If military have seen PROOF that Biden was fraudulently elected/is guilty of treason/is a pedophile, they cannot recognize him as the lawful president.
Since Trump, even thought he was the rightful winner, was not certified by Congress, they also cannot recognize him as the lawful president.
If the Corporation of the United STates has no LAWFUL president by midnight, it automatically dissolves.
So FEMA takes over at midnight and operates according to their oath of allegience to the Constitution. And with the Corp of the US dissolved, we return to our ORIGINAL constitution, prior to the illegal Act of 1871, and reclaim our sovereign status and declare DC to be an enemy occupation.
The military then handles arrests, tribunals, and new elections. Trump had to step aside so that he would NOT be a party to any of this action. Purely military response to an attempted coup/insurrection.
After all the tribunals are over, we have elections to replace 95% of our govt who took extended vacays at GITMO. Trump, who was the legitimate winner of the pres race (and there is proof that he won BIGLY), is inaugurated on March 4 as the 19th president of the Restored Republic.
Do I have proof? No. It's a military op. We aren't meant to KNOW what's going on. But after reading exhaustive accounts of the Act of 1871 and watching hours of brain melting explanations of how our republic was hijacked by a shadow government who enacted illegal amendments to enslave us to the central banks and the IRS, and listening to several highly illuminating and logical discussions of this subject in multiple Bards FM vids on YT, this makes the most logical sense. To me, anyway.
Check it out or write it off -- your choice.
All I know is Trump did NOT concede, and he would NEVER give up without
a) letting us know; and b) moving to another galaxy
because he knows the DS want his head on a platter. This was always a fight to the death, and we can't forget that.
Until he tells me otherwise, I remain loyal to Trump and I am keeping the faith! I'm ready to see the PAIN COME DOWN like I know it will!!
That’s what I thought too but apparently he was right about xiden getting sworn in...
Cults don't encourage people to think for themselves. Q does. The election from which Biden took power is clearly fraudulent, or at least fraught with so many questions which authorities have refused to investigate or have not only not cooperated, but have actively interfered with investigations into said questions. Many people do find Trump disgusting, but few seem to know why. Many others liked the things he did during his term and do not want them reversed. So in conclusion, the events surrounding this election cycle to this inauguration are not normal natural occurrences.
its pretty simple:
not a single attorney (lin, powell, giuiliani, etc, or lesser known attorneys) went in front of a judge and swore in front of a judge at the risk of their ability to practice law they had evidence of fraud.
not. a. single. attorney. risked. their. job. to. claim. this.
the guys selling ad-space on their podcast or blog kept moving the goal posts.
trump went to arizona, flew into john mccain airport, took john mccain boulevard to a place where mccain launched his presidential election and talked shit about mccain as a draft dodger. some people liked it...but more...
i'm in arizona. 2016 there were 31 trump signs on my street. 2020, there was also 23 signs, but now they were all in one guys gravel yard.
The courts refused to hear the lawyers present evidence. We saw votes switch live. We know there was rampant fraud. We liked what Trump did. People were happy those 3 years before COVID. We know what happened. Denying that there was fraud is just putting your fingers in your ears. A casual look at the data reveals that what happened cannot be natural. They refused to audit the ballots properly. If no fraud, why refuse? Since they refused to hear the evidence, and refused to audit, and constantly interfered with attempts to investigate the fraud, Biden's presidency will remain an illegitimate coup. He'd better not attempt to interfere in our rights.
just leave?
Because I'm also a con artist of sorts. I work in sales. All of these tactics are in sales workshops.
You know what an exposed deep state security apparatus leak looks like? Snowden handing off a USB drive. Proof. Not suggestion. There's no CIA coup that relied on suggestion. There's no revolution in human history predicated on secret codes.
The tick-tock, drip-drop thing while asking questions is how Scientology hooks people.