You are missing the point Pede. I am not saying you are a bad person. What you are doing is a version of Apophenia, the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things.
The fact that there was such a large amount of letters just about anything could be spelled out. One thing is certain about coincidence. The phenomenon fascinates believers and skeptics alike.
So, back up your position. Find me ONE tweet that has that exact match (every letter, specifically by upper case or lower case) matching AND every punctuating character matching. Once you fail at that, try and wrap your head around having one posted at the same time as Q and/or POTUS.
Entertain me....see I& you can do it.
(Spoiler alert: You can’t) The chance if that happening even once is 312 million to one.
What you are displaying is a textbook case of Dunnings-Kruger.
op is correct that statistically this is impossible. Even if you only look at the digits in the tripcode, 1, 1, 3, and 6, the probability that every single one of 4 random digits would show up in a tweet which has around 10 (relatively random) digits is pretty low:
(1-(1-1/10)^10)^4 = ~0.18 = 18%
Then there are a total of 13 capital letters in the tweet, 3 capitol letters in the trip code (the following calculation will ignore letter frequencies for simplicity):
(1-(1-1/26)^13)^3 = ~0.06 = 6%
together .06*.18 = ~1%
And this number will continue to shrink the more factors you take into account
These are absolutely not methods for calculating the exact probability of this, but will generally correlate with the actual answer, and should at least make a point. Anyone feel free to correct me if i made any mistakes.
there used to be videos that explained the drops, that's how we have the q clock, given the details, smarter people than me followed the drops and made the clock. later instructions were given on how to use the clock... again, above my head... there was also the Great Awakening video, links to info, etc. at 8kun, formerly 8chan.../qresearch in either case. drops are Crumbs. follow the crumbs, turn up the intel, follow the dots, build the bread (bigger picture, built by a baker) and the sauce is the proof... necessary for a good all around meal, yes? the meat of which is how evil things exist all around you disguised as wholesome things... until you begin to dig... you find the truth, like a reporter/ citizen journalist. We didn't come to the info on our own, we were given the crumbs to follow, therefor we don't look for the recognition, we prefer to be anonymous, atleast to the point we are known by our Chat room alias.
now, serialbrain used to be on a whole other level with this stuff, as far as his proofs, which to me only made sense 90% of the time. x22 is kinda like shallow waters. Kim Clement is Key to a lot of this, but that's just because as a Prophet of God, considered by me to be THE prophet of this time, our Elijah if you will. The timing on all of this is Freakin awesome... i love prophecy in general, not the nastradamus shit, i just can't with that... but biblical prophecy in the now, if you will, that side of things i Understand... Q HAS to have some aspect of that to it. I can't help but see God in Q.. not that i'm saying Q is God... I'm saying Q is with God... or more to the point, It's like the Spirit of Elijah is involved... if that makes any sense to any noobie.
I jumped into this early on...not from the start... like late hundreds in the posts... I've been a vocal supporter of Trump since he hinted at running... and i do mean vocal... mostly as the only one i trusted, except maybe ted cruz...
great personalities online which can break down posts and events.:
praying medic
In Pursuit of Truth - intro to his shows just jams and gets you in the mood to replay the intro a couple of times.. just saying, he's a good lead in to things...
This whole thing will be THE best seller tell all Honey Pot (pun intended)... i see a million movie possibilities... and atleast 5 12yr television shows just to tell a sketch of the painting that is the truth of WHAT has been going on. and we'll all know how stupid we have been and how we have been played for a century.
Hope this better helps any noobs...
oh, and Pede, as much as i hate that term... is for centipede... as in one entity with many legs... I prefer Anons... but i like stuff with an old school flare.
Just by the nature of humanity I’m not surprised there’s evil everywhere. There’s probably children being prostituted within 50 miles of me. There’s almost certainly children being abused within just a few miles or less. There’s at least a couple thieves in my neighborhood. There’s at least a few murderers in my town and likely hundreds in the nearby city. There’s someone on my block that has engaged in fraudulent behavior. There’s elected politicians representing me that have engaged in criminal acts of corruption and abuse. There’s definitely a rapist in your neighborhood and mine.
