Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions. Q
Comments (35)
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Not to mention....
It rings so true right now.
I certainly hope "walking through the darkness" doesn't mean a globalist takeover.
It doesn't. It means we get the covid preview of what could be.
I want to believe you people. I really do. But quite frankly it's all too good to be true.
Then can an evil cabal taking over the world be too bad to be true?
In my experience, no. Just once in my life I want to be wrong. I'm always so despondent but it hasn't steered me wrong as per predictions yet.
No, it could be true, and would be true if we did not have POTUS in place.
Agreed, I just hate the phrase "too good to be true."
Doesn't it sound EXACTLY like something the DS would spread to get people to think that Good itself just can't be true because it's TOO good?
I know how you feel though. I go back and forth with it. I hope it’s all true but we’ve been fed nothing but hot garbage for information all our lives, we know our government has failed us for god knows how long, everyone’s a slave to the banks for either school, car, house or kids, and it’s hard to believe in anything.
When I feel like this I pray. I’m not a Christian but I believe in God. What you should know is that I am a registered Dem. I voted blue until Antifa started burning my city down and I was forced to re-evaluate my entire belief system. People ARE waking up. It’s hard. I still don’t know who I am without that left hand ideology.
Let’s pray it goes our way, friends.
Thank you for your honesty tinykraken
The best is yet to come!! Believe it!! Or, if POTUS is wrong, which I doubt, life as we know it is OVER!!
STICKIED. And a great reminder. This is our philosophy in a nutshell and this drop has been in the GA sidebar since DAY ONE.
That was 'just shy' of 3yrs ago. Hopefully most of the leg-work has been completed and action will soon show itself.
Do you think "shifting the narrative" has been accomplished? In some ways it has, Trump received a minimum of 74M votes and most Republicans think the Democrats cheated, and many Republicans think he cheated. But still, so many are lost and refuse to listen to anything outside the MSM narrative. I wonder what percentage of American's Q feels is necessary before he can safely say the narrative has been properly shifted. Thoughts?
Still getting used to the names here. You win name of the day!
This. I woke up this year. Keep going!
I believe the narrative has shifted. Lots more people like trump (loud and proud) compared to when Q first popped up
Like I said above I was and am a registered dem. (Didn’t vote for Hillary though ?). I grew up liberal. My dad voted Biden and won’t discuss. I woke up when Antifa started burning my city down, rioting a few blocks from my house. Woke me up quick! I’ve been MAGA for 6 months maybe. Discovered Q in late Nov, just for some perspective. Edit: my husband is into all this, too, so that’s two of us for you.
I'm quite interested in former Dems coming over to our side recently. My big question for you is the following: You have come to agree that Trump is fighting for American's. You've come to see the corruption in our system on BOTH sides of the political aisle. But do you still hold firm to typical leftie positions such as Pro-Union, Pro-government regulation, Pro-universal health care, etc? Or was your 'awakening' accompanied by a realization that those typical lefty political positions are the precursor to communism and socialism?
I recall when I first learned the free-market position on minimum wage. It hurt me deep inside, because I really agreed with them but it went against everything I had been taught and believed. I didn't want to believe it. But I knew they were right, minimum wage actually hurts the poor more than anyone else, and should be abolished. But I remember how hard it was to accept that at first. Have you had any similar reactions or feelings?
Or, are you a Trump supporter but still generally agree w/ former leftie positions?
I would say I was pretty moderate anyway. There was no situation in which I would have been caught burning cop cars. I don’t believe in white guilt or CRT.
I’m generally against universal healthcare (my husband is high up in Oregon’s government-funded healthcare sector and it’s a shit show) but not welfare for people who need it. There are genuinely people too disabled to function properly, sorry, there are examples of places with no welfare system, think India.
Minimum wage should exist but not at $20 or whatever they’re trying to make it now. I never ate fast food because I hate it but someone doesn’t deserve as much or more as I got working with 30+ children at a time just for putting fries in a bag. That eliminates the need to do better. Minimum doesn’t mean living wage to me. Plus our minimum wage is quite high in Oregon and it makes the job market bleak. You already know why I assume.
Unions are a double edged sword. Freedom of assembly includes them unfortunately.
Anything received from the government has to be balanced against control, obviously. I’m not poor though. That’s what is probably missing from this. The other part of my awakening is that my husband and I worked HARD to make it while watching others our age drink and smoke and get into bar brawls and now they hate us and want our life but don’t want to sacrifice anything. They all went far left because they’re offering free shit to losers and they can’t see through it.
Yeah. 3 years to do it.
Getting a little fucking late in the game now.
Good advice. One step at a time and quietly but swiftly.
I really detest the way you guys call this a "movie". Movies have been communist propaganda from the get-go in the 1910s, and I hate almost all of them. I haven't willingly been to a theater in more than a decade. (Been dragged along with family tho)
Agree. There are a few good things that make it through but generally movies are fuckall terrible. Don’t know how people watch Avengers-type garbage but it’s SO POPULAR. Is the world that stupid?
Indeed they should not, hence the need for moderation
Excellent reminder, thanks!