If Christopher Wray orders troops to tell the FBI how they voted. Wray asks a solider, why did the solder lie to him?
Confused solider: I didn't lie to you, I voted for Trump.
Wray: It's says here, you voted for Biden
This happens over 20,000 times.
FBI vets the soldiers and it shows they all voted Biden
Vetting doesn't prove shit, because it was rigged all along.
id be ok with military just on the spot voting and what they say goes, better then what we got.... remember in starship troopers you had to join the millitary to be a citizen
Wasn't that a parody of a fascistic regime?
There are good reasons to want a citizen population to vote in representation for instances, direct representation was always the goal of the framers of the constitution, with checks and balances and restraints on what the government could do to the free citizens.
Soldiers are not free, that is their first sacrifice, to serve the citizens, country, and constitution.
Government orders the military and it is not best that the government has complete unrestraint control over it's voting body, something we are about to lose to the Democratic party.
Who vets the FBI?
i trust the lower lvl fbi, but fuck what they have done,
I don't.
If they're not looking for opportunities to blow the whistle left and right they're complicit in treason.
yeah fuck the fbi, hate to say it but im mad as hell at them all, i really want to like the fbi :{
Not a single whistle blower over the BS the FBI has pulled over the years. FBI needs a whole new system.
FBI can't do crap. Just a formality.
can you imagine how scared they are around all those armed guys that one might know they deserve a bullet
Whats ADAY?
inauguration, i dont want to spell it sorry
Well we did see 100% of military vote for Biden.
What a clown.
If Christopher Wray orders troops to tell the FBI how they voted. Wray asks a solider, why did the solder lie to him?
Confused solider: I didn't lie to you, I voted for Trump. Wray: It's says here, you voted for Biden
This happens over 20,000 times. Or FBI vets the soldiers and it shows they all voted Biden Vetting doesn't prove shit, because it was rigged all along.
Id be ok with an election just based on millitary votes, would you?
no, but I would trust the military to run our election
id be ok with military just on the spot voting and what they say goes, better then what we got.... remember in starship troopers you had to join the millitary to be a citizen
Wasn't that a parody of a fascistic regime? There are good reasons to want a citizen population to vote in representation for instances, direct representation was always the goal of the framers of the constitution, with checks and balances and restraints on what the government could do to the free citizens.
Soldiers are not free, that is their first sacrifice, to serve the citizens, country, and constitution.
Government orders the military and it is not best that the government has complete unrestraint control over it's voting body, something we are about to lose to the Democratic party.
Here is the elite FBI unit that will be vetting troops.
The chunky one in the middle must be the boss. Only a boss could be that fat.
yeah darkknight, best batman