This is the way of the world. Society is the promise that we probably won’t die tomorrow if we stick to certain patterns of behavior.
So the code first had to appear on his screen, then he had to write the whole tweet containing all the characters, but he also deliberately skipped Q and J and he also had to do it in the same minute for 3 of the numbers to appear in the timestamp?
How do you know they didn't have an alert for trump tweets to appear in real time and didn't make the modifications and backdate within 40 seconds of it appearing and you "seeing it in real time"? Most of it can be scripted easily, with only a quick insert of content.
This is my only question as well. If it's possible to manipulate trip codes then this particular proof falls short of full credibility. Otherwise, it's one of the most amazing proofs out there.
You can tell that there's all these noobs here who have ignored Q for 3 years and are now wrestling with their cognitive dissonance as they first learn about hundreds of proofs that they have never seen.
It must be hard realizing that you are dumber than the people you've been calling dumb for 3 years.
Of me posting a random series of numbers,letters (by case) and punctuation as your last post? About 32 million to one.
To randomly do it before you posted if we weren’t connected? About 1000x that.
To do it less than one minute before your post? My screen legitimately can’t show that many zeros. It is, by all accepted metrics: mathematically impossible
Q proofs are great and all, but why spend time on that right now? The ultimate Q proof or disproof will take place in 5 days, if Biden is or isn’t inaugurated, right? How could Q possibly be real if Biden is sworn in? Don’t get me wrong, I’m hope and pray that patriots are in control. I’m just picking your brain...
Okay I actually did some napkin math and while this looks unlikely, it's definitely possible. Math below:
All of Q's trip codes that I observed start with two exclamation points and are followed by a string of 10 letters or numbers. The letters have random capitalization. This means, excluding the exclamation points, which are fixed, there are a total of 62^10 possible trip codes, this number is:
Pretty big right? But...
Then I did a little research on Trump's twitter to understand the characteristics of his tweets. I'll admit I did not take a large sample. I used his most recent 10 or so tweets to calculate the following:
Average characters per tweet: ~180 (we know Trump likes long tweets, this seems to be about right). There are whitespace characters in the tweets, but every tweet also contains all the letters from his name and all the numbers from the date, so I'll call it even.
Percentage of tweets that contain an exclamation point: ~80% (this is also his favorite punctuatory mark. Some tweets contain up to 5 of these!!!!)
Then I looked for some existing statistical data on his twitter account. Some of these analyses claim he tweets up to 10 times per day, however, not all of the twits he tweets are text twits, some tweets are video twats. So let's be generous and say:
Average text tweets per day: 3
Okay first let's calculate the probability that ANY of Trump's tweets contain the characters for ANY of Q's trip codes. We already know there are 62^10 possible trip codes. But how many trip codes can you make from one tweet?
Assuming that all letters and number are equally likely, there would be "180 choose 10" trip codes you could make from the tweet. This is 7.6x10^15, which looks like:
So for each tweet, you could generate approximately 7.6x10^15/62^10 = 1% of the TOTAL possible trip codes in existence! (remember, however, we are still making a big assumption about the distribution of letters and numbers in the tweet. In actuality the distributions are not even, and look more like:
So combinatorics are really powerful, they can generate really large numbers, just like exponents! So what exactly is the probability that any of Q's trip codes could be built from any of Trump's tweets?
Q seemed to start posting 3 years ago, so I'll round it off and say there were 1000 days of Trump tweets for a total of 3000 tweets. Now, only about 80% of Trump's tweets contain an exclamation point, and the number of Tweets that contain at least two are probably less than that. I'll try to be on the generous side and say 30% of Trump's tweets contain at least two exclamation points. This gives us approximately 1000 candidate text tweets to generate the trip code that Q is using (for now, we can also assume Q only ever used 1 trip code). So each tweet (that has at least two !s) has about a 1% chance of success. With 1000 candidate tweets, we just need to calculate cumulative probability P(X>x) using a success probability of 1%. This number actually comes out to be darn near 100%.
