posted ago by HannahRebekah ago by HannahRebekah +21 / -0

I have put together a timeline of the U.S. history that has to do with the service corporations that have ruled us, the bankruptcies overtime, the Federal Reserve and President Trump restoring our Constitutional Republic. It’s very long so I will do this in 6 Parts. If you venture to read it you will better understand more of what’s presently going on and why. There are great nuggets throughout but this is more a rough draft and with all things, use critical thinking. I’m sure there info is left out or unintended erroneous info so leave your contributions, sources and corrections in the comments.


The United States of America, Unincorporated, is not and never was subject to or covered by any limited liability and not eligible for any bankruptcy protection and has certainly never been bankrupt in the history of the world. Certainly, too, our United States of America, Unincorporated, is a completely different and separate entity with respect to any incorporated organization merely calling itself "United States of America" and functioning as an incorporated entity.

July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence signed.

“The de jure government of this country is called The United States of America (Unincorporated). It has to be unincorporated to serve as a sovereign government, because if it held a corporate charter granted by some other government, it would be subservient to that government. Let’s Make This Simple, Von Reitz http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/12/lets-make-this-really-simple.html  The Constitutions implement the various Treaty Agreements ending The War of Independence. All three Constitutions, Federal, Territorial and Municipal are all power-sharing service contracts. The process of implementation begins in 1787 with The Constitution for the united States of America—which created the Federal Republic operated by our American Confederation which was established in 1781. The Article III Federal Courts are part of the Federal Republic structure. They have not operated since the Civil War and won’t operate until and unless both the Confederation and the Federal Republic are restored. Two years later, in 1789, the Territorial United States Constitution known as The Constitution of the United States of America was adopted. It was immediately amended to allow Admiralty and Maritime Courts by the Judiciary Act of 1790. A year later the Municipal Constitution called The Constitution of the United States was adopted. It’s only judicial powers extend to the Article II Administrative Courts…

1781 The United Colonies of America gives rise to the united States of America (please note that the word "united" is used as an adjective.).

1787 The united States of America gives rise to the unincorporated business doing business as The United States of America.

1789 The United States of America then delegates some of its own delegated power to the United States-- 1789, a foreign corporation chartered under our flag and seal, in order to provide stipulated services and exercise associated delegated powers. Because the international treasury functions were delegated, the treasury and accounts of the actual United States of America, Unincorporated, were founded in 1789 as the United States Treasury, so it remains to this day. http://annavonreitz.com/thirdparyclaim.pdf Treaty of Paris which ended the American Revolution and the corollary Treaty of Versailles. There are three international Trustees named as caretakers of The United States Trust (1789). They are the Pope, in His Temporal Office, the British Monarch, and The United States Postmaster (Civil).

1819 members of the Bar Associations are prohibited from holding any public office or position of trust related to our government and that has been the case since 1819. Thus no action undertaken by any Bar Attorney, including their votes in the Territorial United State Congress or Municipal United States Congress, can ever be presumed to apply to us or our assets in any way, shape, or form. Bar Attorneys are subject to the Crown.

1845 One other corrupt happening was the Admiralty Law, from Common Law in 1845 passed by Congress.

1863 Bankruptcy "American Civil War" wasn't a war. It was and is an illegal commercial mercenary conflict on our shores. It was never actually declared by any Congress. It was never officially ended by any Peace Treaty. In 1863, during the so-called war, Lincoln bankrupted the original United States (Trading Company) and placed the responsibility for preserving the Union and fulfilling the contractual mandates of the actual Constitution on the Grand Army of the Republic -- and the Union Generals. With respect to the Territorial United States, they have carried on in that role ever since, and grossly expanded upon it. The rules that Lincoln gave them, The Lieber Code, has morphed into The Hague Conventions. The Grand Army of the Republic, also known as the Union Army, has morphed in the US ARMY, the United States Army, and many other permutations. But nothing ever got resolved. http://annavonreitz.com/connecting.pdf

1863 Lieber Code and its modern-day versions enshrined in The Hague Conventions. https://blogs.loc.gov/law/2018/04/the-lieber-code-the-first-modern-codification-of-the-laws-of-war/

1865 The Civil War was an illegal commercial mercenary action.

1867 The United States of America --- Incorporated, from 1867 to 1906, when this bankrupt Scottish Commercial Corporation entered receivership, and the Pope's Municipal version, "the" United States of America, Incorporated, took over until 1930 when it was bankrupted too.

1868 In 1868 a Scottish commercial corporation merely calling itself “The United States of America”—Incorporated, set up shop, infringed upon our Proper Name in an obviously fraudulent manner, and misrepresenting itself as our lawful government, accessed our credit and stole our gold. https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2019/08/anna-von-reitz-for-alliance-from.html#more Following the end of the armed hostilities (Civil War), a completely new incorporated entity merely calling itself "The United States of America" (Incorporated) was launched in 1868.  Unlike the actual unincorporated government it was deceptively named after, this was a incorporated entity like any other. The Congress ceased acting in their public office and began functioning as a corporate Board of Directors. The effect of this was glossed over and subtle and hard for the people to recognize, but it unlawfully converted our unincorporated government into an incorporated one, infringed on our copyrights to do it, and substituted a private, mostly foreign-owned corporation in its place.  This in turn removed the government from the land jurisdiction and dumped it in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  http://www.paulstramer.net/2017/10/our-situation-report.html#more And we rebut the enslaved Negro Fourteenth Amendment "Citizen" claim as we see fit. The so-called "Amendment" is in fact a corporate By Law adopted by a Scottish Commercial Corporation merely doing business as "The United States of America, Inc" (1868 charter) and that corporation has been defunct since 1907 -- so the most appropriate response is to to say, "What are you idiots even talking about? What "Fourteenth Amendment? Whose "Fourteenth Amendment"? That corporation was a foreign fraud and has been defunct since 1907."