481 The deep state false flag failed. 4D chess wins again. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by bgny 4 years ago by bgny +481 / -0 130 comments download share 130 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Supposedly, Trump was also 30 minutes behind schedule.
Makes sense now.
He was 57 minutes behind schedule. He said he would be there at 11...he didn't go on stage until 11 57
Dang. I had heard 30 minutes.
Explains how the media had the copy ready prior to the act.
Yeah I remember very clearly waiting and waiting and I took note of the time
What about the NPR article that was written at 9:30am saying that "Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building"?
All planned by the DS, Dems and fake news media in advance.
More like 45 minutes behind. 45, of course. He said 17 four times too that I could hear.