Okay so if the above math is right, it's definitely possible to generate Q's trip code from random POTUS tweets. Actually, over the 3 year period, POTUS would generate Q's trip code 10 times with a probability of about 53%. Now the question is, what is the probability that occurs at the around the same time? For this you'll see the probability decreases quite a bit, since Q's trip code has only been changed a handful of times, I'll say it's 10. So for each of these 10 times, POTUS has to tweet around the same time, and the text has to be able to generate the trip code. Considering only the latter, the probability is about 10%, which is pretty low, but not impossible. For the former, ask yourself if OP would still have posted this Q proof if POTUS' tweets was several hours following Q's post, rather than several seconds, and you have your answer.
Now I would like for people to check my above reasoning and tell me I'm wrong. Especially, if someone wants to recalculate the above using the actual text distributions in POTUS' tweets and check how many times Q has changed their trip code. Thanks!
Like I said in a different comment, OP needs to do this analysis himself (and explain all of the particulars of his proof, such as the q being lowercase). I was only demonstrating that it's statistically unlikely not statistically impossible. If this is a research site we need to hold our analysts accountable when gaps are found and those gaps need to be addressed without slinging mud or down voting.
I mean... the tweet contains all characters of the alphabet except "K", "Q", "X" and "Z"
But it's interesting seeing how the "H" and the "V" can be found capitalized, that's what makes me give it a bit of credibility, and seeing it happened within a minute.
Maybe it would have been more obvious if it was posted at 11:36 instead of 11:56
Either way, the person who made the post was fast as hell. Made the post, checked the tweet and then 1 min later said "that was the proof". Were they expecting him to tweet that soon? We can't know, honestly.
there are better Q proofs for newbies.
Did I mention “newbies” and forget it? Or did I say “for doubters and shills”?
Pretty sure it’s the latter, but thanks for the input ??
yeah, my wording here sucked, but most doubters are probably new here.
I’m looking at 100% match WITH a one minute delta between POTUS and Q.
You can’t wrap your head around it, but I’m “very dumb”.
Ok chief ??
Actually you’re lost when it comes to numbers. It’s easy to tell that
Yeah I agree but as a numbers guy, I would say this is significant
Keep it up <3
Com on man, no need to get silly. With dozens of letters on the page you can "PROVE" just about anything.
Capitals, punctuation, 100% match.
Find me ANY other Trump post that contains all the letters and punctuation of Q’s Tripcode.
Then find me on posted less than a minute after Q as well.
I’ll wait.
You are missing the point Pede. I am not saying you are a bad person. What you are doing is a version of Apophenia, the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things.
The fact that there was such a large amount of letters just about anything could be spelled out. One thing is certain about coincidence. The phenomenon fascinates believers and skeptics alike.
So, back up your position. Find me ONE tweet that has that exact match (every letter, specifically by upper case or lower case) matching AND every punctuating character matching. Once you fail at that, try and wrap your head around having one posted at the same time as Q and/or POTUS.
Entertain me....see I& you can do it.
(Spoiler alert: You can’t) The chance if that happening even once is 312 million to one.
What you are displaying is a textbook case of Dunnings-Kruger.
It's Dunning-Kruger and you still missed the point.
Not saying I agree with him, I actually believe your post is right. Just saying you still definitely missed his point.
Looks like you couldn't answer the challenge and lost the debate.
That's even worse. No reply attempted and a concession of the discussion.
Congrats, you caught a typo.
And the POINT is mathematics.
These are non-debatable and not subject to opinion.
The “point” that you my friend are missing is simply that facts don’t give a single fuck about your feelings ??♂️
But do go on...I find discussions like this entertaining....especially when the provocateur is clearly out of their depth on the topic. ?
