But can someone give me a breakdown on who they think will be arrested and why? WHat was the purpose of the breach? Is the entire Republican / Democratic base that certified the elections going to get arrested? How does the DNI report fit in? Any explanation or links to help me understand would be much appreciated!!!!
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The breach was so they could get Pelosi's laptop which is why she was spazzing. I don't think everyone but Q said 70% of congress is corrupt. DNI report gives the evidence needed for Trump to use EO13848 which means Trump can seize all assets inside the United States of any person or corporation who was involved in Foreign interference in the election. As for arrests its all just speculation but Obama, Hunter, Biden, Pelosi, McCabe, Comey Brennan Clapper hopefully
May or may not be a coincidence that Congress received the DNI report and they all went batshit insane with panic.
Too many names to list there are litterally thousands of them world wide. This is not just a US operation. There is no point in just arresting those in the US and leave the other snakes operating out there who will only send in more blackhats. There is no shortage of black hats who want to make some money. Lots of people Pelosi, maxine, shumer, schiff, comey, brennan, pence, likely mcconell, his wife most of te pevious peoples spouses,cuomo, newscom or what ever his name is. There are just tons and tons and tons and yes those that voted against but not just for voting against I dont think thats criminal they would be arrested for other crimes maybe not even in this run. I think what they are concentrating on right now is those involved in election theft. That would also be kemp and the secretary of state and stacy abrams and the supreme court justices 1 or possibly 2. All the other judges that would not even look at it. It goes on and on and on. People do not understand how big this treason is. After the election people they will go after the child rapists torturers murders and satanists which is all the people above but way more. lol too many to list.
Found pelosi.
All seriousness, thousands.
The breach was to seize laptops, and to have Twitter / Google / YT et al throw a hissy fit, which then gets them all destroyed on Monday. Just a guess. The breach was pre-planned, we saw a memo about it drafted the day before.