This may be a flimsy theory but I was just thinking, what if "standing" is just a red herring?
Is it possible that due to the influence of a foreign power in this case, the issue isn't that the plaintiffs in the case lack standing, but that the courts themselves lack jurisdiction?
Q always said the military was the only way--is it possible that military courts are the only way too when election fraud involves foreign actors?
Another scenario to consider. Texas, and many states who joined them, also challenged the legality of the election. If one of these states decides that they are not going to be involved with the illegal placement of a President, secession is a very real possibility.
I also believe if one state takes this course, there are going to be many more that follow suit very, very quickly. They are not going to stand for a Communist government destroying the US Constitution as the states are only in the union with the agreement the Constitution is followed.
If that happens, and once that ball starts rolling, it will be too late for the military then as the states that secede take their citizens (and military soldiers) with them. This possibility could happen much, much faster than the military is ready for as their already talks of many states talking about taking up a vote to secede.
I will also say this, when 100s of thousands of people start losing their jobs because of Biden's dictatorial orders, I believe the powder keg is going to ignite. After all the blatant trampling of our rights in 2020 and now massive election fraud, a lot of Americans are at the breaking point.
I guess what I am ultimately trying to say is, I don't think the military has the time they think they have unless, of course, they are on board with America's descent into communism.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I understand the need for the right timing to avoid a civil war, but unfortunately that theory runs in the face of the reality that civil war may happen if they wait too long. Clearly this is a delicate balance of timing. But yeah, if they start coming for our guns, what makes them think we're just handing them over? Americans are not the people of Cuba or Venezuela - we have a 2nd Amendment that we all know isn't negotiable, despite what the demoncraps think. I am seriously praying every day for our military for their wisdom and strength, that they get the timing of this correct without civil war, without secession and before our country is unfixable. I hope we're not there yet but I'm very concerned that we may be. Thank you for your response! :) Stay safe!