posted ago by dude_bro ago by dude_bro +233 / -0

Surprised how few people are realizing the brilliance in Trump's wargame.

This scumbag, among others, were caught in the act creating a false flag documented on endless video that the media/dems were 100% complicit. Trump allowed them to force the narrative into a ridiculous echo chamber of how awful violent protests are. So what do we have?

-Trump declassifying Obamagate

-Arrests quietly beginning to roll out

-A Capitol packed full of military

-An obsessive narrative that violence isn't the answer

...Do you get it yet? Trump had all the power & is executing the endgame immaculately.

He has allowed them to give him a reason to activate the military, while the media/left are shooting themselves in the foot in regards to their ability to fanboy the predictable antifa/BLM scum that will be easily dealt with when the time comes.

The immense corruption/treason that the public is already aware of in regards to the establishment Democrats is a dam ready to burst. Has an incoming president ever been this exposed as a foreign agent in the weeks prior to their inauguration?

The ONLY possible way Trump could lose is if our military has really been so crippled by Chinese subversion that it doesn't have any leadership left sworn to protect the United States. Highly doubtful.

Pompeo announced he will be stepping down on the 20th...that's a other tell. He wouldn't be stepping down if a new administration was coming in. But he would if he were to take the position of VP.

Its incredible to watch this unfold, while 99% are missing the brilliance of the execution.