This was known for awhile, they used Xbox coms as well, which lends credibility to Lin’s claim that lizard squad has evidence .... which leads one to wonder why it hasn’t dropped yet... at this point I wouldn’t be shocked if that’s what’s keeping Lin wood from being attacked and sued and slandered to death ... or worse actual death
When this was first posted about Xbox comma Xbox went down for awhile, probably to scrub
We also know they use Gmail drafts, one person logs in writes a draft saves it another logs in same account reads the draft, deletes it and responds with another draft
To be fair, that is probably because battlefront 2 is currently free on the Epic games store so a metric fuckton of new players hammering the servers. Natural DDOS.
This got me wondering what if Deep State murders children or family of people it wants to silence or intimidate using mass shootings to do so? School shootings and such. Less obvious than a single killing of the mark.
Big one burned up over China about two weeks ago.
Probably not anymore as this was discovered some time ago
yep but its moslty for new eyes that have no clue
well why not repost all 4000+ drops eh done!
This was known for awhile, they used Xbox coms as well, which lends credibility to Lin’s claim that lizard squad has evidence .... which leads one to wonder why it hasn’t dropped yet... at this point I wouldn’t be shocked if that’s what’s keeping Lin wood from being attacked and sued and slandered to death ... or worse actual death
When this was first posted about Xbox comma Xbox went down for awhile, probably to scrub
We also know they use Gmail drafts, one person logs in writes a draft saves it another logs in same account reads the draft, deletes it and responds with another draft
Also possibly why Soros invested into this?
No he just likes video games :)
Let me get this straight... operatives were using a Star Wars mobile game to coordinate assassination's? Is that what is being implicated here?
And the days when chat went silent are the days assassination's occurred to cover their tracks and make sure there isn't any further squawking?
So, NOT in Minecraft?
Y'all that sciencesplat youtube channel just published a big star wars video a few hours ago!!!
youtube yeeted the channel earlier. He is on rumble now:
They're on Rumble! PRAY4AMERICA I think!
I can’t find it and I have deleted videos in my likes, I think the channel was just banned
His Rumble account: too
They're on Rumble! PRAY4AMERICA I believe
There are more chats that Q posted. I’ll try to find. They were definitely chatting in game rooms. Also through gmail drafts with single sign on
I found this on the boards long ago. I’d figured I save it. Q certainly talks about this more on some of his posts and I’ll have to search for it.
15-Aug-2018 4:55:08 PM CDT
Texts, emails (gmail), drafts (gmail), HAM comms, PS/Xbox chat logs.. JC-BO-CS-LL-#2-NO-SY
Bonus round. Q
Do your own research. That's what Q is about. This is old stuff. Look it up yourself.
I would hate to shit on your parade, but you will never get more obvious proof than this.
You might want to do some digging on POTUS mentioning tippy top in his easter speech. That should confirm Q for you.
That's pretty wild
To be fair, that is probably because battlefront 2 is currently free on the Epic games store so a metric fuckton of new players hammering the servers. Natural DDOS.
lol I thought this was a meme joke post, but apparently it's srs.
Oldie but a goodie.
i've always felt like MMO's are ripe for this type of stuff.
Wow, this is as old as the mountains.
If its for newbs, then add info to that effect - give some context, for Q's sake....
That was a cool game. Is that why they closed down the game?
This got me wondering what if Deep State murders children or family of people it wants to silence or intimidate using mass shootings to do so? School shootings and such. Less obvious than a single killing of the mark.
Thats amazing