60 Whats going on here? FF in progress? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by Mbrat73 4 years ago by Mbrat73 +60 / -0 22 comments download share 22 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Seems like an important job for a known screwup.
Breaking news: 40 soldiers stolen middle of night; guard not paying attention "again".
Was he Epsteins guard too smh?lol
Gavin Newsome tryna make a getaway?
Sad... But Honestly as long as antifa doesn't have it, I think this is the laugh we all needed today. haha
Wouldn't they use up armored bicycles?
And skateboards.
No GPS on military vehicles?
I always wondered, do military trucks have keys or just a start button, maybe universal keys like construction equip.?
All PTS. Imagine keeping up with keys in an ambush...
Lmfao. Nah just cali being retarded
I'm hearing the Hummer was stolen, along with uniforms, and they infiltrated the Capitol Building to shoot someone important. Like Creepy Joe and Kamala
Forgot the keys in the ignition
It’s not any more viable as a weapon than a jeep wrangler so probably just incompetence/normal joggery