If you want to be taken seriously you're really going to need to do this analysis yourself.
No, I REALLY am smarter then you. 127 IQ in 1960 in High School, didn't get dumber for sure :-)))
Good bye. your own statement I can assure you: no, no you really aren’t.
op is correct that statistically this is impossible. Even if you only look at the digits in the tripcode, 1, 1, 3, and 6, the probability that every single one of 4 random digits would show up in a tweet which has around 10 (relatively random) digits is pretty low: (1-(1-1/10)^10)^4 = ~0.18 = 18%
Then there are a total of 13 capital letters in the tweet, 3 capitol letters in the trip code (the following calculation will ignore letter frequencies for simplicity): (1-(1-1/26)^13)^3 = ~0.06 = 6%
together .06*.18 = ~1% And this number will continue to shrink the more factors you take into account
These are absolutely not methods for calculating the exact probability of this, but will generally correlate with the actual answer, and should at least make a point. Anyone feel free to correct me if i made any mistakes.
Fucks given = 0
(That’s let me simplify: “meh ?♂️“
It was a Q proof, posted immediately after’s not like he missed a W. That’s called confirmation.
From a statistical perspective this is pretty much undeniable. Coupled with the reds and other proofs it’s statistically impossible
there used to be videos that explained the drops, that's how we have the q clock, given the details, smarter people than me followed the drops and made the clock. later instructions were given on how to use the clock... again, above my head... there was also the Great Awakening video, links to info, etc. at 8kun, formerly 8chan.../qresearch in either case. drops are Crumbs. follow the crumbs, turn up the intel, follow the dots, build the bread (bigger picture, built by a baker) and the sauce is the proof... necessary for a good all around meal, yes? the meat of which is how evil things exist all around you disguised as wholesome things... until you begin to dig... you find the truth, like a reporter/ citizen journalist. We didn't come to the info on our own, we were given the crumbs to follow, therefor we don't look for the recognition, we prefer to be anonymous, atleast to the point we are known by our Chat room alias.
now, serialbrain used to be on a whole other level with this stuff, as far as his proofs, which to me only made sense 90% of the time. x22 is kinda like shallow waters. Kim Clement is Key to a lot of this, but that's just because as a Prophet of God, considered by me to be THE prophet of this time, our Elijah if you will. The timing on all of this is Freakin awesome... i love prophecy in general, not the nastradamus shit, i just can't with that... but biblical prophecy in the now, if you will, that side of things i Understand... Q HAS to have some aspect of that to it. I can't help but see God in Q.. not that i'm saying Q is God... I'm saying Q is with God... or more to the point, It's like the Spirit of Elijah is involved... if that makes any sense to any noobie.
I jumped into this early on...not from the start... like late hundreds in the posts... I've been a vocal supporter of Trump since he hinted at running... and i do mean vocal... mostly as the only one i trusted, except maybe ted cruz... great personalities online which can break down posts and events.: praying medic x22 In Pursuit of Truth - intro to his shows just jams and gets you in the mood to replay the intro a couple of times.. just saying, he's a good lead in to things...
This whole thing will be THE best seller tell all Honey Pot (pun intended)... i see a million movie possibilities... and atleast 5 12yr television shows just to tell a sketch of the painting that is the truth of WHAT has been going on. and we'll all know how stupid we have been and how we have been played for a century.
Hope this better helps any noobs...
oh, and Pede, as much as i hate that term... is for centipede... as in one entity with many legs... I prefer Anons... but i like stuff with an old school flare.
Gave me goosebumps. Unbelievable times
Just by the nature of humanity I’m not surprised there’s evil everywhere. There’s probably children being prostituted within 50 miles of me. There’s almost certainly children being abused within just a few miles or less. There’s at least a couple thieves in my neighborhood. There’s at least a few murderers in my town and likely hundreds in the nearby city. There’s someone on my block that has engaged in fraudulent behavior. There’s elected politicians representing me that have engaged in criminal acts of corruption and abuse. There’s definitely a rapist in your neighborhood and mine.
