They will be in individual cells. Out for air 1 hr a day. That is assuming that they will not be executed. I don't see him being executed. He has a cult following. Deprogramming the cult followers might be difficult. That means the media will have its own purge if we must get the truth out.
Hillary on the other hand.... she knows she will be executed.
His with Big Mike “anal” yzing things
Am I the only one who thinks Big Mike and Obama might enjoy prison too much?
Big Mike and Hildebeast should be roomies. We know Hillary doesn't like men.
They will be in individual cells. Out for air 1 hr a day. That is assuming that they will not be executed. I don't see him being executed. He has a cult following. Deprogramming the cult followers might be difficult. That means the media will have its own purge if we must get the truth out.
Hillary on the other hand.... she knows she will be executed.
they should auction firing squad spots on ebay
prbly pay of the national debt in one shot.
Stop this please. My new years resolution was to be more fiscally responsible.