Okay I understand the stay at home -7 part. What does the rest of it mean?
Jan 22 2018 14:05:49 (EST)
:stay at home<
Safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300^00
Don't get your heart set on dates though it is fun to speculate. If we can figure it out that easily then the enemy can....so far all dates have been to get the enemy to expend their ammunition. Patriots have felt down at every date because they misinterpreted drops. Though to be fair, everything does seem to finally be coalescing in the present time.
Could -7 mean mountain time zone where Castle Rock, CO is located?
Okay I understand the stay at home -7 part. What does the rest of it mean? Jan 22 2018 14:05:49 (EST) :stay at home< [-7] DR_noon_clear_sky^ Safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300^00
The COVID vaccine can get you promoted to the next pay grade
Pope Pius XII gave the Fulgens Corona on September 8, 1953. Coincidence with the name? Could be related. http://www.vatican.va/content/pius-xii/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-xii_enc_08091953_fulgens-corona.html
DR = Disaster Relief ??
I’ll admit I’m still a q n00b and don’t fully understand the 3 year delta thing... but wouldn’t this be saying to stay home on the 22nd?
Gotcha, thanks
So with any post, there is a significance on the yearly delta ? Like a post can come into play on its anniversary?
Sorry, new to all this. It’s beginning to click but wow it’s a lot
What is the meaning behind -7?
Seven days before post date. Then do the 3 year delta to bring us to tomorrow.
if you minus 7 from 22 its 15
Don't get your heart set on dates though it is fun to speculate. If we can figure it out that easily then the enemy can....so far all dates have been to get the enemy to expend their ammunition. Patriots have felt down at every date because they misinterpreted drops. Though to be fair, everything does seem to finally be coalescing in the present time.
There's a [-7] which would be 1/15?
get him an uber and send a bag of snacks
I have to work and so does my family. Makes me nervous... thankfully we don’t live in or near a big city though.
DOD clear skies sounds like a major communications network for the DOD
"Great Voice" sounds like Emergency Broadcast System to me, although I've been wrong before (repeatedly, actually....)
I believe Q means, 1/15-1/22. not really an exact date, but a range. Q likely didn't forget to post on the correct day.
Edit- also think it's a warning to not protest, not necessarily staying home, but that helps if you can.