posted ago by DiveAndBait ago by DiveAndBait +186 / -1

Their EO is to get you to turn away from Q. Their main premise is that Q has let you down. When they can't sow doubt through this argument they move on to personal attacks. For example, you're a cult member. Then I mention that Q never told us to do stuff but gave research links for us to discover. In other words, find out the facts ourselves. They continue down the path that Q tells us what to believe and think hence we are culties, the opposite of being a cult member. < their last line of defense. Then I mention that Q is US Military Intelligence, no doubt about it. But then they won't engage and disappear from the conversation. Happened more than a few times. Mmmmm, why is that?? FOR THE SHILLS: Is it because...

  1. Military Intelligence is a real thing in every country. Just because we don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. China has one and it's not possible they don't use it. Point being, it exists.
  2. Q posts are designed not just for us but for them. Moves and counter moves. To push the enemy in situations.
  3. Proven are a link from Q and Trump, no doubt. Multiple time stamps are mathematically impossible to not be.
  4. Q IS a psyop. Get that through to your heads, it is also designed to pacify us by tell us to be patient and not start killing each other because the common man is in the dark to what's going on behind the scene.

Further note I have noticed when we hear the word psyop we get scared and there's a lot of denial especially from a lot of Trump supports. BUT, we are not paid to fight as real soliders. We sit in our armchairs fighting with memes whereas our solidiers are paid to keep us safe, hence using psyops. I DO BELIEVE that whites hats use psyops for since whenever we first have had military intelligence in human society to keep the population frosty and on toes to keep us safe. It does happen!

Shills. BTFO.