Q spells it DAR[NK]ESS, North Korea? He follows saying WAR. Are we looking at a possible Staged nuclear event from North Korea putting everyone in to the DEFCON1 lockdown scenario?
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Just saying 14k lost power now in GA, watching.
Seems so
Also says non nuclear at some point.
That would be a very scary event. Especially if it is staged.
Maybe you should prepare they keep telling you to prepare and it has nothing to do with NK.
It is very likely Biden will be inaugurated the days of darkness starts on that day. The military is to shut down any riots Antifa or Patriots. That is why they are telling patriots to stay home and trust the plan.
Biden will not have power Trumps already moved it under the control of FEMA under an emergency order with Chris Miller in charge. So it will only look like Biden is running the country but he will have no power including the nukes.
So technically FEMA and the military are in control. Those that come out will be put down the military will not fuck around here so unless you want to come home in a body bag stay home.
Most Trump supporters will be absolutely upset but Trump has asked you keep the peace it wont be for long.
Darnkess is a word that means unsettling pain.
Perhaps Ten Days. Darkness. Does not apply now, and was meant for something else.
anagram/acronym for what wasn't in killbox?
Okay. Gonna stretch it here. DAR "data at rest" https://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Data+At+Rest [NK] ESS 2 thoughts here. Either ES&S voting OR Edward Snowden and his secrets.
Not sure the post, but there's one that seems to ask 3 questions twice. NK and ES. "Why did NK allow ES access to him?"
This is your answer. https://www.amazon.fr/Three-Days-Darnkess-Aitken/dp/1505633400/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=darnkess&qid=1610618159&sr=8-1. Seems pretty clear to me if you read the synopsis.
It doesn’t even. Say darkness
Exactly why they would be perfect for us to put on the staged evebt
Maybe Trump could learn from him then. If you look at a live cam of Russia no one there is wearing masks.