Well if you put Q and us(anons) together, you get QAnon so I mean it’s not too far-fetched. I know what Q said and if you really want to argue about it than I’ll just cry and call you a meanie!
What's it like being so useless you're trying to troll a message board where your comments are 99% dismissed? Do you leave the basement? Why has your mother not stopped breast feeding you?
I agree with you that moderation is a form of censorship.
It requires great control to have that power and not abuse it.
Being a regular of voat I trusted the system to provide that and it has been a tricky experience so far for myself to "trust" .WIN moderators to properly make those decisions.
I do think some moderation can allow a better flow of information.
This balance is crucial. Like at your work, there is clearly a way to behave to have an effective office.
There will be another Voat and maybe you're going to be the one to create it.
.WIN is just fine for now and I have seen incredible discussions and sharing of information to know the site is incredibly important.
This graphic was made a while back, I think in 2018. Anyway, Q clarified, there is no Qanon, in order to distinguish clearly between Q (the MI dropper(s)) and the Anons, who interpret, and may have their own ideas, thoughts and interpretations.
Pretty sure I archived 300 years worth of text on how talmudic jews scapegoat what they view as lesser jews while trying to herd gentiles like cattle the other day. Israel comes last.
Hm looks like based on the some of the higher voted comments the majority on this thread cares and supports my schtick
Something you and the rest of the .win thinktank will find soon is that Voat Goats have consistent and clearly focused messages that do not conclude Q and the message
One more ? for ya then...
Why did Q mention Israel being saved for last repeatedly?
Hm looks like based on the some of the higher voted comments
HMMM, scroll up even higher—looks like the "dot WIN" in the URL in your BROWSER supports my schtick. Unless you have something higher than that, we'll stick with the program laid out in the sidebar.
One more ? for ya then...
I get the feeling that, no matter what my answer might be, it would be insufficient for you. I applaud you driving discussion, however, so here's my proposal: make a HIGH EFFORT, HIGH INFO post, as described in the sidebar ( -----> ), and I'd be more than happy to sticky it so we could drive some valuable discussion. That's why you're here, right?
Ok so to be clear here so you're not going to offer a reply on a very direct Q related question..
Why are you here?
Because you have nothing else to do other than enforce a sidebar in the Internet site?
If you scroll high enough you'll get to God, also fully endorsed by Q..who believes all humans deserve full free speech, not the paired down version you and your uh.. friends?..like to imagine exists outside of your lil websites simply because you're intimidated by those that dare think for themselves
One more chance here for ya bud..
Whats your opinion on members of Congress holding Dual Citizenship with Israel and the financial aid amounts repeatedly approved?
Epstein was Mossad and they cucked influential Americans by blackmailing them with pedo sex tapes. When I say this I get downvoted but never do I hear arguments. It's just aNtI-SeMiTiSm REEEEE but not an argument. That's leftist brainwashing shit. We should be pure about free speech and apply truthful reflection and voicing our thoughts in regards to everything and everyone, with no fear and no shame.
Because you have nothing else to do other than enforce a sidebar in the Internet site?
YES. Isn't that cool? That's literally my situation. I'm retired, and I do nothing but support POTUS on his mission. See my post karma? Get my drift? I literally have nothing better to do than this. Correct.
I know where you're going, dude, I was an anon on Voat for years. I stopped going there not because I hated Voat, or Voaters, but because I focused on Trump for a long while, then when the opportunity came I started this .WIN. I don't want your second or third chances—I want to disappear to you guys and become just another user. That's going to happen.
Yeah I was being sarcastic about it. I don't hate orange juice, but some oranges are doing dirty politics, just like the rest of the nations. That's what I don't like. Orange juice nation somehow getting a pass when it comes to dirty corrupt politics. That's what bothers me.
You know what sucks is, that there are Zionists who believe in Israel over everything. Some believe that gentiles should serve Israel and that God says so. All racism sucks. Whether it's Jewish racism in the form of Zionism or German racism in the form of National Socialism. It's all garbage. Sorry for being preachy but I'm a little pissed at this AnTi-SeMiTiSm shaming technique behind which some powerful Jewish people can hide their crimes. There are powerful people who believe it's ok to use American children as sex bait for blackmail purposes as long as it serves their nation. Why can't we be honest about the moral corruption in regards to Israeli power politics? They are a powerful people, it's not like the elephant goes away if we just pretend he doesn't exist. There is so much power in banking and money and unchecked power leads to all sorts of atrocious crimes. We should be brave and not feel ashamed or scared for speaking out about corruption of any sort.
