posted ago by Ilosthope ago by Ilosthope +88 / -1

I am from EU, watching the news here for the last week. I am trying to wake up people but I can't even get through the majority of my own family. Our government is corrupt and they will soon start pushing vaccines very hard. I believe we will not need forced vaccination, by just pushing it in MSM majority of our nation will get the vaccine( 80% ). I am losing hope.

Also, how are the majority of you so full of hope here, and one questions what kind of tech or aliens are maybe involved behind the scenes in this battle? I can't believe that cabal that is in power for all those years doesn't have a contingency plan to remove the movement and Trump by force when things escalate.

EDIT: I read some good news and get pumped think the world will be a better place and then I see MSM news in our countryand blue pilled family and friends, coworkers and complete nation in denial and I begin to think we are doomed if Trump fails. I am scared not enough people will push back in that scenario and they will win. I can't sleep anymore at night almost, sad times.