Trump gave me some Jefferson vibes... as it stands I am angry with Trump for seemingly to go out without a fight. Yes I am aware this COULD al be a movie, but until facts surface we can only go based off of what we have seen so far.
I will gladly show up to the apology line should the veil become lifted. Until then, I'm trusting my plan.
And dropping out the unaccounted mystical parts doesn't mean he lacked faith or wanted to change anything. I mean even the way they account for the resurrection implies a ghost-like creature not a physical man.
Revelation 22:19- "And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and the holy city, which are described in this book.…"
Jefferson removed revelation from his own corrupt version of the bible. The scripture speaks for itself in regards to these sorts of people.
Is that a direct translation or interpreted? And if that does happen, well... That's God's decision to make in the end whether or not He chooses to follow through. If Jefferson's actions brought others who would otherwise not believe to even consider God, I'd call that a good thing.
Also consider the Jefferson bible didn't form into anything. So he was most likely wrong in that aspect as he was wrong on other things.
And dropping out the unaccounted mystical parts doesn't mean he lacked faith or wanted to change anything.
He took away the parts of the Bible that show Jesus' divinity. There are both Jewish and Christian and Pagan accounts for what Jesus did on Earth. How many thousands of years later did that Freemason Jefferson try to deny the divinity of Christ?
You go ahead and enjoy your Freemasonic USA and its Zionist hero Jefferson.
Trump gave me some Jefferson vibes... as it stands I am angry with Trump for seemingly to go out without a fight. Yes I am aware this COULD al be a movie, but until facts surface we can only go based off of what we have seen so far.
I will gladly show up to the apology line should the veil become lifted. Until then, I'm trusting my plan.
If you here a knock at you door in the middle of the night, you will know the movie is over.
My final scene will be a Michael Bay orgy.
I pray we never need to, pede.
Same. But I lived a free mam and one way or another I will die a free man.
Thomas Jefferson rewrote the Bible without Jesus' miracles and resurrection.
Trump would NEVER.
That we know of anyway.
And dropping out the unaccounted mystical parts doesn't mean he lacked faith or wanted to change anything. I mean even the way they account for the resurrection implies a ghost-like creature not a physical man.
Revelation 22:19- "And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and the holy city, which are described in this book.…"
Jefferson removed revelation from his own corrupt version of the bible. The scripture speaks for itself in regards to these sorts of people.
Is that a direct translation or interpreted? And if that does happen, well... That's God's decision to make in the end whether or not He chooses to follow through. If Jefferson's actions brought others who would otherwise not believe to even consider God, I'd call that a good thing.
Also consider the Jefferson bible didn't form into anything. So he was most likely wrong in that aspect as he was wrong on other things.
Right of course. My bad. Forgot ghost=satan
Did not Jesus get called a spirit, then sit and eat to prove otherwise?
He took away the parts of the Bible that show Jesus' divinity. There are both Jewish and Christian and Pagan accounts for what Jesus did on Earth. How many thousands of years later did that Freemason Jefferson try to deny the divinity of Christ?
You go ahead and enjoy your Freemasonic USA and its Zionist hero Jefferson.
Trump would NEVER remove parts of the Bible.
Curious as to where I could research Jefferson being a Zionist. (Real question, not trolling).
I think Andrew Jackson vibes would be applicable as well. Killing the banks. (hopefully)
Jefferson killed the first national bank