This is the way of the world. Society is the promise that we probably won’t die tomorrow if we stick to certain patterns of behavior.
This is a pretty good breakdown from 10/28/2017 and forward some Pede posted earlier:
Thank you for sharing this!
You bet. WWG1WGA
so hold up, the code is auto-generated?
So the code first had to appear on his screen, then he had to write the whole tweet containing all the characters, but he also deliberately skipped Q and J and he also had to do it in the same minute for 3 of the numbers to appear in the timestamp?
How do you know 8kun wasn't making db changes?
Because many of us watched it in real time.
How do you know they didn't have an alert for trump tweets to appear in real time and didn't make the modifications and backdate within 40 seconds of it appearing and you "seeing it in real time"? Most of it can be scripted easily, with only a quick insert of content.
This is my only question as well. If it's possible to manipulate trip codes then this particular proof falls short of full credibility. Otherwise, it's one of the most amazing proofs out there.
Q’s tripcode NEVER changes.
You can tell that there's all these noobs here who have ignored Q for 3 years and are now wrestling with their cognitive dissonance as they first learn about hundreds of proofs that they have never seen.
It must be hard realizing that you are dumber than the people you've been calling dumb for 3 years.
Wow! I love smart anons !???thank you.
I mean, it is a proof but a weak one. I dare you to do better!
Weak? Debunk it....then we’ll talk.
Who actually pushes thru POTUS tweets?
Someone give me a statistical liklihood of this!
Of me posting a random series of numbers,letters (by case) and punctuation as your last post? About 32 million to one.
To randomly do it before you posted if we weren’t connected? About 1000x that.
To do it less than one minute before your post? My screen legitimately can’t show that many zeros. It is, by all accepted metrics: mathematically impossible
Would you please elaborate on how you arrived at those probabilities?
Can you show me some working? I want to spread these numbers around but I can't defend myself without the math. Rough as you've got is fine.
Q proofs are great and all, but why spend time on that right now? The ultimate Q proof or disproof will take place in 5 days, if Biden is or isn’t inaugurated, right? How could Q possibly be real if Biden is sworn in? Don’t get me wrong, I’m hope and pray that patriots are in control. I’m just picking your brain...
Okay I actually did some napkin math and while this looks unlikely, it's definitely possible. Math below:
All of Q's trip codes that I observed start with two exclamation points and are followed by a string of 10 letters or numbers. The letters have random capitalization. This means, excluding the exclamation points, which are fixed, there are a total of 62^10 possible trip codes, this number is:
Pretty big right? But...
Then I did a little research on Trump's twitter to understand the characteristics of his tweets. I'll admit I did not take a large sample. I used his most recent 10 or so tweets to calculate the following:
Average characters per tweet: ~180 (we know Trump likes long tweets, this seems to be about right). There are whitespace characters in the tweets, but every tweet also contains all the letters from his name and all the numbers from the date, so I'll call it even. Percentage of tweets that contain an exclamation point: ~80% (this is also his favorite punctuatory mark. Some tweets contain up to 5 of these!!!!)
Then I looked for some existing statistical data on his twitter account. Some of these analyses claim he tweets up to 10 times per day, however, not all of the twits he tweets are text twits, some tweets are video twats. So let's be generous and say:
Average text tweets per day: 3
Okay first let's calculate the probability that ANY of Trump's tweets contain the characters for ANY of Q's trip codes. We already know there are 62^10 possible trip codes. But how many trip codes can you make from one tweet?
Assuming that all letters and number are equally likely, there would be "180 choose 10" trip codes you could make from the tweet. This is 7.6x10^15, which looks like:
So for each tweet, you could generate approximately 7.6x10^15/62^10 = 1% of the TOTAL possible trip codes in existence! (remember, however, we are still making a big assumption about the distribution of letters and numbers in the tweet. In actuality the distributions are not even, and look more like:
So combinatorics are really powerful, they can generate really large numbers, just like exponents! So what exactly is the probability that any of Q's trip codes could be built from any of Trump's tweets?
