Nope - We must let them be ruler of the free world - THEN WE GET 'EM! LOL. I'm not sure I am fully on board with this logic, but what the fuck do at know at this point in the game.
Apparently, we must let them be the ruler of the free world, remove the 1st and 2nd amendments, hunt down and "reeducate" or murder anyone who supporter the outsider, and get richer and more powerful as they turn the entire world into a commie cesspool. Then we'll get 'em... not. My mom handed me this shit today that they'll have to "meet their maker." Yeah, whatever. Evil wins because good is dumb.
Agreed. I’m labeled a domestic terrorist for supporting our president and playing my cards right for years. Now we get to watch a well known fraud use fraud to be fraudulently placed in the most powerful office on earth
Are you retarded or blind? WE SAW IT. We all know it. We all saw the charts, we saw the timelines, we saw and read the lies, the destruction of evidence, we saw it all. The dominions machine flips, the forged signatures, dead voters, etc etc etc. WE HAVE THE PROOF
He just said this will be a dark winter with the worst of the virus coming.
Mentioned the Climate Change at the precipice. Get ready full communism coming. And while the world does need changes and faces changes do you really trust these lying Evil Global Elites to do it.
He calls for unity while they did the opposite for 4 years. They protect only themselves and care nothing for you.
It clearly states in the book of revelation that Satan and his minions will openly rule earth for around 3.5 to 7 yrs before the good guys win with Jesus at the helm not Trump. God relinquished direct control of Earth to the seeds of serpents for millennia. Ever since Eve ate the ? the entire planet has been grounded and punished by God. We will be redeemed but not before the darkness makes its final play for all our souls.
sniffer in chief lies; his innongural is spewed lies. nativist white supremacists? wtf????
God spare us; we know when the time appears darkest the smallest light can pierce through and illuminate. May your Light shine upon our Nation, our President DONALD J TRUMP and all of us - in Your time, Your will be done.
Protocol, Buckle Up you are on a journey, reassess the flight pattern, treason and traitors ahead, Strong East wind, expect turbulence, return to your seat and, Hold tight, Keep the Line!!!
I feel like China threatened to annihilate us all if they were stopped. That would explain all the warnings to have supplies at your house and prepare for a blackout. The coast guard has been searching container ships out west. The Sec of State has been blasting on China and Iran for weeks. Anything we could have done to stop Xiden would have implicated China in the process. I'm sure there were threats on the table we know nothing about.
Oh sorry, i didnt know people involved in a worldwide human trafficking ring and multiple counts of treason wasn't enough for maximum penalities.
Nope - We must let them be ruler of the free world - THEN WE GET 'EM! LOL. I'm not sure I am fully on board with this logic, but what the fuck do at know at this point in the game.
Apparently, we must let them be the ruler of the free world, remove the 1st and 2nd amendments, hunt down and "reeducate" or murder anyone who supporter the outsider, and get richer and more powerful as they turn the entire world into a commie cesspool. Then we'll get 'em... not. My mom handed me this shit today that they'll have to "meet their maker." Yeah, whatever. Evil wins because good is dumb.
I mean, not until they launch the nuclear weapons at North Korea to start off World War 3 to finish their goal THEN WE'LL GET THEM!!!!
Only after they kill us all, do we fight back! It’s all coming together
Two kinds of people I hate: ones who say “buckle up” and ones who say “let that sink in”.
how about 'stay tuned' ala Lindsey Graham
Tick tock!
what about 'hold the line'?
Well, let me just throw this out there. Is this in your wheelhouse? JK, LOL. :)
...that's all I can think of right now. Figured I'd pull the pin on a thought grenade.
sorry. I'll see myself out.
I've got so many goddamned sinks in my living room you'd think I was going into the bathroom renovations business.
I’ve been buckled up for 3 years and I really really need to pee
Even more penalties if he is sworn in .
Even more penalties if they run death camps for a few years.
Once they depopulate 90% of the earth then they will really have committed big crimes and then we will get them!!!
We must give them our guns then we will get them!!!
Needed that laugh
don't believe it anymore. Laws are only for us, not the elite.
Agreed. I’m labeled a domestic terrorist for supporting our president and playing my cards right for years. Now we get to watch a well known fraud use fraud to be fraudulently placed in the most powerful office on earth
Are you retarded or blind? WE SAW IT. We all know it. We all saw the charts, we saw the timelines, we saw and read the lies, the destruction of evidence, we saw it all. The dominions machine flips, the forged signatures, dead voters, etc etc etc. WE HAVE THE PROOF
This is retarded. It's like the South Park episode when the cop goes undercover and waits for the pimp to marry him before he busts him.
Watching every filthy liar speaking at the podium makes me want to vomit.
He hasn't posted on GAB for 3 days. Say's he's got to "go dark"
Maybe he's got electrical problems in his basement?
He's buckled up somewhere
He just said this will be a dark winter with the worst of the virus coming.
Mentioned the Climate Change at the precipice. Get ready full communism coming. And while the world does need changes and faces changes do you really trust these lying Evil Global Elites to do it.
He calls for unity while they did the opposite for 4 years. They protect only themselves and care nothing for you.
Great Speechwriter - too bad it is all lies
Sorry to say, I think we all get it now. That biblical ending has me scratching my head though. Where in the bible does it say that the devil wins?
It clearly states in the book of revelation that Satan and his minions will openly rule earth for around 3.5 to 7 yrs before the good guys win with Jesus at the helm not Trump. God relinquished direct control of Earth to the seeds of serpents for millennia. Ever since Eve ate the ? the entire planet has been grounded and punished by God. We will be redeemed but not before the darkness makes its final play for all our souls.
Where did you find this post of Joe M's? I am on his GAB timeline, and it is not there. His last post was 4 days ago.
To Auschwitz?
You are starting to grasp the abnormal psychology of the psychopath.
Now imagine they are ALL either psychopaths or sociopaths. Banding together. Doing maximum harm.
That's the Deep State.
I appreciate his ability to not waiver but I can’t fucking handle this. 28 minutes.
Keep the Faith of a Lion
I’m sure the Supreme Court will jump right on fixing this.
sniffer in chief lies; his innongural is spewed lies. nativist white supremacists? wtf????
God spare us; we know when the time appears darkest the smallest light can pierce through and illuminate. May your Light shine upon our Nation, our President DONALD J TRUMP and all of us - in Your time, Your will be done.
Once all Biden dissenters are put into camps and executed Trump will have all the evidence he needs to start making arrests.
For my navy shipmates - taking suction on a seat cushion
The capital is like the roach motel you can get in but you cant get out ...i believe you are absolutely correct!!
February 27 it will happen. January 20 + 1 month and 7 days (17)
Sorry to say, I think we all get it now. That biblical ending has me scratching my head though. Where in the bible does it say that the devil wins?
Protocol, Buckle Up you are on a journey, reassess the flight pattern, treason and traitors ahead, Strong East wind, expect turbulence, return to your seat and, Hold tight, Keep the Line!!!
“Return to your seat” and in the same sentence “hold the line” lol fuck this.
Then in that case,
Buckle up.
Do they sell butt buckles?
Whatever you do, do NOT google butt buckles!
What if I duckduckgo it?
It's TICK TOCK all over again.
Unbuckle it! You need a break! ?❤️??
Oh the cope
I feel like China threatened to annihilate us all if they were stopped. That would explain all the warnings to have supplies at your house and prepare for a blackout. The coast guard has been searching container ships out west. The Sec of State has been blasting on China and Iran for weeks. Anything we could have done to stop Xiden would have implicated China in the process. I'm sure there were threats on the table we know nothing about.