Unlikely. Not about resigning mind you but when they say "Pence doesn't agree....." that's horseshit. Pence is either taking orders from DS or from Trump. Either way, he isn't acting on his own or without Trump's knowledge.
Can you trust Pence is the WRONG question. The real question is WHO controls Pence RIGHT now? White Hats or the DS? It is highly unlikely POTUS would keep PENCE this close for this long unless he was reliably controlled by White Hats or rendered irrelavent. Pence would never be placed in a position to significantly undermine TRUMP and the plan, which has unfolded over years. None of the above has much to do with "trust."
If this is true then everyone will think Lin Wood is right and that what ever reason he gives is just an excuse to hide his treason.
The reason given here doesn't make sense given that he recently promised that every legal vote would count and every illegal one WOULD NOT. Unless he is going to pretend there were no illegal votes. That would make him ignorant, stupid, or complicit.
I'm still not sure about Pence, though given what we know thus far I'd say the odds that he is a DS traitor are higher than those for he is not. JMO.
We'll soon find out. But the Politico interview on New Years Eve where he said he no longer plans to pursue a career in politics was very odd. Up until now everyone assumed he was going to be the nominee in 2024 (he is a career politician after all) and he has never given any indication previously that this was not his intent.
I think he is being forced out of politics just like Paul Ryan was forced out. Both were part of an attempt to steal the nomination from Trump. Pence was forced on Trump because they thought they could assassinate Trump and put their boy in his place.
Unlikely. Not about resigning mind you but when they say "Pence doesn't agree....." that's horseshit. Pence is either taking orders from DS or from Trump. Either way, he isn't acting on his own or without Trump's knowledge.
I’m on the fence. What has made that clear to you? I’m genuinely wondering.
Pence Destroyed Kaballa Harris at the VP Debate.
your the mouth breather that said EVERYTHING he has done was DS crap.......
Thanks I’ll read this.
Or, he has been a turned agent working since the beginning, and hasn't yet blown his cover.
In my belief, similar to Barr.
Far from clear. Legit reasons to make a case for either.
Can you trust Pence is the WRONG question. The real question is WHO controls Pence RIGHT now? White Hats or the DS? It is highly unlikely POTUS would keep PENCE this close for this long unless he was reliably controlled by White Hats or rendered irrelavent. Pence would never be placed in a position to significantly undermine TRUMP and the plan, which has unfolded over years. None of the above has much to do with "trust."
Thanks for the reminder. Looks like we've got some movement going on here.
Pence said many times during covid briefings "public private partnership". That told me everything I need to know.
Yes, a real deep state concept. Globalism.
Code words for RINO socialism. Barf.
No, if he resigns not removed then Trump picks a new VP
HAHAHA, the amount of comedy that crap storm would be. I might piss myself.
Whatever pence is doing, he is doing at trumps direction. Trump has him just as squeezed as d.s. Deep state thinks the 6 will solve their problems?
With what Pence has done, prison is the least of his worries.
If he did, who would count the votes? Pelosi would be next in line of succession.
If this is true then everyone will think Lin Wood is right and that what ever reason he gives is just an excuse to hide his treason.
The reason given here doesn't make sense given that he recently promised that every legal vote would count and every illegal one WOULD NOT. Unless he is going to pretend there were no illegal votes. That would make him ignorant, stupid, or complicit.
I'm still not sure about Pence, though given what we know thus far I'd say the odds that he is a DS traitor are higher than those for he is not. JMO.
We'll soon find out. But the Politico interview on New Years Eve where he said he no longer plans to pursue a career in politics was very odd. Up until now everyone assumed he was going to be the nominee in 2024 (he is a career politician after all) and he has never given any indication previously that this was not his intent.
I think he is being forced out of politics just like Paul Ryan was forced out. Both were part of an attempt to steal the nomination from Trump. Pence was forced on Trump because they thought they could assassinate Trump and put their boy in his place.