Facts don't care about my feefees. We gotta look at the facts and learn to deal with them appropriately. How to interpret the facts and how to deal with them is where things get more complicated. Racism to me means, one ethnic group is inherently of more worth than another. In my Christian belief system, everyone has the same inherent value as an image of God. Even if someone is inbred and retarded, that's not his fault, so you shouldn't treat that person as lesser than you based on their genetic make up. Belief system and character has much more impact than race. As a Christian, t's easier to get along with a truly believing Christian African than a truly believing Satanist American. Why are Americans at each others throats right now? It's belief system, left vs right, not race. Race and genetics have less of an impact on society than belief system and character shaped by that belief system.
That belief of superior-inferior race breeds all sorts of evil, so I reject it. Instead, we gotta be rational and open about our cultural and genetic differences and the bad behavior we are more prone towards. For example, if an alcoholic gene runs in the family, you gotta acknowledge that shit and not drink, otherwise you might end up with problems. That's how I view this topic. The topic of race is obviously complex and needs much discussion, but racism in the way I view it, as inherent superiority of one people group vs an inferior other, leads to evil and needs to be rejected. Acknowledging genetic and cultural differences in the discussion of how to best run a society is not in and of itself racist. Racism depends on how these differences are being interpreted and what beliefs a person holds in regards to those differences. If someone is genetically prone to more anger, you can acknowledge that and deal with this problem without judgment of that person as inherently valuable.
I think that Trumps bill is reasonable, determining who can get in by looking at what they are like makes sense. As far as I can tell, it aims to judge people by their character, sociability and economic potential, not race or skin color.
"I agree with everything you said, however valuing everyone equally and ignoring their treasonous or pedophile or terrorists cultures and beliefs is not pragmatic."
In Christianity you differentiate between sin and sinner. Every sinner was created as an image of God and is loved by God, meaning they have the capacity to love their Father back and do good works that He delights in. Based on this inherent potential for godliness as children of God, we should not hate sinners, even if that person is a criminal. That said, this does not contradict prevention and punishment for crimes. To love the sinner and to condemn the sins does not mean we should just shrug our shoulders when people do evil. Not at all. Condemnation of sins and evil includes crime prevention and punishment. Christianity is doing anything BUT ignoring the problem of evil. It's a matter of where you position the root for evil. I don't see the root of evil in the cultural environment or genetic predisposition. I see it in the way you view the world and what you intent to do within it.
Skin color and cultural environment is not enough in determining a persons character and actions. It's not right to condemn an entire people group based on a statistic of propensity for crime. If you were born into a family of criminals, but you don't engage in criminal behavior yourself, it would be unjust to be condemned alongside your criminal family members. You gotta look at people seperately to determine whether they are good or not. I think that's what the bill is trying to achieve as well.
They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc.
Divided you are weak.
Divided you attack each other and miss the true target.
Not all Italians are "The Mafia", not all members of "The Mafia" are Italian. Focus on Italians and you lose sight of "The Mafia". Understand the connection?
I don't disagree with anything you're saying. Still, I feel like you are playing precisely into the hands of what I call "The Cabal" in doing so. The greatest achievement of The Cabal was to form a Gordian knot with Judaism and create what is essentially a limited hangout phantom for their enemies to chase while they continue with their evil deeds.
It is so effective and so admired by other crime organisations that in the 1960's the Mafia did try to copy it and use the shield of anti-Italian sentiment and racism to hide their own misdeeds.
We are more sophisticated than that, and "Individual Freedom and Responsibility" as a core innovation of the Declaration of Independence means that we can pursue our enemies for their own crimes rather than any inherited by blood or genetic happenstance.
