We already went through this very scenario from Clinton through Obama (Scar's America). The Trump presidency represented Simba (Real America) rediscovering our roots and coming back after all of the desolation to restore the Republic.
I’d have to disagree. The swamp has yet to be drained. The past four years were productive but it was far from Utopia and the proof is in the pudding (given our current predicament).
GreatAwakening.win has hopium, and Donald Trump Jr. has cocaine. Both cause rather similar effects, and Don Jr. is gonna be taking it up the butt in prison soon while you all continue to move the goalposts.
i work with a small team of people who are rabid leftists. i have to sit through countless team meetings where at least the first 10 or 15 minutes is basically exclusive to trump/republican bashing. none of them know i am a trump supporter, and the things i hear them say are absolutely appalling. i can't believe these people are able to look in the mirror and convince themselves this makes them morally superior.
the funny (sad) part is, our clientele is strictly business owners -- and who would you guys say business owners vote for? Democrats or Republicans?
I'm the newest member of the team, and I'm shocked the irony is completely lost on them.
I have lost some friends, but my good friends, the friends I care about, haven't gone anywhere. In fact, my closest friends know that I follow Q and actually have legitimate discussions with me about it. Asking me questions and listening to what I have to say. I don't enjoy talking about it, and I'm not a talkative person. But these are guys I've known for 20+ years. Been in their weddings etc. Literally my best friends. So sometimes during these chats, I get real anxious and my voice gets shaky. Because there's so much I want to say, but it has to be worded correctly, otherwise I'm going to sound Alex Jones or some shit.
If there is a plan in action and there are massive booms soon, no doubt some of them will ask me what I think about it -- since they often have in the past during major world events (Beirut etc). I'm not looking to dish out any told ya sos or anything like that, but hopefully enough happens for people to be able to connect the dots.
Same i live just north of Austin, which is now a blue cesspool. My office is 90% Trump bashing a holes who have no issue loudly yakking it up about their disdain for the other side. There are 3 of us that are conservative and we all just shut up and side eye eachother. Hostile work environment to say the least.
There are some pro-trump, and possible Q-followers as well that work in another department. I overhear them sometimes when passing by the break room. These people are routinely mocked and made fun of by my team during our meetings. We are not a young team either. ages 35-65. with high levels of management involved and participating.
Yep, mine is all ages too, mostly women, all have professional degrees. One other "secret nazi" and I share different sheep meme and emojis back and forth when they start going off. They've been insufferable since the election. Fully believe dementia Joe won. Disgusting
I've thought about it, but honestly I don't think it's worth my time or effort. It's easier to tune out since working remote. They're just programmed zombies, so I can't hold it against them. I'm good at what I do, make good money, and would rather just keep to myself. I laugh and joke along with them. Hiding in plain sight is what they like doing. I might as well too.
This is just the beginning Keep a calendar of EVERY utterance, party, whatever they're doing. Better to keep an analogue copy not just digital. In fact the notebook, those small pocketbook is hard to disprove with handwriting, ink color changes and the likelihood of you loosing access to phone (or just losing it or it dying, or new phone whatever) online calendar is possible with situation.
You have no case if you can not bring evidence. Even if you are persecuted. This now is under tones of politics but it will turn to religious. That is how the cookie crumbles. You see the remarks as political, but I see them as veiled religious derogatory. Then it will change to religious animosity. You're not brown enough? You Jewish or Christian? You see the writing on the walls--Islam is being pushed very hard. Everything 'feels' like 1933 Germany if you read history.
Protect yourself and silently fuck them over if they go that step too far----with EVIDENCE. Shock and Awe.
But thats what we are unfortunately. Hopefully not much longer.
We’re in a war dude. We have to endure the shit until we win. That’s just life and the nature of the beast.
Thousands of men even men on the side of the “good guys” were treated like fodder for the greater good.
You don’t think the Aliies knew they were sending thousands of men to certain death on D Day.
Go first? Fren we're all going to be buttfucked by the Biden admin equally. No need to attack each other.
No one wants to lose ANYTHING or ANYONE ever again to war.... Biden is already pursuing war in the Middle East like his sons freedom depends on it...
America has lost enough.... And the harm caused to the Middle East by their greedy wars will be felt for generations.
We already went through this very scenario from Clinton through Obama (Scar's America). The Trump presidency represented Simba (Real America) rediscovering our roots and coming back after all of the desolation to restore the Republic.
Right. The only thing left is to show it to everyone else: without the opaque veneer MSM provides, that is.
I’d have to disagree. The swamp has yet to be drained. The past four years were productive but it was far from Utopia and the proof is in the pudding (given our current predicament).
