boooom! BOOM! Boooooooom!- More context
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if it is like that.. well... at least wie die, cause if all of this is real its not a world worth living in
If Trump concedes I will never waste my time voting again. It's now painfully clear that we have been duped for decades, maybe centuries.
Yeah if there is a Biden presidency I'm done with politics alltogether. It's not fun wrestling with pigs. There is a life worth living out there. So sad that politics has become rotten and false to the core. If Trump won't use the military boot to fix the system, politics is over for me. They'll just keep cheating and the masses will believe them, so what's the point?
Listening to Seb Gorka last night and one caller asked basically, what do we do when we know the election was rigged, most of federal govt is corrupt etc and he said- get involved in local government. Your fed govt doesn’t really affect your life as much as the govt in your villages, your towns and cities. He has a good point. It starts at the local level. Don’t give up. It’s what they want.
You are correct. I tend to think top down, starting at the federal level. But really we should think bottom up, from the neighborhood to the district to city, state etc.
Oh really, I guess Gorka never owned a business.
What effects me more... trade, income taxes, and the Bill of Rights or... fencing ordinances, who’s the dog catcher, and getting the speed limit changed on the bypass.
Weak sauce Gorka.
I don't know, the federal level policies of administrations prior to DJT devastated the lives of millions of American citizens - in ways that they couldn't just go stick their head in the sand and try to ignore
Yes, the political status quo in the West is corporatist globalist dressed up as this enlightened, peaceful, humanitarian, future oriented centre-leftism, when really, it's the rich and powerful looking out for each other above the interests of the plebs. Patriotism is more local, it says, the leaders should love and serve their people, the plebs and the leaders should be part of the same club, their country and the country has to be an object of veneration. But the status quo says, no thats bad, the elites of the world should be part of the same club and the common people are idiots that should be kept in line with deceit and all sorts of techniques.
We can not allow them to walk that man into the Oval Office period. That is OUR HOUSE he is not president. We can not go forward it stops here. If they try to then this is when our form of action must change. We can wait to see what will happen. I don't want to die protecting the shores from invasion. I don't want to die stopping someone I know from being "taken" somewhere to be "reeducated" I don't die being hunted down cuz I was on a list. I don't want to die being in a militia in my town protecting other "trump loyalists". I don't want to die being hung as a spy in my homeland by a domestic terrorist. If it gets there we have fukn utterly failed. That is what would be heading our way if that man ever steps foot in the White House again. This is the last stand. This is the battle. We do not go forwards as a nation under these circumstances period. I don't want that to be the case but if it is, well then it is. This is the call we have to make if it gets to there. We can't back away & hope it won't be so bad. FUCK THAT NO ENOUGH this is it. I have faith in this plan, Gods plan "The Plan". I don't think it will come to that, I pray it doesn't however IF it does we DON'T MOVE FORWARD LIKE THAT WE STOP IT HERE
You got that bubba. We have got to make a stand here. We either win it all, or lose it all right here, right now.
The voter fraud is not a conspiracy theory, it's a conspiracy fact. That's why the election was lost. These ridiculous spikes of blue votes, Biden getting 80+ million votes while only getting 500+ counties. That's the reason we lost. To compromise with cheating crooks who have hated Trump from the very beginning is not the way. They have declared war from the start. To roll over and compromise means losing the very thing that made this movement great to begin with, integrity and honesty!
This should cheer you up shill.
Guess that's a great awakening in itself, of sorts.
Agreed. Tune out and focus on God and Family. The Country is gone.
I am new here, just created the account, Learning how to navigate. I love your post “focus on God and family”, I need to do that, I am keeping the faith that our President will stay in office, there is an 11 months old little boy that needs a great country. Focus on God and family. I came here for Patriot support, have not done much reading but your post caught my eye. “Focus on God and family” Thank you
Thats very true
If it does come to that make sure it is in a pile of brass. Do not make it easy for them.
Ya but its a world worth fighting for to the bitter end. I have a 2 month old baby girl and she absolutely deserves every freedom that was given to us by our founding fathers. We will never surrender this is our struggle not the next generations. We will adapt and overcome give me liberty or give me death!! Like Q has proven to us there is still good people, and good leaders in our government. Trump was asked to run for president by those people he isnt the operation just the public face of it.