HOWEVER : when you are firing blanks which have no kick at all due to there being no heavy lead bullet taking off - action and reaction - you have to act up the kick and hence we are all used to watching movies where actors act up the kick of the gun like they are dirty harry
it is not the case
in addition - when there is no round and a blank is fired you get a much larger muzzle flash as there is no bullet blocking the powder burn
also the girl - fell backwards 'shot in the neck' and immediately had blood in her mouth - dye pack she bit on - easy and dramatic to fake with the convenient cameras there to catch it all - i call BS.
she was climbing through the window with her head down, she would have been shot in the torso - AND the shooter - policeman - trained to shoot - would not allow a kick back - because he would want to ensure his aim to repeat fire if necessary - maybe he just winged her and she pulled a gun...
in addition already at close range right before firing - he takes totally unnecessary steps forwards to get himself better insight - rather than maintaining cover and aim.
she was also wearing a very convenient big soft spongy back pack to fall back onto
after she fell the trooper who was right behind her gave a thumbs up to the shooter
why were there armed police on both sides of the barricaded doors and why with 5 armed police on the girls side, was it necessary to shoot her from the other side, into the crowd which included police
oh and the girl was ex military - how convenient
no family interview, no BF, no social media - no one has said a word about her.
OK, I've been saying this everywhere and people do NOT LIKE IT. But I'm almost certain that this was staged in an attempt to incite an actual shootout. That's why the media is going so full on crazy, they had their stories prepped before the event took place and it wasn't as dramatic as they'd hoped it would be.
Ex Theater person here with experience in stage fighting, performance art, and martial arts.
It makes me sick to my stomach to write this. If I am wrong, I apologize to the spirit of Ashli and to her loved ones. But I have to share what I know about how these things are staged.
The first issue we have here is audience control. Why are known members of Antifa allowed to stay near the “body” and film while Trumpers are waived back by the police? The “body” is effectively shielded from the audience by the police on one side and Antifa on the other. No Trumper actually allowed to get close enough to verify what’s going on.
The second issue is Ashli’s fall. From both my experience in stage fighting and martial arts, I know how you are supposed to fall. Ashli’s fall is controlled. She DOES not hit her head as she lands. Imagine you have just been shot in the neck - how would you manage to have a controlled fall like that? How would your head not crack on the floor unless you hadn’t been shot at all and were in full control.
Props and wardrobe. Props - Where is the blood? It should be everywhere. Wardrobe - this isn’t proof but it’s VERY convenient from a wardrobe perspective that her neck is fully covered, no one ever actually sees a wound.
i'm not on either side of this yet, but why do people keep failing to mention that she was clearly trying to climb through the window? and against armed guards with guns drawn? just a weird situation altogether
i have put 10,000 rounds though a glock - this exact pistol, a 12 yr old can fire this gun without looking like Brad Pitt, Dirty Harry, Neo - you are too used to watching movies
i am saying that a glock pistol does not kick like you see in the movies, that is acting
you can fire it almost flat
a woman can
a young teenager can
certainly a trained officer can and certainly in a defensive situation with both hands, where you want to keep on target that is what you would be doing.
damnit... how do I buy blanks to test this theory? Ironically, why are all the sporting goods stores out of bullets and guns? Had there really been such a run on them? Or is there a back door run on our 2nd happening while we're all distracted?
however you get a much more prominent flash every time from a blank and it's more even and spread, because there is no bullet in the way
the dirty harry kick back is a dead ringer for acting up a blank fire
so is the soft back pack she was wearing, perfect to fall backwards onto and the convenient immediate blood from the mouth, all caught on camera for full drama like a movie
she was bent right over going through the window, so likely a shot would be to the torso, not the neck and even then unlikely blood would be pouring out her mouth immediately - that's a dye pack you bite on
and she's ex- military - so easy - pay her $X, give her a new ID
What is the prevailing theory on the purpose of the shooting? If it was staged, which side staged it? It's possible the Trump team staged this shooting. If a person who is not really hurt is being carried off in a stretcher, might not that stretcher also conceal a cache of newly seized phones and laptops?
