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That “office” was a blatant violation of the Logan Act. It pisses me off how it’s never been used against him even though they tried to use it against Flynn.
Because Flynn got in trouble and bankrupted over talking with foreigners as an incoming transition (legitimately elected, too) but Biden can talk to Iran? And no one bats an eye?
Flynn was entrapped, he was under the impression it was just a chat and he was cooperating as the incoming DNI with a fed. They cleared him and then changed the 302s and it took Sidney Powell to tell the Judge to enforce the Brady Rule which is when you have exculpatory evidence, you have to release it.
They spied on him through 5 eyes and had a transcript of hia conversation, the entire conversation and they questioned him for hours. He got a date or detail wrong in that whole process when he had had so many conversations since that original convo and when he was having a "chat" with the FBI.
"Lying yo the FBI" includes straight up lying, he got a mi or detail wrong in a multi hour conversation and was booked on the technicality of "lying." That's abuse of power and it's why it's said a fed can indict a ham sandwich if they wanted to.
Because you're trying to enact policies on the US in an official capacity without actually holding the position that gives you the authority to do so. For example, he met up with world leaders and was talking about policies to implement in the US; he was not technically president when this was occurring. This is illegal.
But of course, Democrats are above the law...
EDIT: I should also point out that the "Office of President-Elect" literally never existed before, and it is not a federal entity of any kind. This by itself makes what he was doing illegal. They only made it to normalize in people's mind that he was "president", even though he really wasn't; it was more of a psychological operation, I guess you could say.
Hmmm. Well I suppose I stand corrected on the edit. However, it doesn’t change that he was seeking to implement policy regarding the US before he was inaugurated RIP. That is still illegal. I still think it’s dumb how he’s allowed to get away with it, too. We can already see the double standards with how he’s being treated vs Trump; his executive orders to override Trump’s aren’t ever disputed, whereas numerous courts blocked Trump’s executive orders to override Obama’s dozens of times. It’s stupid. And in a few weeks, Kamala is getting in. That’s all this is a ploy for. Even the libtards know that.