False flag set up with "official" memorandum. Be on the look out and keep you head on a swivel. Las Vegas was looking for those role play actors for this coming weekend there.
I heard them talking about this on the local radio station.
"Threats of terror, like what happened on Jan 6th"
These people have gone full retard. They must be fucking DESPERATE labeling anyone at the capitol "terrorists".
I wouldn't even label the Antifa types that were breaking windows the cops let in terrorists. Even all the BLAntifa types that burned cities down this past summer weren't terrorists, just stupid anarchist clueless assholes. A terrorist is some Islamic guy with rpgs and a suicide vest blowing people up. You don't have terrorism without deaths, the only people that died at the capitol were killed by the GOVERNMENT. Do people on the left see through this propaganda or are they going along with this nonsense?
We are not surprised are we ? Trump said it himself 4 years ago. We represent " an existential threat " to them.
They have been trying to brainwash the sheep into thinking we are the dangerous and selfish ones for knowing and refusing to relinquish our God given rights.
If they wanna offer themselves up in the name of virtue signalling that is fine. The problem is they want to put us first in line.
I didn't see MAGA either, read it twice, good luck classifying well over half the country as terrorists. How exactly would you deal with that? if you want to read between the lines, dont be selective about it, the actual FF insurrectionist at the capitol were not MAGA.
What ‘ideaology’ do you think they’re referring to when they say “
Information suggests that some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence.”
Please tell me...
I don't believe most of the world thinks Biden is president.
Most other countries have much more free information about what's happening here in America than we get from our local "information outlet"
They'd only do this if they were planning some major false flags
False flag set up with "official" memorandum. Be on the look out and keep you head on a swivel. Las Vegas was looking for those role play actors for this coming weekend there.
I heard them talking about this on the local radio station. "Threats of terror, like what happened on Jan 6th" These people have gone full retard. They must be fucking DESPERATE labeling anyone at the capitol "terrorists". I wouldn't even label the Antifa types that were breaking windows the cops let in terrorists. Even all the BLAntifa types that burned cities down this past summer weren't terrorists, just stupid anarchist clueless assholes. A terrorist is some Islamic guy with rpgs and a suicide vest blowing people up. You don't have terrorism without deaths, the only people that died at the capitol were killed by the GOVERNMENT. Do people on the left see through this propaganda or are they going along with this nonsense?
Why are the still attacking if they've already won?
They know the people are waking up to their lies and corruption. They are trying to shut everyone down so that people are scared to talk about it.
We are not surprised are we ? Trump said it himself 4 years ago. We represent " an existential threat " to them.
They have been trying to brainwash the sheep into thinking we are the dangerous and selfish ones for knowing and refusing to relinquish our God given rights.
If they wanna offer themselves up in the name of virtue signalling that is fine. The problem is they want to put us first in line.
FF incoming . . .
Remember all the nuclear talk right befiore the "inauguration?"
These people hate us and our country. Fuck them
Did they throw BLM under the bus with the rest of us?
DVEs motivated by a range of issues...., and police use of force have plotted and on occasion carried out attacks against government facilities."
Trying to keep the sleeping sheep snoozing...
Antifa ?
I didn't see MAGA either, read it twice, good luck classifying well over half the country as terrorists. How exactly would you deal with that? if you want to read between the lines, dont be selective about it, the actual FF insurrectionist at the capitol were not MAGA.
Fuck off
What ‘ideaology’ do you think they’re referring to when they say “ Information suggests that some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence.” Please tell me...
I don't believe most of the world thinks Biden is president. Most other countries have much more free information about what's happening here in America than we get from our local "information outlet"