17 If you were Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi etc. what would you choose for a last breakfast as a free man ? posted 4 years ago by JanJan 4 years ago by JanJan +17 / -0 ... 29 comments share 29 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Pizza ?
Baby blood.
LOL They really would though.
One last protein shake from Big Mike
Google: How to unsee something
This still must be said: Fuck Google
Probably a toddler.
Well, they'll probably want adrenachrome.
Probably some pizza... Or spirit cooking... With some Skippy's walnut sauce.
chicken fried Steak and eggs Biscuits and Gravy
oh damn that sounds good
Two pints of adrenochrome
Liz Warren's famous Wow Chow Native American recipe.
Escape-O's! Or CheeriO's as our UK friends would understand.
Shit theyll prolly ask for one final adrenochrome hit, knowing them
Waiting for the first Michelle/Michael joke to appear..
No time, we're making baby eating jokes
Those aren’t jokes.
a pitcher of Bloody Marys
Dicks and vodka
Freedom Fries