and what makes you think you'll be spared? because you haven't spoke out yet? because you have money to pay the fines? Because you're willing to take whatever shot daddy says you have to take?
Patriot refuses to give Lyin Biden the time of day. Won’t even look at him, while Joe sits there waiting in the adoration he thinks he’s gonna get when the person recognizes who he is
Found an explanation it's from 2019 Biden went to Iowa campaigning, this was at the Corn Stalk Cafe and the farmer didn't recognize who he (Biden) was. When the reporter asked him if he just didn't like Biden he said who? To which the reporter explained that Biden was Obama's VP. The farmer said he didn't like Obama/pay attention because this was Republican country.
We HAVE to make this meme world famous.
lol, we'll see.
and what makes you think you'll be spared? because you haven't spoke out yet? because you have money to pay the fines? Because you're willing to take whatever shot daddy says you have to take?
Ill see you there, cabron.
Good one children being tortured is hilarious
Seems just commenting here would get you there :) thanks for the internet traffic.
Youll get your turn there, we'll keep a cot warm for you.
There are no re-education camps. You liberals are so dramatic.
Weaklings and traitors don't deserve to be looked at by patriots
it's hard to over state how fucking huge this guys arms are
Guess he shouldn’t have called them stupid bastards, oh yeah and that part where he knowingly stole the f$&@ing election!
We all must strive be Ammo Cap Man.
Why the fuck isn't anyone giving context
Patriot refuses to give Lyin Biden the time of day. Won’t even look at him, while Joe sits there waiting in the adoration he thinks he’s gonna get when the person recognizes who he is
Got a link to the video? _There doesn't seem to be one, but I am getting a bit of a transcripts from articles. Thanks!
I don’t remember seeing a video, just the picture. Not to say there’s nothing a video, I just don’t remember it
Found an explanation it's from 2019 Biden went to Iowa campaigning, this was at the Corn Stalk Cafe and the farmer didn't recognize who he (Biden) was. When the reporter asked him if he just didn't like Biden he said who? To which the reporter explained that Biden was Obama's VP. The farmer said he didn't like Obama/pay attention because this was Republican country.
"President, my ASS" said all Patriots everywhere.
Hahaha my first thought also
This red shirt guy is a national treasure.
Surprised the fucker didn't insult the guy for not bowing and scraping or... letting him sniff.
He should have told him to go eat a bag of dicks. I would have, ignoring him is a bitch move.
This meme sums up everything perfectly for us.
I hope he tries to sniff that fella.
A patriot not giving a thief attention
Get the fuck out of my face Pedo Joe!
"Who the fuck is that guy?"
You can see biden really wants a sniff but this guy wants nothing to do with creeepy joe.
Somebody explain quick I feel like I'm having a stroke.
Plot twist... That is actually Trump sitting down and the American people standing next to the table.