care. Not going to feed the energy.

edit: also, will read the link

wantingtounderstand 2 points ago +2 / -0

I sure do hope so man. With how my life has been going Ive wondered if it was sarcasm.

wantingtounderstand 4 points ago +5 / -1

For sure. And you know what. I put on music. And AC/DC "Back in Black" just came on. And it put me in a better mood because I specifically remember going through a hard time and jamming out with this song in the car when I was through that fire. So now hearing it my brain is like "you're going to feel like this again, and you're going to remember this trial"

wantingtounderstand 10 points ago +11 / -1

I have no family, brother. My parents are narcissistic , self-centered folks. They could care less about what I'm going through. I have no one to turn to and lean on. I think a support group is a great idea, I just don't know where to find it just yet. Probably need to check out a few churches and see if I can find a small group to fit into. And you're right, it's extremely difficult. There are no words to measure the pain.

wantingtounderstand 11 points ago +11 / -0

Agree. Even my oldest step daughter (20) says "Dad I dont want her to snap out of this in a year and realize the mistake that she made and that she threw everything away and she's miserable and alone."

Thank you. I can't imagine having anyone else in my life. Don't think I'll ever subject this to myself again. Probably be a hermit. Thanks for your prayers.

wantingtounderstand 13 points ago +13 / -0


What's with the continuous 17, 71, 711, 117, ... non stop.

wantingtounderstand 2 points ago +2 / -0

sentencing is on JULY 11th.


What the F does this number mean

wantingtounderstand 5 points ago +6 / -1

Dude. I think this is all planned so they can riot, regardless of the outcome, then initiate lockdowns and martial law. Then we have no election. I really feel that this is what's going to happen.

wantingtounderstand 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was thinking thats a possibility, too. Because you could come up with 10,000 different sentences that all fit with the same numbers. Then from confirmation bias, you pick out what you think fits and ignore the rest.

wantingtounderstand 1 point ago +1 / -0

any interst in stickying this? I thought it was interesting and odd : https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKiw492G/x/c/4ZBJtsfl4hb?d=50

wantingtounderstand 2 points ago +2 / -0

of course. thanks for the community.

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