Q seemed to start posting 3 years ago, so I'll round it off and say there were 1000 days of Trump tweets for a total of 3000 tweets. Now, only about 80% of Trump's tweets contain an exclamation point, and the number of Tweets that contain at least two are probably less than that. I'll try to be on the generous side and say 30% of Trump's tweets contain at least two exclamation points. This gives us approximately 1000 candidate text tweets to generate the trip code that Q is using (for now, we can also assume Q only ever used 1 trip code). So each tweet (that has at least two !s) has about a 1% chance of success. With 1000 candidate tweets, we just need to calculate cumulative probability P(X>x) using a success probability of 1%. This number actually comes out to be darn near 100%.
Okay so if the above math is right, it's definitely possible to generate Q's trip code from random POTUS tweets. Actually, over the 3 year period, POTUS would generate Q's trip code 10 times with a probability of about 53%. Now the question is, what is the probability that occurs at the around the same time? For this you'll see the probability decreases quite a bit, since Q's trip code has only been changed a handful of times, I'll say it's 10. So for each of these 10 times, POTUS has to tweet around the same time, and the text has to be able to generate the trip code. Considering only the latter, the probability is about 10%, which is pretty low, but not impossible. For the former, ask yourself if OP would still have posted this Q proof if POTUS' tweets was several hours following Q's post, rather than several seconds, and you have your answer.
Now I would like for people to check my above reasoning and tell me I'm wrong. Especially, if someone wants to recalculate the above using the actual text distributions in POTUS' tweets and check how many times Q has changed their trip code. Thanks!
Like I said in a different comment, OP needs to do this analysis himself (and explain all of the particulars of his proof, such as the q being lowercase). I was only demonstrating that it's statistically unlikely not statistically impossible. If this is a research site we need to hold our analysts accountable when gaps are found and those gaps need to be addressed without slinging mud or down voting.
There's much better proofs than this. I mean it's not bad.
I mean... the tweet contains all characters of the alphabet except "K", "Q", "X" and "Z"
But it's interesting seeing how the "H" and the "V" can be found capitalized, that's what makes me give it a bit of credibility, and seeing it happened within a minute.
Maybe it would have been more obvious if it was posted at 11:36 instead of 11:56
Not really. "Q" is the most uncommon letter in english, and then "Z" then "X" and "J".
But this was addressed with the post. I guess that "trip iden delta -1" means "-1 character"
Yeah... that's why you can't be sure at all.
Either way, the person who made the post was fast as hell. Made the post, checked the tweet and then 1 min later said "that was the proof". Were they expecting him to tweet that soon? We can't know, honestly.
“you think Trump was waiting for an exact minute so the trip code would line up? ”
You must be new. ?♂️ Deltas are important. Missing letters aren’t accidental (same as misspellings) Military precision.
Randomly matching 11 characters out of a 140 word post is like guessing an 11 character password .... odds are about 32 million to one.
This confirmation is like doing that on the first try. Odds of that are almost incalculably huge.
Find me one other post on twitter, from anyone, posted at any time that has Q’s tripcode coincidentally included.
I don’t know. This is the best proof!?
This is not going to convince anyone, this will just make people facepalm and laugh.
Maths are hard ?
Clearly they are if you think this is going to be any sort of proof.
Really? Every single capital and punctuation match. No extras of either.
You’re ridiculous.
This is incredible, especially with the q in the middle. Like they are stamping their initials on it too
To be fair there is an extra s. But an undeniable proof no doubt.
Maybe too much coffee or 420 :-))
After reading everything You just sound butt hurt bud
Gee, I should give a shit about some stranger out of 350 million trying to prove it is the reply-cop here. Naw, rather listen to a dog fart.
It was a Q proof, posted immediately after’s not like he missed a W. That’s called confirmation.
find 1 other tweet that matches