Anyone staying home tomorrow? Matthew 24:42. ?Aliens??♀️Simpsons last night showed a nuclear war and said we have five hours. But then there was an alien threat and we had to join together to fight them. The the Space Force guy said stay home tomorrow. On last week
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Damn it tomorrow is anal probe day already!!!
Bring your own lube.
This man knows the drill. I never leave home without it... Big Mike could be anywhere.
I’ve got work tomorrow. Can we hold off the aliens till after I get off work?
Keep a bug out kit in your car in case things go tits up while you're out.
I'll be in East Houston in the Latino community.
We're safe there. Nobody smart would mess around with those neighborhoods.
IIRC there's a Q related marker on 1/27 at I think 3:10 PM? One of the watch photos. Keep your eyes open I guess.
What makes you think it's pm? It was a photo of a 12 hour watch, right?
I just the last one was pm...
Just makes sense for things that we're supposed to look out for to happen during waking hours, but it could be either I guess. find out in about 2 hours for the first possibility.
Depends on what's happening too, i suppose. Well... If anything happened I haven't heard about it yet. Let's try pm!
3:06 on the 27th
i work from home so yea
what q drops relate to 1/27?
You must have listened to ground zero with clyde lewis last night. His show was on aliens and their probes to our earth . And how we will change from going to Mars to going onto an asteroid.
The Simpson's are revealing part of [their] "plan."
Supposedly, [their] plan for a [HRC] Presidency was to throw a war between us and China, a nuclear war, and then bring in [their] alien (demonic) overlords to "settle the peace" for humanity, and then hand over power to these alien (demonic) overlords to rule over us as cattle chattel for at least 1,000 yrs.
The nuke war was meant to depopulate us, "signal" the extra terrestrials to finally "get involved" in human affairs "for our own good," using the context that since we're so hell bent on nuke annihilation that [they]'ve come to "save humanity." And these overlords would then "teach" us the errors of our ways.
And with the Simpson's track record with "current events" in that show overlapping into reality, it's a fair bet that this "plan" of [their]s, th [HRC] MODEL, is very much back on the menu.
Something to be aware of, to watch, and make preparations for. The more time Harris/Biden have as the supposed POTUS, the closer we get to this scenario playing out.
Whatever link you're trying to share...? It's not working. Aliens? Will never convince me there's actually such a thing.
It’s more likely than Biden getting more votes than Trump.
Doomsday clock announcement at 10am 1/27
Since XIDEN is president, I am sure they will roll the clock back to 10pm
Seriously, have these people not Senn Independence Day?
Can you name a Kwanzaa song?