posted ago by PatrioticJellyfish ago by PatrioticJellyfish +30 / -0

I have accepted the probability that we have indeed been played because I am a logical thinking person. However that logical thinking also leads me to a different conclusion one I feel is also born from said logic. Almost everything I have personally researched that came from Q lead me to the conclusion that the deep state is real and they are horrible people (I don't think anyone would disagree) we were pointed in the direction of everything these people have tried so hard to cover. I ask myself why would they point us in that direction? Maybe it's because they knew we were already on to them in the first place? Okay I can accept that. However we were also told to question everything. If there is anything I know from the deep state they do not under any circumstances want people to question them. They are narcissists by definition and to be questioned puts them beneath the pedestals they believe they belong on. If Q was indeed a psyop and if I was in the position of the deep state running it. I would have said it was a failure. too many people were woken to the hanious crimes they commit. People that without Q would have never questioned anything the government or hollywood did. Sorry if that was long winded I honestly could drive deeper and say more. Just the rantings of a deplorable. Have a nice night everyone