Something big is going down tomorrow (or at the very latest Monday) or not at all.
I don't see the strategic advantage in Trump getting 25th a.
It creates a constitutional crisis and dosent really improve optics. Unless I'm missing something that would improve the outcome by waiting.
Look, it happens when it happens. There has been a plan since before any of us knew about Q. Arbitrary deadlines set by anyone outside the team doesn't mean anything and won't influence anything.
Yes but there are also public optics vs military strategy to consider. Sure the military can do whatever they want whenever they want but you have to look at the big picture.
How are the normies going to Handle a military op post 25a? They're going to think it's the end of the world lol.
It may take them longer than Monday to setup a vote for 25a, but I have a feeling soon as they pull that trigger were going to get an ESB.
Waiting a significant time afterwards would present major doubt in the general public.
Eitherway it's going to be quite the show
Nobody cares about this next impeachment sham. 117th congress is fraudulent. Nothing they do matters. What's happening there doesn't have any effect if the military makes a move.
Q says we have to be at the edge of the precipice, and I can't think of any closer to the precipice than Trump being 25th or even jailed himself. It would serve to have the optics of him not directing the coming arrests etc. (of course it would all be faked while he flies around watching from above.)
Dont try and put dates on things it doesn't work.
Keeps congress occupied with something...? Keep all of them rounded up in one place? I don't know.... But I'd love to see some action this weekend!
the deadline is jan 20. I would love it to be today, but your date could lead to major let down.
Nope. New republic, on the original date March 5th.
If you are right the plan puts grrat risk on a civil war starting prior to that date. I dont think you are right.
Best theory I saw is Trump transitions power to a military caretaker government by Jan 20, then new elections, and new President in March.
But it's just a theory
Not sure now.
If you ask me, the IA has already been declared and arrests have been and are taking place as we speak. It’s too late for the DS/cabal. The 25th makes no difference because the military is in charge.
it would open up more eyes. isn't that the goal? A mass awakening.
I really have a feeling shit is/has been going down for at least 24 hours. I agree with you, if impeachment or 25A actually occur, I feel it can’t help Trump. Could be totally wrong though
the military is running this show. Impeachment and the 25th have no bearing.
Frankly they waited too long for many things like declas, arrests, exposure, and more. But hey, who am I?
I guess that's the hard part of putting cheese in the trap; waiting for the mouse to bite.
Trump jr on parlor said there was going to be an announcement soon. But we all know that "soon" is not always soon.
You don't get to demand deadlines for the military action.
Impeachment is a process that takes a long time. There is not enough time even if all the corrupt politicians were on board with it. The republicans can't go along with it or they would literally destroy their own party.
25th amendment is also a long, drawn out process that takes a long time, and requires a 2/3 vote in both houses to take effect. It won't happen for the same reasons as impeachment.
So, any of those options sound like they could happen in a few days?
3a) has to start with Pence who has said he’s not in favor of a 25a challenge. Like that means anything.
Nothing the criminals can try to do to Trump now can be completed by the 20th. It would all be for show. Trump said he's not going to be at the Inauguration on the 20th. Therefore, the Inauguration will occur at a later date. The "new administration" will be Trump and someone who isn't Pence.
Or tuesday. Or wednesday. Or whenever...
Stop trying to put YOUR timeline on these things.
Impeachment or 25th of Trump is impossible at this point. Trump already transferred “presidency” to the military tribunal. That way he cannot be ousted or accused of running a coup. After a clean sweep, presidency will be transferred back to Trump.
Can’t be done any other way.
bullshit. The impeachment is meaningless Senate wont take it till 1.20 or later. why would you even think that bs impeachmwnt in the house would effect mass arrests?
Yeah, even traitor Lindsey is saying this.
The House can have their vote, the deadline is actually whenever the Senate would conduct its vote (it's supposed to have a trial first, but I suppose McConnell could come out and say the evidence is "self-evident, so let's vote." )
Anyway, I agree with you that this could speed up the timeline because Nancy is clearly trying to separate GEOTUS from the military. Q was prepared to use the military alone to eradicate the DS, but Q chose to back Trump specifically because they wanted to avoid the optics of having a military coup. So they have to act before Trump can be impeached.
Concurrent thought: suppose enough members of Congress become secretly detained so that only a fraction of them can vote to impeach? This would cast serious doubt in the public's mind on the validity of such a vote.