We will have to agree to disagree then. I feel that any kind of racism is unhelpful in bringing people to our cause - it's not about recognising the pattern but about understanding the strategic implications of placing it front and centre of the argument. Maybe you or I can convince each other over time. I certainly appreciate the effort you are putting into your civil replies.
Just keep in mind that on this .win linking this all to Judaism is verboten but it must remain relevant and proportional. For example, your comments relating the post to Jews are fine (in my opinion as a mod), but a post denigrating Jews ipso facto (ie DAE Jews stink?) would not be.
QAnon is the movement
Well if you put Q and us(anons) together, you get QAnon so I mean it’s not too far-fetched. I know what Q said and if you really want to argue about it than I’ll just cry and call you a meanie!
What's it like being so useless you're trying to troll a message board where your comments are 99% dismissed? Do you leave the basement? Why has your mother not stopped breast feeding you?
I could go on and on but I'll let you answer.
I agree with you that moderation is a form of censorship.
It requires great control to have that power and not abuse it.
Being a regular of voat I trusted the system to provide that and it has been a tricky experience so far for myself to "trust" .WIN moderators to properly make those decisions.
I do think some moderation can allow a better flow of information.
This balance is crucial. Like at your work, there is clearly a way to behave to have an effective office.
There will be another Voat and maybe you're going to be the one to create it.
.WIN is just fine for now and I have seen incredible discussions and sharing of information to know the site is incredibly important.
Just think of the droppings as fertilizer and voila! Heres your bag, Johnny Appleseed.
Ok folks reality check
Rule 11 and the 1st Amendment ARE NOT FULLY SUPPORTED HERE
Seriously, what do you all think free speech is?
Unless you're a shill you need to think about this
Yeah thats true. There are PC barriers to free speech even here.
And #8 if you can't expose the juic3 then you can't expose lies and deception.
Removing garbage is not censorship. Unless you have a room temperature IQ, you need to think about this
Here's the hero MOD again telling you that free speech is fine as long as he doesnt think its garbage.
Correct. Don't post garbage. And have a good time. Easy.
Freedom of speech gives groups and individuals the right to openly express thoughts and ideas.
This is to promote the building of ideas and societal groups.
Censorship provides a tool for these groups to also protect their free thoughts and ideas from other private groups.
The people down voting are probably shills
What's the 1st Amendment read?
Sidenote what gives you away is the wannabe witty phrases you can't help but sprinkle in. Please keep em tho as I laugh as how recycled they are
JUST like the Dems
Great, glad you're entertained. Observe the sidebar and have fun.
Patriots are past fun
Keep exposing yourselves
We gotta keep callin em out
It's going to be difficult in normie land here.
Keep pushing Brother
Why did Q pick VOAT?
Free speech and to teach us in a censor free environment what we needed to learn. The truth. Those you cannot criticize rule you.
Happy to be on the lines with yiu goat
Maybe disinformation is real
Jewho are you talking about?
This graphic was made a while back, I think in 2018. Anyway, Q clarified, there is no Qanon, in order to distinguish clearly between Q (the MI dropper(s)) and the Anons, who interpret, and may have their own ideas, thoughts and interpretations.
The distinction is important. The graphic, cool.
We are Anons. There is Q, there are anons, there is no QAnon.
There is no QAnon. Only Q and Anons
Pretty sure I archived 300 years worth of text on how talmudic jews scapegoat what they view as lesser jews while trying to herd gentiles like cattle the other day. Israel comes last.
Amen, brother.
How do you like your USA constitutionalism? Doesn't seem that bad to me, I could live with that here in Sweden.
Here is the companion graphic
Circa. Jan 2019 or earlier
Fake News Code of Ethics.
Love this!
Good to remember
I’m home.
This is a subversive tactic destined to have you subconsciously change your definition of Free Speech
See the 1st Amendment
See: the sidebar
Ive not broken any of the reddit copied rules you have here
How are you different again?
Sweet. That's what we want. Must be why you're not banned, haven't had your comments removed, and aren't otherwise being hassled...
I have two heads and quack like a duck?
No one cares about your schtick, fren. Have fun in here, or don't. This .WIN isn't being modded today any differently than it was on day one.
