I will go farther than that. It is starting to look like a lot of the stuff on Telegram is fake, and they refuse to get rid of the fake accounts spreading the fake info - so they are complicit...
Don't you get it yet, foolish Round Eye? China your new master, just like our fat old African puppet say. Soon your organs will be for sale on Alibaba. Maybe you get job in China Army shining boots? //S//
I will go farther than that. It is starting to look like a lot of the stuff on Telegram is fake, and they refuse to get rid of the fake accounts spreading the fake info - so they are complicit...
It's true he believes it, not that he admitted it.
You're even faker and gayer than this post.
Get out of here with this mountain spring temperature IQ bullshit
Touched a nerve apparently.
If you spread fake news, you're part of the problem.
Now be less of a faggot and try to use that brain of yours to do more than spout angry bullshit.
Fake and gay. OP is a faggot.
I thought it was moar gay and fake...
Your mom says different.
This is fake news.
Try looking at my profile asshole .
Good hoax.
I hope the U.S. would consider relying on Pakistani military for our national defense instead of China. :>)
We may have already relied on Pakistani military to perform "IT services" for our DemoKKKrat congress critters.
In other words, spy on them.
Send information from their laptops to Pakistan...and where else? Iran?
Remember the Awan Brothers?
The former head of the DNC was having an aware with Imran Awan, I think.
Really? ??♂️
Original author deboonking it.
A little research will verify it is a fraud.
Bro delete this.
Has to be a joke, that's like asking that pedophile Hunter Biden to babysit your kids while you go on a vacation!
It may be fake but it could also be predictive programing.
No, No, No!
Is this a sick joke?
There is no way the military would allow this.... would they?
There is no link because it's a fake picture
this is their last stand.
Everything that they've worked decades, centuries, or longer to achieve either happens now, or the clock starts over for them.
When you realize the invisible enemy is on its last stand, we should rejoice that however this ends, it will end soon.
kinda want to laugh, but I'm going to settle for a swift face palm...
Don't you get it yet, foolish Round Eye? China your new master, just like our fat old African puppet say. Soon your organs will be for sale on Alibaba. Maybe you get job in China Army shining boots? //S//
Be nice Junior.