We don't disagree. Unfortunately we didn't get the happy ending.
Look fat. Speak for yourself. I definitely got a happy ending last time I sniffed my granddaughter. Come on man!
In the end Scar is eaten by his own hyenas.
I've never seen the Lion King, how did it end? Did the lion win in the end and become king again?
Be that as it may, POTUS said, the best is yet to come. Hang on to that.
Thank you!
Remember, the lions won at the end of the movie!
His official verified Instagram.
Yes. This is what I think of as it is a great plot line to use when comparing how the deep state plans false flag attacks.
Does anyone have a link for this?
Where did he post this? It's not on twitter.
It was an Instagram story, which expires every 24 hours
The King is murdered by his brother. This is not a hopeful analogy.
At the end though, the lions reclaim the pridelands. That is a good ending.
GreatAwakening.win has hopium, and Donald Trump Jr. has cocaine. Both cause rather similar effects, and Don Jr. is gonna be taking it up the butt in prison soon while you all continue to move the goalposts.
i work with a small team of people who are rabid leftists. i have to sit through countless team meetings where at least the first 10 or 15 minutes is basically exclusive to trump/republican bashing. none of them know i am a trump supporter, and the things i hear them say are absolutely appalling. i can't believe these people are able to look in the mirror and convince themselves this makes them morally superior.
the funny (sad) part is, our clientele is strictly business owners -- and who would you guys say business owners vote for? Democrats or Republicans?
I'm the newest member of the team, and I'm shocked the irony is completely lost on them.
I have lost some friends, but my good friends, the friends I care about, haven't gone anywhere. In fact, my closest friends know that I follow Q and actually have legitimate discussions with me about it. Asking me questions and listening to what I have to say. I don't enjoy talking about it, and I'm not a talkative person. But these are guys I've known for 20+ years. Been in their weddings etc. Literally my best friends. So sometimes during these chats, I get real anxious and my voice gets shaky. Because there's so much I want to say, but it has to be worded correctly, otherwise I'm going to sound Alex Jones or some shit.
If there is a plan in action and there are massive booms soon, no doubt some of them will ask me what I think about it -- since they often have in the past during major world events (Beirut etc). I'm not looking to dish out any told ya sos or anything like that, but hopefully enough happens for people to be able to connect the dots.
At this point I am only friends with fellow Trump supporters or people who just don’t care for politics in general.
Same i live just north of Austin, which is now a blue cesspool. My office is 90% Trump bashing a holes who have no issue loudly yakking it up about their disdain for the other side. There are 3 of us that are conservative and we all just shut up and side eye eachother. Hostile work environment to say the least.
There are some pro-trump, and possible Q-followers as well that work in another department. I overhear them sometimes when passing by the break room. These people are routinely mocked and made fun of by my team during our meetings. We are not a young team either. ages 35-65. with high levels of management involved and participating.
Yep, mine is all ages too, mostly women, all have professional degrees. One other "secret nazi" and I share different sheep meme and emojis back and forth when they start going off. They've been insufferable since the election. Fully believe dementia Joe won. Disgusting
Yes, or at least well on our way. Evan Gagag singing Natl anthrm at the inauguration felt the new theme
record them and look into HR policies on harassment and unsafe/hostile workplace.
I've thought about it, but honestly I don't think it's worth my time or effort. It's easier to tune out since working remote. They're just programmed zombies, so I can't hold it against them. I'm good at what I do, make good money, and would rather just keep to myself. I laugh and joke along with them. Hiding in plain sight is what they like doing. I might as well too.
I have worked for 12 different corporations over 35 years. My advise stands. Believe me. Someday you might need the evidence.
I believe that I will start recording meetings. I don't want to ever need it, but you're right, I might.
This is just the beginning Keep a calendar of EVERY utterance, party, whatever they're doing. Better to keep an analogue copy not just digital. In fact the notebook, those small pocketbook is hard to disprove with handwriting, ink color changes and the likelihood of you loosing access to phone (or just losing it or it dying, or new phone whatever) online calendar is possible with situation.
You have no case if you can not bring evidence. Even if you are persecuted. This now is under tones of politics but it will turn to religious. That is how the cookie crumbles. You see the remarks as political, but I see them as veiled religious derogatory. Then it will change to religious animosity. You're not brown enough? You Jewish or Christian? You see the writing on the walls--Islam is being pushed very hard. Everything 'feels' like 1933 Germany if you read history.
Protect yourself and silently fuck them over if they go that step too far----with EVIDENCE. Shock and Awe.
Until they come after you and destroy your life. I can happen in a blink of an eye. Be prepared and document!
That’s why they go woke and go broke.
these people are stupid