33 Lin Wood likes playing with fire..... (t.me) posted 4 years ago by TrumpIsMyyPresident 4 years ago by TrumpIsMyyPresident +34 / -1 24 comments share 24 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I just saw this now. Lol I wonder what it means.
Maybe this is the letter Don left him on the desk
I gotta assume it's fake, but yeah who knows.
It was posted on lin wood telegram. Go follow it
Where do we stand with this guy? I can't figure him out. Is he full of shit or in the know?
he's full of shit. they're all full of shit.
It's all funny until the handcuffs come out.
if you people think this is real, you've officially learned NOTHING
this is what a real American looks like, not these gloatcucks
If this is the note he left,
Oh boy
Has ANYTHING Lin Wood has posted actually happened...?
I haven't seen anything he said that hasn't.
Who signs your shill bucks?
Pence is a traitor
Plus he blocked comments. Very suspicious. I don't trust him completely
Is the note fake or real?
not a clue. Would imagine fake IMO
Lin Wood is a fighter!
The new order will take him out shortly.
I love that. I hope that is the letter he left on the desk.
My fiancé asked me if I thought Trump left Biden an outgoing letter today. I said he probably drew a middle finger. Clearly, this is more eloquent haha.
So Lin Wood = DS psyop agent?
Hahaha! Huh, who’s Donald Trump? Lmao