There was a video analyzing the different camera angles that looked at the full video, not just the minute or so that's shown in most places... there were clearly antifa members taking the video.
Non conclusive at best. A .40 could very well make a flash similar and if the guy is wearing drivers gloves (why???) his support hand could easily have slipped.
I’m not on either side of the fence on this one. Someone is going to have to crack during their rendition flight to get the actual truth.
Usually stalk but I have to weigh in here. I used to shoot at Silver Eagle indoor range in VA for a few years. Actual security agents can shoot hostage targets at speed with shot groups in the 1-2" group range. Its muscle memory. My point is it would've been a head shot and probably a double tap at that distance. Just for reference these are the usual targets used.
a close look at the video of the shooting reveals a few flaws
having put around 10,000 rounds through a glock i can tell you that they do not kick - barely at all
here you can see an example of a glock being fired - certainly not a 45 degree kick back
HOWEVER : when you are firing blanks which have no kick at all due to there being no heavy lead bullet taking off - action and reaction - you have to act up the kick and hence we are all used to watching movies where actors act up the kick of the gun like they are dirty harry
it is not the case
in addition - when there is no round and a blank is fired you get a much larger muzzle flash as there is no bullet blocking the powder burn
also the girl - fell backwards 'shot in the neck' and immediately had blood in her mouth - dye pack she bit on - easy and dramatic to fake with the convenient cameras there to catch it all - i call BS.
she was climbing through the window with her head down, she would have been shot in the torso - AND the shooter - policeman - trained to shoot - would not allow a kick back - because he would want to ensure his aim to repeat fire if necessary - maybe he just winged her and she pulled a gun...
in addition already at close range right before firing - he takes totally unnecessary steps forwards to get himself better insight - rather than maintaining cover and aim.
she was also wearing a very convenient big soft spongy back pack to fall back onto
after she fell the trooper who was right behind her gave a thumbs up to the shooter
why were there armed police on both sides of the barricaded doors and why with 5 armed police on the girls side, was it necessary to shoot her from the other side, into the crowd which included police
oh and the girl was ex military - how convenient
no family interview, no BF, no social media - no one has said a word about her.
"she died"
sorry but I call BS to this.
The first video when he first draws theres muzzle flash
OK, I've been saying this everywhere and people do NOT LIKE IT. But I'm almost certain that this was staged in an attempt to incite an actual shootout. That's why the media is going so full on crazy, they had their stories prepped before the event took place and it wasn't as dramatic as they'd hoped it would be.
Ex Theater person here with experience in stage fighting, performance art, and martial arts.
It makes me sick to my stomach to write this. If I am wrong, I apologize to the spirit of Ashli and to her loved ones. But I have to share what I know about how these things are staged.
The first issue we have here is audience control. Why are known members of Antifa allowed to stay near the “body” and film while Trumpers are waived back by the police? The “body” is effectively shielded from the audience by the police on one side and Antifa on the other. No Trumper actually allowed to get close enough to verify what’s going on.
The second issue is Ashli’s fall. From both my experience in stage fighting and martial arts, I know how you are supposed to fall. Ashli’s fall is controlled. She DOES not hit her head as she lands. Imagine you have just been shot in the neck - how would you manage to have a controlled fall like that? How would your head not crack on the floor unless you hadn’t been shot at all and were in full control.
Props and wardrobe. Props - Where is the blood? It should be everywhere. Wardrobe - this isn’t proof but it’s VERY convenient from a wardrobe perspective that her neck is fully covered, no one ever actually sees a wound.
yes and she also have a nice big fat square soft back pack totally full to fall onto
i'm not on either side of this yet, but why do people keep failing to mention that she was clearly trying to climb through the window? and against armed guards with guns drawn? just a weird situation altogether
there were armed guards on both sides and after she was shot, the police on her side, gave a thumbs up to the shooter - doesn't make sense.
if there is a slug the flash is not so large and formed, because the slug spoils it.
i have the 1080P quality, i need an editor to look at it frame by frame.
i'd put money on it being fake.
