Yep it's stressful and rough but we r holding the load for them while they get humbled by God. U planted seeds now let God show u how that seed will be used in his divine time to hell humble anyone u tried to talk to in a loving way and they rejected it. We just gotta remember to remain humble while the world goes through there own dark Night of the soul. Plus they have to accept the fact that not only did they get plugged into matrix but they were helping the force trying to take down the 1 not open war ways
Its genuine love that I haven't had for many people. He might be the most significant human besides jesus and maybe u could argue couple others. But he reached the whole world. Even with the powers of the world trying to stop him at every turn. He brought out the best and worst in everyone no matter what side u were on. He was like the world's Dad stepping up and setting house in order all just for the big piece of chicken and even that it will only be after the fact. What really lights up my energy is the thought of what he will be and say and act when he doesn't have to fight complete darkness the whole way. The world seemed to be uniting even with all the bullshit. The enemy being seen and taken down and with honor and not losing our own light by ignoring stuff to make it happen quicker. God bless u my friend and keep doing u
Does anyone else feel like when he was in office time flew and the last couple days just having him not present makes the world slow. Like all they have in some form is still talking about Trump but without Trump involved they just sound like a bunch of sore losers even though news says they won. The report on Biden and its just Biden dis this because Trumps blahs blahs blahs and then its just how glad the world is that it's over. Or its impeaching him and refusing to give up. Or it's something about his return with a new party or hiding in mara lago. But Trump deserves some time to not be center of all attention. Yet he still is. And now time is going so slow because its basically re runs of trump haters ball.greatest hits. It's good for us to take a break though
May I add something else that is important for u to not be afraid to say. U believe in yourself more than ever. Dont ever give up ur spark power to things by forgetting ur worth my friend. Trump Q and God all want us to learn our inner power and remove outer restraints for the greater good of all not themselves. Love u man just wanted to make sure u weren't forgetting ur own role in what God has allowed us to be a crucial part of.
Plz join the prayer post title God wins. It should be stickied tomorrow at some point and we need as many as will come. More specific details r in the post. It's not stickied yet so u gotta look but hope to see ur name there.
Who couldn’t love this guy?! I always admired him through out many years!
Yep it's stressful and rough but we r holding the load for them while they get humbled by God. U planted seeds now let God show u how that seed will be used in his divine time to hell humble anyone u tried to talk to in a loving way and they rejected it. We just gotta remember to remain humble while the world goes through there own dark Night of the soul. Plus they have to accept the fact that not only did they get plugged into matrix but they were helping the force trying to take down the 1 not open war ways
But they’re reason or “example” is just them spouting back MSM narrative.
Miss him more than anything. Please come back and save us.
No homo?
Havent heard that in years. Lol!!
are the most recent reasons why...i know it's about to get
Trollmaster-In-Chief is about to give us the most hilarious shit the internet has EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!
Trump is my Presidential first love!! First time I was able to vote and I couldn’t be happier!
My favorite President, by a lot!
You're not his type but he loves you too. ?
He sure does grow in you. Wait 2 weeks and these sheep are gonna be begging for his tweets! Gas will be 7 a gallon at the rate Bidens tearing shit up.
Me too. :)
I miiiiisssssddd hiiimmmmm tooooooooooo.
Makes me wanna howl at the moon.
Its genuine love that I haven't had for many people. He might be the most significant human besides jesus and maybe u could argue couple others. But he reached the whole world. Even with the powers of the world trying to stop him at every turn. He brought out the best and worst in everyone no matter what side u were on. He was like the world's Dad stepping up and setting house in order all just for the big piece of chicken and even that it will only be after the fact. What really lights up my energy is the thought of what he will be and say and act when he doesn't have to fight complete darkness the whole way. The world seemed to be uniting even with all the bullshit. The enemy being seen and taken down and with honor and not losing our own light by ignoring stuff to make it happen quicker. God bless u my friend and keep doing u
Every day I pray for him, his family, and those working with him to expose the evil that has been controlling this world.
My favorite president, and I miss him bigly!
Don't forget FLOTUS. She's beauty with class. What we had before her were all hideous creatures.
Does anyone else feel like when he was in office time flew and the last couple days just having him not present makes the world slow. Like all they have in some form is still talking about Trump but without Trump involved they just sound like a bunch of sore losers even though news says they won. The report on Biden and its just Biden dis this because Trumps blahs blahs blahs and then its just how glad the world is that it's over. Or its impeaching him and refusing to give up. Or it's something about his return with a new party or hiding in mara lago. But Trump deserves some time to not be center of all attention. Yet he still is. And now time is going so slow because its basically re runs of trump haters ball.greatest hits. It's good for us to take a break though
May I add something else that is important for u to not be afraid to say. U believe in yourself more than ever. Dont ever give up ur spark power to things by forgetting ur worth my friend. Trump Q and God all want us to learn our inner power and remove outer restraints for the greater good of all not themselves. Love u man just wanted to make sure u weren't forgetting ur own role in what God has allowed us to be a crucial part of.
Plz join the prayer post title God wins. It should be stickied tomorrow at some point and we need as many as will come. More specific details r in the post. It's not stickied yet so u gotta look but hope to see ur name there.
Send a thank you card..I just did.