TD has been depressing and anxiety-inducing yesterday and today. Killing ny vibe, a lot better atmosphere here and still discussion about the same topics just from abother angle.
honestly i just came here because the energy in the Q community is usually positive. I used to do the same when i felt down months ago on voat, now im here lol
not that i believe everything Q, but it's way better than the current black pill parade everywhere else rn
I can't believe you gave us a home after putt, you even let us get all the n fatigue out of the way and everything, I had my doubts but catsfive deserve four more lives.
Thank you, the place is getting comfortable. Good people, good discussion, high energy. The best thing about being here before is being able to see more great people come over.
This is my first week in this site. Thanks for having me and thank you for holding at least one site down during all of this. Good to see other loyal patriots
TDW went to shit after the election. A lot of us started looking around at the other .win communities and found our way here.
TD has been depressing and anxiety-inducing yesterday and today. Killing ny vibe, a lot better atmosphere here and still discussion about the same topics just from abother angle.
Lol I was here! 5 posts a day. Max
honestly i just came here because the energy in the Q community is usually positive. I used to do the same when i felt down months ago on voat, now im here lol
not that i believe everything Q, but it's way better than the current black pill parade everywhere else rn
We haven’t been as infiltrated by Doomers glownigers and shills
Must be the herd of goats
Yeah QRV was canned
That’s where my herd fled from.
Correction: all of Voat was canned. Voat had at least 3 Q forums, all similar size and activity as QRV eg. v/GreatAwakening
So you have a lot of goats, and not just from QRV
ex voater reporting present.
Baaaaaaah! (or whatever the designated goat sound is ?)
Kek, it would be kek
Keeeeeeeekfag! ?
Hey now, I have 4 goats and the two females are likely pregnant...I'm working on my goat herd. ?
"the two females are likely pregnant...I'm working on my goat herd. "
:))))) Lmao sorry I know what you meant but this was just too funny out of context
Hey, we have to have some laughter still too...can't let the asshiles take that from us.
Wowwwwww didn’t catch that
Aweeeeee yeahhh
God damn .wins, weed, and wife's pussy have been the only thing keeping me alive this past year
Wow... it is so hard to avoid saying anything about your post. My conscious sounds like the commander from Star Wars “Stay on Target”...
I can't believe you gave us a home after putt, you even let us get all the n fatigue out of the way and everything, I had my doubts but catsfive deserve four more lives.
Oh, thank you, man. I'm far, far from perfect but I'm watching over and not going to let anyone get in the way of our mission. ;)
Thank you, the place is getting comfortable. Good people, good discussion, high energy. The best thing about being here before is being able to see more great people come over.
This place picked up after Voat went R.I.P.
I member day before yesterday like it was yesterday.
I remember when this place had a total of 17 posts for the last 17 months
This is my first week in this site. Thanks for having me and thank you for holding at least one site down during all of this. Good to see other loyal patriots
I'm your huckleberry OP. What time you got? Little bit after 4?