Type 1 diabetics would literally die. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that doctors can’t even fully explain why someone develops it. So if you’re like me, you get it when you’re 13, get no explanation and get no cure other than using insulin which is price gouged and now you’re stuck paying copious amounts to the big pharma oligarchs for your life.
They want us dead. And people will die because of this. Insulin and epinephrine are two drugs where people will go downhill fast and will die fairly quickly if they don’t get the meds. A few years ago I had a pump malfunction and it landed me in the icu for five days. I switched back to pens after that.
Sorry to hear that.. my cousin has developed Type 1 when she was 17.. she takes the cure daily, just like you've just described.. I have asked about this, the maximum allowed price for the cure €47.39, as a registered patient you pay € 7.19, the rest is being reimbursed automatically by your health insurance..
Yep I agree, pot can help blood sugar, weirdly enough I end up going low every time I do it because the insulin I injected becomes too much. I’m not saying doctors are always right, and I do think their are not only medicines that could normalize blood sugars but complete cures, however in the current climate Type 1 diabetics are completely reliant on insulin to stay alive.
Ya you are dumb sorry. You are on great awakening and you think shit is not being hidden from you? The medical use of cbd was hidden from us for years and the health benefits it gives are insane.
I have found out that I have service related "presumed to have caused type 2 diabetes" from Agent Orange exposure in Jan 64 and after the pills didn't work out, I I was put on Levemir and my A1C went from over 8 to now 6.9.. the herbicides coming in the ventilation systems in the light cruiser that drew in prodigious amounts of Saigon air...
There is no cure. The closest thing to a cure is keto, which will make you asymptomatic and able to live normally, and in best cases may help your insulin resistance normalize again.
What you propose is actually dangerous.
Also, if you are a type 1, (really all, but type 1 in particular) you need to work with your doctor if you want to try keto, as it can also be dangerous for type 1s.
Stuff our foods with shit that gives us diabetes and then make billions off of price gouging the cure.
Don't do it, Heckles. Stay calm.
The cure is a multiple day fast. 7-10 days on electrolyte water. Refeed for a day. And do another couple days.
Type 1 diabetics would literally die. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that doctors can’t even fully explain why someone develops it. So if you’re like me, you get it when you’re 13, get no explanation and get no cure other than using insulin which is price gouged and now you’re stuck paying copious amounts to the big pharma oligarchs for your life.
They want us dead. And people will die because of this. Insulin and epinephrine are two drugs where people will go downhill fast and will die fairly quickly if they don’t get the meds. A few years ago I had a pump malfunction and it landed me in the icu for five days. I switched back to pens after that.
Yep we would be the first to go unfortunately.
Sorry to hear that.. my cousin has developed Type 1 when she was 17.. she takes the cure daily, just like you've just described.. I have asked about this, the maximum allowed price for the cure €47.39, as a registered patient you pay € 7.19, the rest is being reimbursed automatically by your health insurance..
Not in the US unfortunately. Now I will say, having insurance helps dramatically
Same here ~13.
Same goes for me my friend :( got type1 when I was 12
Yep I agree, pot can help blood sugar, weirdly enough I end up going low every time I do it because the insulin I injected becomes too much. I’m not saying doctors are always right, and I do think their are not only medicines that could normalize blood sugars but complete cures, however in the current climate Type 1 diabetics are completely reliant on insulin to stay alive.
as the parent of a type 1 kid, I am SO SICK of self-righteous people recommending alternative health cures. She needs insulin. period.
Ya you are dumb sorry. You are on great awakening and you think shit is not being hidden from you? The medical use of cbd was hidden from us for years and the health benefits it gives are insane.
I have found out that I have service related "presumed to have caused type 2 diabetes" from Agent Orange exposure in Jan 64 and after the pills didn't work out, I I was put on Levemir and my A1C went from over 8 to now 6.9.. the herbicides coming in the ventilation systems in the light cruiser that drew in prodigious amounts of Saigon air...
Agreed. Self righteous vegans are asshoe.
There is no cure. The closest thing to a cure is keto, which will make you asymptomatic and able to live normally, and in best cases may help your insulin resistance normalize again.
What you propose is actually dangerous.
Also, if you are a type 1, (really all, but type 1 in particular) you need to work with your doctor if you want to try keto, as it can also be dangerous for type 1s.
Folks, this advice did not come from a Q drop.