Removed Low Quality. This tweet is an obvious fake which leads to me to believe that it is a meme, but it seems in the comments that you believe it to be accurate. We can’t afford to be spreading info in these vital times. Thank you for understanding.
Shut the fuck up. Hey mods, this is pretty obvious on every one of his posts.
It's not censorship when you willfully break rules, troll.
That post of pompeo is fake man
Pompeo didn’t tweet that.
Deport this LARP. We don’t need this kind of garbage.
here we go this is not the time for disinfo
Artificial and homosexual.
Nice try... but not really!!
I'm coming back here in 10 if it aint up go suck dik gay fuk
Actual tweet
Why Pompeo? Smells wonky. Still, this will panic Killary.
Removed Low Quality. This tweet is an obvious fake which leads to me to believe that it is a meme, but it seems in the comments that you believe it to be accurate. We can’t afford to be spreading info in these vital times. Thank you for understanding.
we all know it really happened.
For good reason. This user's posts are all fake.