posted ago by Darwyn ago by Darwyn +59 / -0


Posts 2104, 3603, 3608, 3610, 3614, 3644, 3668, 3705, 3958, 3996, 4040, 4096, 4105, 4112, 4333, 4345, 4373, 4476, 4499, 4509, 4510, 4526, 4536, 4602, 4611, 4612, 4615, 4620, 4627, 4645, 4723, 4764, 4798, 4811, 4832, 4855, 4859, 4875, 4886, 4943

Forty times Q posted those words. Information warfare isn't about bullets and soldiers on a battlefield. This is not and never was about soldiers with guns going and arresting anyone. This is an information war. These evil people believe they control the flow of information. They don't allow you or anyone that is willing to do anything about it to see the depths of their crimes.

Q isn't about arresting anyone. That is purely a side effect. Q is The Great Awakening. Q is about telling the world the truth. Q is about gathering information and then giving it to the people. Q is about giving THE PEOPLE the digital ammunition they need to obliterate the swamp, the deep state, and the NWO in one sweeping fatal blow.

The soldiers are in DC and at the state capitals to manage to rage of the people once they are told the TRUTH. Burning the whole of DC to the ground would be bad.



Infiltration and insurgency can't survive when exposed to the public for the frauds/enemies that they are.

INFORMATION WARFARE. Get ready for an information dump like no other. Its coming. Sooner rather than later. Hours at best. THE GREAT AWAKENING.