Hm looks like based on the some of the higher voted comments the majority on this thread cares and supports my schtick
Something you and the rest of the .win thinktank will find soon is that Voat Goats have consistent and clearly focused messages that do not conclude Q and the message
One more ? for ya then...
Why did Q mention Israel being saved for last repeatedly?
HMMM, scroll up even higher—looks like the "dot WIN" in the URL in your BROWSER supports my schtick. Unless you have something higher than that, we'll stick with the program laid out in the sidebar.
I get the feeling that, no matter what my answer might be, it would be insufficient for you. I applaud you driving discussion, however, so here's my proposal: make a HIGH EFFORT, HIGH INFO post, as described in the sidebar ( -----> ), and I'd be more than happy to sticky it so we could drive some valuable discussion. That's why you're here, right?
Did looking at the updoots go against you and your 'schtick' take the few remnants of the house of cards courage you duped yourself into?
Odd..You seemed so sure of yourself..
Learn the ways of the Goats.
We Invite You
It's a chopper, baby. Zed is dead. This is a .WIN, not a Voat. Be nice, keep things comfy, and support the mission.
Ok so to be clear here so you're not going to offer a reply on a very direct Q related question..
Why are you here?
Because you have nothing else to do other than enforce a sidebar in the Internet site?
If you scroll high enough you'll get to God, also fully endorsed by Q..who believes all humans deserve full free speech, not the paired down version you and your uh.. friends?..like to imagine exists outside of your lil websites simply because you're intimidated by those that dare think for themselves
One more chance here for ya bud..
Whats your opinion on members of Congress holding Dual Citizenship with Israel and the financial aid amounts repeatedly approved?
Veil on .win rapidly dropping since Voat died
Epstein was Mossad and they cucked influential Americans by blackmailing them with pedo sex tapes. When I say this I get downvoted but never do I hear arguments. It's just aNtI-SeMiTiSm REEEEE but not an argument. That's leftist brainwashing shit. We should be pure about free speech and apply truthful reflection and voicing our thoughts in regards to everything and everyone, with no fear and no shame.
People are afraid to be shamed for criticizing Israels behavior. No one should be above criticism.
YES. Isn't that cool? That's literally my situation. I'm retired, and I do nothing but support POTUS on his mission. See my post karma? Get my drift? I literally have nothing better to do than this. Correct.
I know where you're going, dude, I was an anon on Voat for years. I stopped going there not because I hated Voat, or Voaters, but because I focused on Trump for a long while, then when the opportunity came I started this .WIN. I don't want your second or third chances—I want to disappear to you guys and become just another user. That's going to happen.
Holy shit, almost 1.1 MILLION post score. OK, you are doing what you say, geeeez!
Cool? No. Pathetic? Obviously
Its so simple now
You're retired which means old enough to know better
You don't support the President because you work against the Constitution
Q led us to VOAT. VOAT taught us what needs to be done going forward.
You're either a terrible fraud or a worse shill
Doesn't matter though to me and the fellow goats
Look at us.
We control the narratives now
We don't talk about orange juice you juice hater. Juice doesn't hurt anyone, it's good for you.
Yeah I was being sarcastic about it. I don't hate orange juice, but some oranges are doing dirty politics, just like the rest of the nations. That's what I don't like. Orange juice nation somehow getting a pass when it comes to dirty corrupt politics. That's what bothers me.
You know what sucks is, that there are Zionists who believe in Israel over everything. Some believe that gentiles should serve Israel and that God says so. All racism sucks. Whether it's Jewish racism in the form of Zionism or German racism in the form of National Socialism. It's all garbage. Sorry for being preachy but I'm a little pissed at this AnTi-SeMiTiSm shaming technique behind which some powerful Jewish people can hide their crimes. There are powerful people who believe it's ok to use American children as sex bait for blackmail purposes as long as it serves their nation. Why can't we be honest about the moral corruption in regards to Israeli power politics? They are a powerful people, it's not like the elephant goes away if we just pretend he doesn't exist. There is so much power in banking and money and unchecked power leads to all sorts of atrocious crimes. We should be brave and not feel ashamed or scared for speaking out about corruption of any sort.
