I have seen many different classified phones before. The one in Trump's picture is a classified phone on the left. It has the box with extra encryption on the back. Notice how the other one is empty...That is an unclassified line. I am assuming it is for personal use.
Now to entertain the theory of this being a movie set:
Biden has 2 classified phones?? or did someone, not tech savy, not notice that they are for two separate functions. This is a big catch.
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Another thing to support your theory... the government standard for classified phones is to have a red banner across the top of the GUI. The photo appears to have a green banner across the top which is what they use for standard (FOUO) phone lines.
I have seen many different classified phones before. The one in Trump's picture is a classified phone on the left. It has the box with extra encryption on the back. Notice how the other one is empty...That is an unclassified line. I am assuming it is for personal use.
Now to entertain the theory of this being a movie set:
Biden has 2 classified phones?? or did someone, not tech savy, not notice that they are for two separate functions. This is a big catch.
Different Chair being used as well.
FLOOR. Look at the floor inlay.
The movie set goes White/Black/White/Black.
The WH goes White/Tan/Black/White/Tan/Black.
Can you explain please?
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What are we looking at?
Another thing to support your theory... the government standard for classified phones is to have a red banner across the top of the GUI. The photo appears to have a green banner across the top which is what they use for standard (FOUO) phone lines.
Biden is a known criminal so I suppose he needs his personal line secured as well, not that the no such agency can't crack that also.
Good eye.
Its the same floor, depending on where you are at in the curve of the oval, the lines will look different
No, look at the furniture legs. You will see the movie set has angled pieces and the WH has straight pieces.
Edit: Plus, the movie set goes white/black and the WH goes white tan black.
It looks as if there is a sheet of glass on the floor.
It's probably one of those glass floor pads so chairs roll more easily.
It’s a chair mat: https://i.postimg.cc/hv0FJmPh/79046-DDA-E5-E3-4628-AE1-B-F243521275-E1.jpg
That’s weird
Plexiglass for his chair?
yeah, looks like plexiglass for the chair
in case he pees himself
Probably one of those carpet protecting things for rolling chairs
I do not believe it is a recorder. It is a secure line that encrypts the voice.