Did you seriously just repost this to hide that people already called you out?
I guess you added something:
Guns have recoil. A weak bitch like someone who would fire on unarmed patriots might have a hard time controlling even the weakest of recoils.
i have put 10,000 rounds though a glock - this exact pistol, a 12 yr old can fire this gun without looking like Brad Pitt, Dirty Harry, Neo - you are too used to watching movies
Are we talking about a 12 year old or an old dude with the soy that matches the weakest flabby armed AntiFA?
i am saying that a glock pistol does not kick like you see in the movies, that is acting
you can fire it almost flat
a woman can
a young teenager can
certainly a trained officer can and certainly in a defensive situation with both hands, where you want to keep on target that is what you would be doing.
damnit... how do I buy blanks to test this theory? Ironically, why are all the sporting goods stores out of bullets and guns? Had there really been such a run on them? Or is there a back door run on our 2nd happening while we're all distracted?
I've said this all along! I've never seen a real shooting flash like that.
Muzzle flash exists. Excess powder burning out of the barrel.
They make flash hiders for ARs, handguns are too small for that.
Watch some gun videos on YouTube sometime, you'll see it pretty frequently.
yes the muzzle flash is a 50/50
however you get a much more prominent flash every time from a blank and it's more even and spread, because there is no bullet in the way
the dirty harry kick back is a dead ringer for acting up a blank fire
so is the soft back pack she was wearing, perfect to fall backwards onto and the convenient immediate blood from the mouth, all caught on camera for full drama like a movie
she was bent right over going through the window, so likely a shot would be to the torso, not the neck and even then unlikely blood would be pouring out her mouth immediately - that's a dye pack you bite on
and she's ex- military - so easy - pay her $X, give her a new ID
I'm not saying you're wrong, I have to admit that this stinks like a false flag.
The ex military thing could be cover and that she was/is still in and she's playing her part. As said elsewhere on this post, if it's not fake, RIP.
It seems incredibly negligent for an officer to fire through a door, into a crowd, at an unarmed soft target, with friendlies behind the target.
I'm not saying you're wrong, I have to admit that this stinks like a false flag.
The ex military thing could be cover and that she was/is still in and she's playing her part. As said elsewhere on this post, if it's not fake, RIP.
It seems incredibly negligent for an officer to fire through a door, into a crowd, at an unarmed soft target, with friendlies behind the target.
In the video he swings way left right before firing. Not even aimed at her. Bad, bad acting all around
What is the prevailing theory on the purpose of the shooting? If it was staged, which side staged it? It's possible the Trump team staged this shooting. If a person who is not really hurt is being carried off in a stretcher, might not that stretcher also conceal a cache of newly seized phones and laptops?
There was a video analyzing the different camera angles that looked at the full video, not just the minute or so that's shown in most places... there were clearly antifa members taking the video.
It could go either way.
Non conclusive at best. A .40 could very well make a flash similar and if the guy is wearing drivers gloves (why???) his support hand could easily have slipped.
I’m not on either side of the fence on this one. Someone is going to have to crack during their rendition flight to get the actual truth.
Apparently, the glass is supposed to be bullet-proof there, so it was either already broken before the "riot" or the glass was replaced with a prop.
Usually stalk but I have to weigh in here. I used to shoot at Silver Eagle indoor range in VA for a few years. Actual security agents can shoot hostage targets at speed with shot groups in the 1-2" group range. Its muscle memory. My point is it would've been a head shot and probably a double tap at that distance. Just for reference these are the usual targets used.
They’ve been staging deaths forever! This isn’t anything new. People are just awake enough to catch it.
You are retarded
why? what is wrong with his theory?
Ye! She’s got to be alive! Fake!
Fake shooting to try and get the Patriots to shoot back to fulfill the false flag event, possibly to get rid of the 2nd Amendment and POTUS.