Are these legit ?
Comments (17)
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It looks like the convictions for 9/11
It describes a "coin flip" to determine GWB's fate, lol..... Don't waste your time
Never mind it’s a hoax tells about all these charged for 911
The wording is way off for certain things...doesn't pass my smell test but whomever wrote it deserves A for effort imho...
Nice try glow phag.
What’s a glow phag? I’m a patriot anon, digital soldier been fighting since March when I woke up !!
Kevin Spacey is named as a defendant yet Bill Clinton isn't. It wouldn't surprise me if it were 100% legit.
Its some court document that seems like some criminal action against Cheney, Brennen, Meuller, Bush etc for 9/11.
If its a hoax, someone put a lot of energy creating it. But if its real, how come everyone isnt talking about it? Where did you get this?
Someone posted it in a thread on twitter
Looks fake - United States written with lowercase letters on Page 2...
"united states"
HOAX: There is no “Northern District of Nevada,” it is not a US District Court district.
Its been around for a while, hoax I assume:
this one seems to be glowing... need a source ?
What is that supposed to be ?
Took one for the team here accidentally. But it appears to be court documents from a “Black Ops” 9/11 attack.