I am a frequent T_D user and am slowly going down the rabbit hole. I realize how big this movement is and would like to write about it.
Would you kindly help me with this by answering these questions?
- When did you first discover Q?
- When did you first start to believe in Q? Why?
- What would you want to say to those who doubt Q?
- How confident are you in the people behind Q?
- Scale of 1-10, how confident are you that Trump will be re-elected?
Thanks ?? God Bless You
You running a poll for an MSM site? Sure seems and sounds like it to me.
Late 2017. First believed Q after “Red Castle,Green Castle” proof came true, Q basically had been hinting to us that the Mexico wall would ultimately be funded and built through Army Corp of Engineers. Their logo is a red castle and they have an office in Green Castle, IN. To those that doubt Q (ahem, my husband) they have no patience and have no idea that to drain a swamp that’s so massive you have to keep it secret and you have to use Art of War. 100% confident in Q, Flynn is a Q supporter too and we know how deep he’s involved with Trump. 100% confident Trump wins. This is military planning at its finest, none of us know exactly how the plan will work out because honestly if an average person can figure it out, it ain’t a very good plan lol. Q drops us hints, parts of the puzzle and we do our best to figure out the rest but it’s not easy and it’s just a matter of “future proves past”
December 2017 I believed immediately, hard to explain but the Holy Spirit moved within me like never before. Faith was built through all the Q proofs (mathematically impossible) Doubt is healthy, prove all things and hold fast that which is good. I’m very confident in the patriots behind Q, I’m not always confident that I understand what they are doing. (Disinfo is necessary) 10, Biden cannot be allowed to step foot into that office.
Late November or early Dec 2017. I forget the date.
I didn’t believe right away when he came out in late 2017. However, following him and litterally watching his posts come in on 8 Chan and seeing them posted within less than a minute of DJT with pre-knowledge of what POTUS was about to say was conclusive that Q was really in direct communication with POTUS. His post’s timing with POTUS was impossible to coordinate without being in direct communication with each other.
Then, Q was posting things that came true and they were impossible to predict and therefore impossible to post months ahead of time with such accuracy and precision. I still just cannot believe and refuse to believe no name John McCain. I only don’t believe it because it was so creepy. But I saw it with my own eyes. Q said every dog has its day or something like that. And then no name died on a day there was a dog event. I forget the exact details but damn, there is no way no name died by cancer or whatever shit. He was put down like a dog as a traitor. 100%, no question. You try to predict that. Not possible. And he also predicted the day and other details and it’s so freaky I just do not get anyone who doesn’t believe.
If Q was fake or a evil operation, it’s a pretty stupid operation if Q is teaching everyone to think for themselves. Who does that? If you are evil and want to control people, you will convince them of what to think and do. Q promotes no violence, just free thinking. Q also quotes the Bible. Q is against prejudice. Q tells us that hating over color/race, class, nation, or whatever is how we are divided and weak. Q is for us to be strong and love each other. Again, who does that?
In the end, anons have done some fantastic research like this beautiful hive mind of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of human minds like a massive think tank.
If you knew the election was rigged and in 2016 the NSA made sure the election was digitally fair, how would you go about the 2020 election? To my surprise, Trump and family were working nonstop, day after day, month after month. PDJT was doing what? Like up to 4 or 5 rallies a day? Insane. Absolutely insane and I was scratching my head. Why? Is he really afraid of losing? And then you look at Biden and his rallies pulled in 5, maybe 12 people? Did you see the one with Obama attending with the bull horn? They got a handful. No one wanted Biden. So why did Trump campaign so hard?
Brilliant plan was to make the vote for Trump so extremely high that the Dominion software hack wouldn’t bring in enough votes. It was the trap of traps. It’s glorious and insanely smart. He did even more by letting RINO after RINO and judge after judge expose themselves to sheer stupidity and corruption. And even to the point of capturing real people like Ruby bringing in fake ballots. Top to the bottom, totally screwed. It’s so fantastic to watch.
Only thing is, I don't believe Trump did so many rallies solely to make sure of the landslide on this one very important election.
I think he did them because he loves US. He is true servant leader.
I agree with you. Great point.
October 2017, the day of the first post I realised something was up. Post 2, I believed it was an insider in the military. When Trump posted signed 4.10.20 on post 35, we knew Trump was with us on the boards. To those who doubt Q, take the 'vaccine'. I won't. If you want to learn, start with Joe M - "Q The plan to save the world" on StopWorldControl.com or Bitchute.com Trump is re-elected 100%, 10/10. On or before 6th Jan. Biden has already been executed, the current double has no right earlobe, and I believe was swapped about Aug 2017.
The Q movement was started by 25 generals in 1860.
So, was Lincoln recruited by these Q generals like Trump was by Q today?
That would make sense. So was JFK and JFK Jnr. But this time they have won because of the internet and the ability to listen and track the enemy, and to speak to the masses and awaken them.
I agree with you...agreeing with me and amplifying why.
The world will soon know and fully believe GEOTUS is a stable genius!
My friend messaged me w link to first drop. I was getting ready to bring mom home from rehab. I took it w a grain of salt. But kept following it wasn't long until you could see things making sense..I cant say it was just 1 thing. It was cumulative. Saying it's a LARP is just dumb. It would be a whole lot of effort to merely trip Patriots. Were still armed. Were still dangerous Patriots to those who seek to destroy humanity's freedom.
You dont wake people up to destroy them. You just destroy them as they sleep. As always Patriot you keep eyes on and ears open.
Powerful response. Thanks for sharing!
Your bit about faith in western culture was particularly fascinating.