Facts don't care about my feefees. We gotta look at the facts and learn to deal with them appropriately. How to interpret the facts and how to deal with them is where things get more complicated. Racism to me means, one ethnic group is inherently of more worth than another. In my Christian belief system, everyone has the same inherent value as an image of God. Even if someone is inbred and retarded, that's not his fault, so you shouldn't treat that person as lesser than you based on their genetic make up. Belief system and character has much more impact than race. As a Christian, t's easier to get along with a truly believing Christian African than a truly believing Satanist American. Why are Americans at each others throats right now? It's belief system, left vs right, not race. Race and genetics have less of an impact on society than belief system and character shaped by that belief system.
That belief of superior-inferior race breeds all sorts of evil, so I reject it. Instead, we gotta be rational and open about our cultural and genetic differences and the bad behavior we are more prone towards. For example, if an alcoholic gene runs in the family, you gotta acknowledge that shit and not drink, otherwise you might end up with problems. That's how I view this topic. The topic of race is obviously complex and needs much discussion, but racism in the way I view it, as inherent superiority of one people group vs an inferior other, leads to evil and needs to be rejected. Acknowledging genetic and cultural differences in the discussion of how to best run a society is not in and of itself racist. Racism depends on how these differences are being interpreted and what beliefs a person holds in regards to those differences. If someone is genetically prone to more anger, you can acknowledge that and deal with this problem without judgment of that person as inherently valuable.
I think that Trumps bill is reasonable, determining who can get in by looking at what they are like makes sense. As far as I can tell, it aims to judge people by their character, sociability and economic potential, not race or skin color.
"I agree with everything you said, however valuing everyone equally and ignoring their treasonous or pedophile or terrorists cultures and beliefs is not pragmatic."
In Christianity you differentiate between sin and sinner. Every sinner was created as an image of God and is loved by God, meaning they have the capacity to love their Father back and do good works that He delights in. Based on this inherent potential for godliness as children of God, we should not hate sinners, even if that person is a criminal. That said, this does not contradict prevention and punishment for crimes. To love the sinner and to condemn the sins does not mean we should just shrug our shoulders when people do evil. Not at all. Condemnation of sins and evil includes crime prevention and punishment. Christianity is doing anything BUT ignoring the problem of evil. It's a matter of where you position the root for evil. I don't see the root of evil in the cultural environment or genetic predisposition. I see it in the way you view the world and what you intent to do within it.
Skin color and cultural environment is not enough in determining a persons character and actions. It's not right to condemn an entire people group based on a statistic of propensity for crime. If you were born into a family of criminals, but you don't engage in criminal behavior yourself, it would be unjust to be condemned alongside your criminal family members. You gotta look at people seperately to determine whether they are good or not. I think that's what the bill is trying to achieve as well.
Keep hammering brother
Thats why Q sent us to Voat
Not all Italians are "The Mafia", not all members of "The Mafia" are Italian. Focus on Italians and you lose sight of "The Mafia". Understand the connection?
I don't disagree with anything you're saying. Still, I feel like you are playing precisely into the hands of what I call "The Cabal" in doing so. The greatest achievement of The Cabal was to form a Gordian knot with Judaism and create what is essentially a limited hangout phantom for their enemies to chase while they continue with their evil deeds.
It is so effective and so admired by other crime organisations that in the 1960's the Mafia did try to copy it and use the shield of anti-Italian sentiment and racism to hide their own misdeeds.
We are more sophisticated than that, and "Individual Freedom and Responsibility" as a core innovation of the Declaration of Independence means that we can pursue our enemies for their own crimes rather than any inherited by blood or genetic happenstance.
We will have to agree to disagree then. I feel that any kind of racism is unhelpful in bringing people to our cause - it's not about recognising the pattern but about understanding the strategic implications of placing it front and centre of the argument. Maybe you or I can convince each other over time. I certainly appreciate the effort you are putting into your civil replies.
Just keep in mind that on this .win linking this all to Judaism is verboten but it must remain relevant and proportional. For example, your comments relating the post to Jews are fine (in my opinion as a mod), but a post denigrating Jews ipso facto (ie DAE Jews stink?) would not be.
Maybe I've been under a rock, but what elephant??
The one wearing a yamacca and referring to Israel as the "real country"